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Everything posted by NewDay2006

  1. I made the typical American breakfast. Her and her son ate it, no problem. Eggs,bacon and toast. She did request warm milk. Peipei perfers it cold. You want her to feel at home and she wants to fit in here in America. My wife loves Biscuits, Bacon(I make turkey bacon mostly), She likes when I make cheese grits and always notices if I don't put garlic in the grits. Pancakes go over good as well. btw, Welcome to America
  2. Xuemei had various sales jobs over the years. she worked in Shenzhen for 2 months making $1000rmb per month working 10-12 hour days last year before coming to the US. I asked her to go home and I would send her at least that amount to just talk to me on the phone....this is not an easy job. Now she works at Wal-mart... She has been there 3 months today and she doesn't particulary like it. But she likes having her own money and earning money towards her retirement. I tell her if she wants to get a better job, she will have to work hard to get certified in something,she's still young enough at 41. She did get her CPR certification back in May from the local college.
  3. Tasteless, not that MJ was in the same class with Teddy,he wasn't. I protested heavly when folks made fun of him when he died. Let the Mr Kennedy rest in peace, you too will go one day... would you want someone to say "Happy to see he aint getting a pay check anymore" when you go?? ? Doesn't matter if he was a Democrat or a member of the GOP, he was an American first. And he was loved by many, even across the aisle. The Kennedy's were great for this country. They were human and they cared about the common man, the people who couldn't stand up for themselves or defend themselves, maybe some didn't care for that fact, but they were good for this country. Teddy wasn't perfect neither were his brothers, but who is? But they were good for this country and the world for that matter. We might be an extension of Russia today if Jack didn't stand up to Kruschev in the 60's. It saddened my morning to hear Ted Kennedy had passed. He suffered this last year with cancer, he fought the brave fight. RIP Senator Kennedy. Rest in Peace.
  4. I have ItalkBB at home. My son and wife can call china anytime they want for $27 a month. When my wife was still in China I used http://www.ecallchina.com/ ... for less than 2 cents a minute we talked. I would usually pay $20 every 2 months and we could talk every morning on my ride to work for about 30 minutes. It has detailed records avaiable, speed dialing and an 800 number if needed.
  5. Good response. I was going to say this, but you beat me to it. I beleive he should be punished by the laws of man. We are not Jesus Christ. He is forgiven, still he should meet his maker.
  6. Not quite as bad as the prior post.. Still I'm not sre if I beleive this. China Claims Pepsi, Coke are China's worst polluters
  7. Charles, aside from my wife, I think there are many who aren't sure what they should do on the road. One day I was getting her to change lanes, but when she put on her turn signal, everyone speeded up and wouldn't let her get over, that wasn't nice, but I explained how she must put it on as she is changing lanes....it's the rule in Atl. It's funny, even when I drive and I don't drive particulary fast, folks will speed around you to get to the light 5 seconds faster. When it is your turn, patience is the key.
  8. my wife has been getting behind the wheel for months now and driving to the supermarket, but it wasn't until last month that I started to let her drive to work. She has about 20 or more missions under her belt. She is doing better and I'm getting more confidence in her. I don't keep my hand near the emergency brakes anymore( I still know where it is though). We will have to practice on things like parking and stuff more. She has driven in rain, and it was startling to her. She couldn't turn the wipers on high. Last night was her first time driving at night. mostly it went well, kinda. She has in her mind that she must stop for yellow lights even though I have told her millions of time, she doesn't have to stop it she is close to them, last night she slammed on the brakes when we were right on top of the intersection at a yellow light:huh: ... she inventually listened and went throught he light, other wise we would have been sitting at a yellow light. She doesn't tend to pay attention to where she has gone or been before. Anyway, we got to the street that leads to our home and she needed to make a left and she wouldn't turn. She was afraid and once she finally did turn, she was on the wrong side of the street... Very scary. I know where her weaknesses are, so we must work on them. She has told me that she is scared when she drives(me too), I try to relax her, but talking calm and telling her of turns ahead of time. I checked her pulse and it was going fast. I'm in no rush for her to get her liscense. Hopefully she can get it by next year when I'm ready to get her a car. She is doing good, but she does have set backs. Maybe she will be one of those people who will do better when I'm not in the car... I don't know, but I'm not ready to turn her loose yet.
  9. The other Plane may have had an important person on it maybe? Glad you made it ok... Lao Po makes it that much better.
  10. Yes, we sure did. We loaded up on groceries at the Dinho supermarket in chinatown and then ate lunch at the food court there. I believe it was the China Kitchen stall that we ordered our food from and we both liked it. We had a couple of bowls of noodle soup along with some spicey fish which was really good. Thanks for the suggestion! I must go to that food court one day when we are in that part of town. It did look like fun and reasonable prices also.
  11. I missed my opportunity to post on this subject in time... but it seems Chilton and Chef was on point.... my wife really likes the Hong Kong market... we don't go to Chinatown any more since she foung the HK market... WE also don't eat out Chinese much... she does it herself. We really don't go down to the HK market much because it is farther away as is Chinatown, but she insists sometimes. WE have a huge Korean population in north Atlanta area so we go to ASSI and Super H alot. TonyTiger,... I have to give a thumbs down to the Varsity... me and my 3 sons went to the one down town before a game back in May and I was very disappointed. I used to like it too!! ... just the same come on down to the ATL and visit once all is good. Anyway... Atlantic station is nice...it has nice resturants...hint hint.. the Cheesecake House(not the factory). Also it is a nice place to walk around and look around... it is off the I-85 exit 17.
  12. I must say I'm here right now. I beleive our first argument were because I lost patience and she cried. She said she didn't want me to teach her ever again... well ab out six months later. she does drive more, but she is very nervous. She is getting better. I'm usually very nervous also. I finally got her to drive to work on Sunday morning, really light traffic, about 18 miles away....she was 90% of the way, she pulled off and said I would drive the rest of the way because she was too nervous.... so was I but, she was doing fine... She got out of the car and came to my side of the car. I rolled up my window and locked my door. She sat down on the curb and said she wouldn't drive anymore. She wasn't upset or anything, I hadn't aid anything to prompt this, but I refused to let her give up 2 miles away. Finally after 2-3 minutes she got back in and drove the rest of the way. Yesterday she drove again in rush hour traffic, she did fine for the most part. I don't know if I will have the guts to go on the highway. If I had advice, have lots and lots of patience and understanding. IT will take time, hopefully my wife will be ready to take the test in a month or so. I plan to insist she drive more and more places.
  13. We dropped one-suite when I couldn't recharge it. Took their customer service 2 days to get back to us (turned out it was an extra digit on the zip code). In the meantime, Jiaying wanted to make her call, so we went with China CallBack at pc2asia.com 1.8¢ Good to know Randy, and thank you for the feedback. : ) I haven't looked into, but if MetroPCS is available in your area, and you have have at least a $45 service package, for $5 additional dollars, you get unlimited International calling. Additional lines are $20 per line.... but with extra cost. I currently have MetroPCS and it is great because all callls are free unlimited... the drawback, out of the metro area, no service. I haven't looked into if you can get phone call records
  14. I remember when he said this. She says she is the leader. My Granddaughter say I'm in charge unless my wife is there Mostly, she handles everything thing around the house, she tells me what to buy for the most part at the markets. We go to Kroger and the Asian markets every week. She saves me from double buying many times... sometimes I think she is wrong, and I get to hear it when she is always right I pay the bills, but we opened her an account which i'm joint on and she is joint on the main account. She has a bill to pay on her account and she got her 1st check last week from Wal-mart, so I explained to her where her money was going. She is saving her salary to buy her a car. I'm basically waiting for her to learn to drive and we will see how much money I'll have to add to buy her the car.
  15. ... in other words, you would need to provide the information they are requesting so you can get a positive response from them. Good Luck!!
  16. I'm glad you don't eat that anymore. I used to eat the boxed mac-n-chees when I was first starting out with a can of mushroom soup, can of green peas and tuna, it was preety good and cheap. I'm trying the low carbs myself. I lost 40 pounds 4 years ago, but ended up gaining it back. I'm hoping to lose 20-40 by the end of the year and more in the future. I gained 20 in the 7 months my wife was here. while I'm on the subject, I made some really slammin chili with some Black Soy beans last week... no one knew the difference except me, the beans were $2.19 a can... but it was good and very low carb. Here is a recipe, but I didn't use this recipe, just the beans in the recipe... I simply used 2 lbs ground chuck, 2 can crused tomatoes, cumin, chili sauce and onions and 2 cans of Black Soy beans, 1 can red beans. Low Carb Chili
  17. Now you're talking. The box stuff is for a quickie meal for kids. My wife loves (and everyone else) loves my Mac and Cheese.
  18. I don't know if it still exists, but a few years back, bikes weren't allowed in Beijing, casued too much traffic problems
  19. I guess ours went a lot smoother. I wasn't with my wife, but she was out in 1 hour. I figured for a long time for her so I delayed going to the airport about 45 minutes.. turns out she was coming off the escalator when I walked up.
  20. I'm not learning Chinese at all, haven't really tried. I'm busy trying to get both her and our son to get more acclimated with English. My wife's english is pretty good. My son's understanding is much better. He still doesn't talk much unless I engage him, but I know he understands. She now has a job where she must use her english much more. I do hope to learn Chinese one day, but it does hurt my head when I try and I never remember anything 1 hour later.
  21. Everyone still disputes whether size really matters, or if it's the motion of the ocean: http://i44.tinypic.com/1zodj14.jpg The motion is important, but size is awesome in most any setting. I remember a movie long time ago, and I don't remember anything about the movie except it involved the Chinese Army and they ruushed a hill with a HUGE mass of soldiers, you might get a lot of them, even with a "gatlin" ... but when they just keep coming...... Still, they arn't the Japanese, not meaning any disrespect to the Chinese or the latter, but in World War II we dropped the bomb because of the tenacity of the Japanese and they would have fought to the last man without giving up. Still, think of all the good if we could just stop spending so much darn money on weapons of distruction and sing cum ba ya together ... I know it would never happen, but I can dream, can't I ??
  22. I don't think anyone will forget. A Soldier's View
  23. Great post Joanne!! , I don't want to be a politician, but I'm glad to hear your perspective on the matter. I can no more judge China's leaders point of view than I can your view of the matter. I never had to live in that climate as you did. You were there and I respect your comments. i think standing back and observing from different angles is good advice. Personally I could compare some of what went on in China to the climate in this country over the past 200-300 years from my point of view of my 45 years or so, but that is not what this thread or forum is here for. Thanks for your point of view.
  24. Please do share the information you recieve Brother. I do have much curiosty about this. I must say at the time of the Tank Man, I didn't have much knowledge of what was going on. I did see him there , but I never searched for a reason. Even now, I have just in the last year searched to find maybe hundreds were killed. The Tank guy was a very brave young man who stood up for his commitment for his society. HE could have died on National TV.
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