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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. I'd probably give the hosptials a call and inquire for yourself. I seem to remember that some hospitals charge a fee for getting everything wrapped up in one day. United Family, at the time, didn't.
  2. I think if you do it at the Guangzhou United Family Clinic they will bus you somewhere else for vaccinations, most likely the Health Care Center of Guangdong International Travel. But I'm not 100% sure on this? That was correct as of one year ago, however, the reason for that is United Family at the time of our interview wasn't certified to give vaccinations. I know they were in the process of getting that ironed out back when we were there. Yes, if they cannot give the shots, then they do provide a shuttle service (to/from the hospital) so applicants can get that taken care of. The reason why we went to United Family is because it was close to the Yangs and my wife was checking out their facilities b/c she thought I might want to go there for an unrelated issue.
  3. This is where we went (bottom of the post) http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?/topic/39544-off-to-see-the-wizard-of-guz/page__view__findpost__p__526766 My wife had everything processed on Monday. Her interview, I believe was on a Wednesday. I seem to recall that the medical exam was an all day affair for her but she returned to our hotel with medical documents in hand. I know Guz hospitals can get everything processed in one day (at least the one my wife went to did). If you get the vaccs done at a hospital on this list http://photos.state.gov/libraries/guangzhou/47024/IV/Medical%20instruction%20_GIV-8_%20-%20Dec_%2010.pdf you will be fine We paid cash for Jingjing's vaccinations.
  4. The white books aren't a standard fee. What they will cost in one area will likely differ in another part of the country. Follow the above link and do a specific baidu or google search for your city. My wife and I spent around 1500.00 (if not more) RMB getting all of the white books for the interview as well an extra marriage/birth cert to take with us to America. I seem to remember thinking "!@#$^%$^&%$" when Jingjing told me how much she had to spend.
  5. I agree with Dan. I seriously doubt that it will get seen at the time of her interview. There is a significant time constraint when completing interviews due to the large volume of applicants GUZ handles. This is another reason why GUZ doesn't interview couples together while other consulates, because of fewer applicants, do interview couples together. All that being said, it doesn't hurt to bring a data CD with you and hope for the best. We were able to sneak a few documents in at the last minute, but I'm uncertain as to how effective they were, meaning I'm not certain if the VO actually saw them or not.
  6. We were not elusive concerning our marriage. Yes, Beijing knew about it. If you can look at my timeline (w/ the black theme it isn't currently readable) you'll notice that I always returned to China, w/ Jingjing.
  7. If you have their tax returns, I'm not sure why you'd need them
  8. My wife received three B-2 visas, the first one being before we were married, and two visas after being married in China. It's all about proving your ties to China. Yes, it is possible for you to get a B-2 visa to the US after getting married. Having your assets frozen, a letter from your company stating that you will return to China, and perhaps a round trip ticket (at least for your husband - if not for both) would go a long way in proving your intentions to return to China.
  9. That's a funny story! Thanks for sharing
  10. my wife kept her name as is. heck, I'm lucky she lets me sleep with her j/k. She might consider taking my last name when she becomes a US citizen, but to be honest, at this point, I don't really care either way. I loved her in the beginning as Jingjing P. and that's not dependent on her surname. No, I'm not implying for anyone that it is. . .
  11. Provide plenty of evidence (including pictures w/ you and her/her family). Your evidence should not end with pictures though. Your multiple visits will go in your favor. Which visa is this for?
  12. Kyle

    Need proxy

    Witopia is awesome. Used it in China with great success. PersonalVPN is what you're after http://www.witopia.net/index.php/products/
  13. Absolutely! Happy Birthday Mick
  14. The three-self church is in place to monitor the Christian movement in China. It's not there to facilitate or encourage growth. Yes, the Chinese constitution states that there is freedom of religion, however, it is just an empty statement. "Yes, you can go to our State run church where we will teach you what we want you to know and nothing more." How is the freedom of religion an actual freedom if the means to learn about God/Christianity/Hinduism/etc (insert "your faith" here) are withheld from the masses?
  15. You know, I've never heard the "traditional Chinese woman" line before. Seriously. That's just selfish.
  16. Dan's correct. in fact, she can stay outside the US for 6 mo, without breaking continuous residency. My wife is about to go back to China for two months. She also has her 10 yr green card.
  17. If you have a two year green card, you'll need to remove conditions and get a 10 yr card. Your spouse can start the naturalization process around 3 years of continual residency in the US. I believe he/she can can start applying for naturalization 90 days prior to the 3 year mark
  18. Congrats, Nick and Chun Mei!
  19. Open up a bank account in China. That's where I got mine
  20. Time to close this topic - Getting too political. Let's face it, both the US and China aren't perfect and let's leave it at that. We have to be sensitive to our (many) members here who served in the US military, as well as our spouses who have Chinese citizenship.
  21. I'm sorry to hear this Tony - you and your family are in my prayers today
  22. Dan, uhh, brother, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but your wife kinda has a square head. EDIT: Wait a tick - Me thinks that's not your wife. However, because it's funny, and yes, I think it's funny so that's really the only thing that matters . . . . I'm leaving it.
  23. With that stamp she's good to go. You'll find though that folks, at times, inside the US, will have no clue how to use the I-551 stamp as a valid Id. This was particularly true when Jingjing received her learner's permit and opened up a bank account. Stoopid da people! You might have to just arm wrestle with folks till yer blue in the face. Back to your original question - travel - no problems
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