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Everything posted by georgeandli

  1. Papa, will have to get you into nordic sking. No lift tickets. Only problem is you have to wear a backpack with supplies.
  2. That is the problem. No one will tell you what they want or what is acceptable. At this point you are at their mercy and they have none. You are a case number not a person. You have maybe 5 minutes to wow them at the interview. If not then overcome city.
  3. Nothing is wrong. GUZ never asks for all they want at one time. They want you to keep coming back again and again. Just play their game and keep bringing what they want.
  4. Do not despair, the main thing is do not let the packet get sent back to the States. Get your congressman or senator in the mix now! Best of luck. We are in the same boat and it is not pretty.
  5. What do you expect? Unless they are up for reelection and looking for votes, don't rely on them for much. Don't mean to sound cynical, but nobody rocks the vote I mean boat.
  6. Stats, I feel your pain[i really mean it]. When you get to talk to a live person and they agree that things are fouled up but they can't help?? Or like my case they lose a file for four months without an apology or excuse is not right. Be calm and blow your top when everything is over. George is going to his happy place now....Ommmmm
  7. I would like to add that a snipe is a real live bird. Snipe hunting is done mainly where they don't live for a joke. Not enough meat on their bones for hunting.
  8. My two yuan. Went once for a K1. After SO went back 3 times with overcome for different things case was kicked back stateside. Under review now. One of the reasons listed on denial from GUZ was lack of visting. When was that possible? I was here sending overcome to SO. When they lost the file between NVS and Lincoln for 4 months? I hope all goes smooth for you and yours. Don't give up
  9. Don't consider myself an egg. Just lucky to have found LiWen.
  10. Amen David. The thing that bothers me is inconsistency in the process. The lack of any direction or any firm what you need is xxxx . When you ask and you hear we can't tell you because then the scammers will know what to do is ludacris. What is a poor boy to do?
  11. I totally agree. The bad thing is the VO is at the bottom of the chain. They are the only face/person our SO deals with on a personal level. Stands to reason they get the barbs as well as the pats on the back. The system is wackey, but the only system to work in. Definatly not for the faint of heart or someone in a hurry.
  12. There must be some kind of filtering going on before the interview. No way the VO can digest the file as they ask questions and not deny all cases at least one time for overcome in a 5 minute interview. I'm not being callus because of my situation, and great news for those that do pass. Maybe the VO doesn't see the case before hand, but it seems that there are at least a few different piles in the back room. Looks OK, check this part out, and look at this with a microscope.
  13. I concur with the last post! I think the problem is with the VO assuming that DHS checks aren't good enough. If you cross the T and dot the I, then all should be good. The 2 agencies are looking at it from two different angles. Fraud versus terror.
  14. Dennis, Thanks for bringing me back to reality! I was in a bad place, feeling sorry for myself and situation. Stupid government etc. you know what I mean. Sometimes we forget that this is still the greatest country in the history of this world. Warts and all we seem to find a way to correct our mistakes and grow as a nation. It may take a generation or two, but we get there. The point men may die, but right does prevail!
  15. You are blessed. Don't worry, be happy! All will work out
  16. Whatever happens do not let GUZ kick it back stateside. Happened to me and they "lost the file" for 3 months. Still digging out of that hole. Stay strong and keep checking on them!
  17. Do not pay attention to anyones timeline but your own. It does no good to get mad. As GUZ says, each case is looked at on it's own merits Take a deep breath. When it happens it happens.
  18. I know I saw sample of a affidavit somewhere around here. Something about intent to marry once fiancee is here. Can anyone steer me in the right direction, as I am putting my rebut to the nasty NOID letter together
  19. This has nothing to do whith culture or asians or americans. This is about 2 people joining together. Give and take and hope for the best. We all have to make adjustments in a relationship. Crapshoot
  20. Condolences on your lose. Good luck on the interview. The great balancing goes on. Yin and Yang.
  21. seen photos and i was smiling so i guess i had a good time. i like many others hate to see china make the same mistakes we did in the states in the name of progress.
  22. I'ld feel better if GUZ didn't have a quota mindset
  23. Sorry, can't make a valid determination as I can't remember the 70s
  24. Not to insult anyone, but why do they tell you to email them and then refuse to answer specifics? All you get are stock replies that say nothing except wait untill we are ready to do something when we feel like it. I think it's all a game to make you think that you are doing something that matters. If I didn't have to work, I would go and be the biggest pest in GUZ at every citizen hour untill something happened.
  25. Another interview was all we asked for from the getgo. The process is come in and drop off overcome paperwork then come back and get the results two days later however. I would be glad to post the 5 pages in the letter I got, however I am not techie enough to know how to do it without typing it out. I am however able to fax.
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