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Everything posted by Highlander

  1. Congrats Louis and Yihan,,,,,,,,,Best of Luck.........
  2. Scott, I know what you mean 4 of them talking fast, and trying to keep up. I was real lucky that my Xixi's daughter spoke very good English. Here, You are missing out on alot of snow, 12 inchs, all over the east half of USA. Best of luck in GUZ....
  3. yeah, give Highlander 15 years starting now and he'll understand Chinese language just as poorly as you do It took my 15 years to learn average english to stop talking hillbilly.
  4. Congrates, My fiance and I have been going over all kinds all of questions, I sure hope the ccp things doesn't hold things up, but we areready for that to, she has a copy of the questions, her answers in english and in chinese and a nice letter, so wish us luck and say a paryer for us. What a beautiful month. Best of Luck Tom and Hongyan, I will light a candle for you guys...Bob...
  5. Congrats. I had an extra candle lit for you. Best of Luck.
  6. Reading many of the posts from people that went through the Interview, I see that many have a quick interview with very few questions ask. I would think that a well prepared Application from the start, front loaded, that the VO has their mind made up before the interview happens, in many cases.
  7. My neighbor's divorce here in Va. took over 3 years. My divorce took about 2 years. Maybe a notarized cover letter attached to your divorce documents highlighing your date of separation from your ex until the date you first met Hui, may help the Vo see very much time lapse.
  8. You speak Chinese? I can say hello and I love yo in chinese Rookies! Tell your SO a Chinese girl said this to you: Ni neng Shang Lian He Wo Yi Qi Chi Wan Fan Ma? Ask her how you should respond. I would love to know what that means Ask Na she will TRANSLATE it for yiou How much trouble are yo trying to get me into here About the same as steping in a bear trap, probably.
  9. Highlander


    I speak english, to them there is the problem in the way I chat with her, more in the way she speaks,, what are you do today,,, are you go see mama today,, terry love you more and more everyday, we are be together very soon, little sentences like this was our problem to the VO Thanks ,, Terry Speaking like this is no worse than talking with my relatives that use a lot of pronouns. I have as much difficulty talking with my relatives as talking with my SO, when it comes to proper pronunciations, and grammar. Can you imagine sending copies of text messages to a VO. A lot of people from this area, the hills, on dating sites do not write much better. I think you had the bad luck of getting a difficult VO. This is a good lesson on what chat sessions one sends with a application or interview. Anyway,,,Best of Luck..Bob
  10. Highlander


    Why were the chat logs asked for by the VO, or were they offered to the VO to look at? It would be best to see very, actual question and answer at the interview... can you provide that? often people give what they think the reasons were but more the Q&A has more hidden info than one thinks. Question asked where did we meet,, how long since we met,, how did you meet,, how many times did I go to China,, dates I visited her,,, how long did I stay,,, did I send her money,, looked at photos then looked at chat records, got up and went and talked with another man who works there,, came back and gave her blue,,, Blue is not the same as, "Denied, sent back to USCIS". Since she received Blue, what did they ask for? Blue is for more information, or more process.
  11. What kind of documentation would a person need to prove to the VO that you can speak Chinese?
  12. Have friends, Miss Wang and Richard, not on CFL, that go to Interview 29 December also. Good Luck to all December Group,,,,,,Bob
  13. Same with my So and I. We started in talking in april 08 with great difficulty, using books and yahoo translater. Now we use headsets ,,but still have to write much along with the headsets. My hearing problems does not help also. Just keep practice with the headsets, Good Luck. Bob
  14. Congrats, On the news they said there was and earthquake in Ga. ,,,now I know why,,,,,Good Luck. Bob
  15. Today received P4, Interview 29 December, now I will not be able to sleep. Good Luck everyone.
  16. At age 73 or any age, one is very lucky to find true love. good luck.
  17. What you need, is some of those Robert H pizza mushrooms. That way you can float like a butterfly, while bouncing off the walls...Hang in there.
  18. I guess I should have had my girlfriend try for a tourist visa before I applies for the K1. If she was lucky to get the visa, we would have a better idea if she would have liked it here.
  19. I guess I should have had my girlfriend try for a tourist visa before i applied for the K1
  20. Highlander, I'm in the same boat now. You say she "could not come to visit" you -- did you try that and fail, or were you just convinced she would not be able to? That's what I'm trying to figure out -- is there some way to get her here on a tourist visa, or should I give up on that and not put her through the process... She told me soon after we first started talking in May of 2008, that it was impossible for her to ge a tourist Visa. On my return trip from Chongqing in April 09, the plane was almost all Chinese, so I was thinking how did they get Visas.
  21. These responses seem just the opposite of what was posted here in August to this question. My point I was trying to make in August was, that a person here meets a person there online, like I did with my now Fiancee. She could not come to visit me , but I could go visit her easily. We talked on internet for 10 months before I went to Chongqing, and we were engaged there. After my return, I files for K1, and now waiting, and waiting.
  22. I was under the assumption from other prior posts, that a Tourist Visa was very difficult and often impossible to get. For a potential Fiancee to visit for even a short time, would eliminate a lot of problems in the future.
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