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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. I received my federal return 02/10/2011 B) B)
  2. That's awesome! ! ! ! I am ecstatic for you guys!
  3. Look at the title of the thread - CR-1
  4. Really, my first thought was similar to David's. Where's the husband?
  5. Tsap, I'm am completely dumbfounded by all of this. I have read your posts and I simply don't know why GUZ is putting you through the ringer for so long. I hate that for you guys. . .
  6. I asked the VO this. He said that time wouldn't permit this. Guangzhou has a ton of applicants to process.
  7. Haven't they since stopped Petitioner hour? Yeah, go for moral support, but without an avenue of discussion with the Consulate, I'm not sure if it would make or break a petition. There's no substitute for preparation (kitchen sink) as far as ensuring a positive outcome
  8. Dan, I did put China as my domicile. I thought the issue was proving that you've reestablished (or are working to) US domicile
  9. David, for DCF people it's often next to impossible to find employment (in the US) while living in China. The VO knows this. That's where your joint sponsor's I864 comes into play. I really do think you're good to go.
  10. Sure, but if you have a residence permit, your country of residence is China. Right?
  11. If you're teaching/studying in China (and you have a residence permit), your current country of domicile is "China" on question 15 on the I864. That's what we listed. Why would you list the United States if you're not currently living there? The whole paragraph states Your current domicile is China and you're going to need to prove that you are reestablishing domicile in the United States. That's the mountain DCF USC's need to climb
  12. ginseng is always a good gift idea http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11166&st=0 Google search is your friend http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fcandleforlove.com+gifts+inlaws&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq= when all else fails, ask your fiancée as she knows her family best. Perhaps do your part and have some ideas ready to suggest and see where she directs you from there. Might as well start now, because after you get married, that's just the way it is!
  13. You might want to take a look at VJ's site http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/filterlist.php?cfl=
  14. Yes - they'll return it to the passport holder if requested. They'll clip a corner off of the old passport and void it out
  15. What a great idea! Why don't we do that? Ima stoopid.
  16. Joint accounts - no, at least I've never heard of this in China. Joint credit cards through the Chinese bank - yes. Jingjing and I did that http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc193/kyleinwuhan/Screenshot.png FYI - These cards have long since been deactivated
  17. I have heard of people getting it. It's a hit or miss. The initial letter they send isn't through registered mail, which is where the problem lies. If you look at the time lines, you see several people who have received the letter in the mail http://candleforlove.com/FAQ/Timelines/New_Timeline/CFL_Timeline2.htm
  18. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/03/22/article-1368772-0B480CF700000578-240_634x403.jpg http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc193/kyleinwuhan/fatboy.png http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc193/kyleinwuhan/fatboy2.png http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc193/kyleinwuhan/fatboy3.png
  19. That is great news! Congratulations!!!
  20. It is a good great idea, but they'll never follow it through. They've tried this in the past. . . Oh well, here's to hoping it'll be different this time. Making regulations and enforcing them are two different issues
  21. She's supposed to sign in Russian (since this was already covered - I thought "what the heck")
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