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Bill & Li Hong

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Everything posted by Bill & Li Hong

  1. Looks like we are about one month apart. Maybe we'll meet in GUZ. Congratulations!
  2. One of my ways is that we talk twice everyday on Skype. In the morning for just a few minutes to she what she did and ate that afternoon, and for me to tell her good night, and for 30-60 minutes in the evening for me to tell her how my day went and for her to tell me what she has done and me good night. If we miss one of these it really messes up both our days. We also count down the days until I come back for another visit. Love, Love, Love
  3. Congratulations and tell her "Thanks" for the great write up! I will read it to Li Hong to help her understand the process. We all love to hear about PINK!
  4. Maybe things are looking up in the future. We got ours in 80 days. Put your info in our timeline. It's helps everyone to see movement. Congratulation!
  5. I noticed in a previous topic someone noted that since all the police in China are connected together that maybe only one police report was necessary. My SO always lived in China (Changchun and Beijing). If this is true it would save her from having to go back to Changchun to get police report.
  6. I notice in many of the time-lines the person notes "Touched", what does this mean and where do you see this. I submitted my I-129F in Dec. and of coarse haven't heard anything yet. When I check my status on line there had been nothing added about being "touch". Please let me know how I find out if my case has been touch as other note about their's.
  7. "i try to wash off the dirty cloth, but i can not make the washing machine start" Try easily pulling or pushing on the big knob or push and hold for a few seconds any small knob that springs back out when released.
  8. I see the pictures of the coffee shop and I almost get an anxiety attack like I am sitting there waiting myself. In my mind I have pictured what it would look like from all the accounts I have read on this board. Now I see the actual chairs and tables. WOW! I know that in the coming months it will be my turn to sit and drink over priced coffee, I can hardly wait. Every bit of information like this is just sucked up like a sponge. Congratulations and thanks again!
  9. Seems like things have shut down sense the new year started Jan 26. I wonder if everyone went on holiday for the month?
  10. Li Hong went to her home town and got her Birth Certificate and Divorce Papers. She paid extra to have them translated. They are both in the bond "White Book" form with translation included. The Chinese pages are stamped with a seal but the translated ones are not. Sense this are all bond together and translated by a government official, do we need addition translation and notary or certifying of them in any way?
  11. Happy New Year for Beijing! We have dumpings, peanuts, sunflour seeds and hard candy. We are set for the New Year. I'm learning a lot about good luck for the New Year. We all looking for a great and exciting New Year!!!
  12. Let face it, how many times can you really read someone's signature. I can barley read my own. I had Li Hong sign hers using Chinese symbols (her Chinese signature). She says she can tell the difference if someone else wrote them. Who am I to say????
  13. Congradulation! I'm glad to see even in the worst cases thing still get worked out.
  14. I took my petition to a immigration attorney to have them look it over before I sent it in. This was one of the few things they said about my petition. I had a one page description about how we met and our relationship. The attorney suggested that I save the relationship part for "proof of an ongoing relationship" and cut down how we met to a couple of sentences that would fit in the box on the form. So that is what I did.
  15. I have decided to keep the "Circumstance Under Which We Met" to a minimum and use my story and attachments for demonstrating an "Ongoing Relationship". I suspect that how we met might have to fit into a box "A" , "B" or "C". I don't want a lot of words getting in the way of which box I should be placed in. Thanks for everyones input.
  16. I finished my four page " Circumstances Under Which we Met" and sent it to my two girls to ask for their comments. They said it was a real tear jerker. My question is, should I have Li Hong write about our time together and her feelings for me to help prove our relationship?
  17. Even though Li Hong had been separated from her husband for three years since we met, she has just recently gotten her divorce papers. No easy task sense they both live in Beijing but had to go to Changchun where they were married. It has been a couple of months and I plan on submitting my I-129F in the next few weeks. Is there any reason for concern or delay my I-129F because of this timing?? Thanks!
  18. I went over this with her again last night. She got out her red divorce book, "blue book", and showed me she had also gotten two sealed and translated white book copies of it, one for me to submit with the I-129F and one for her to take to the interview. WOW! She's smart! Same for her Birth Papers.
  19. I'm here in Beijing for a few more days and am going over the things I came to get from Li Hong for submitting the I-129F when I return to the USA. On her Letter of Intent do I put her family name first (Chinese) or last as she refers to herself? Does the letter need a notary to be official?
  20. you just need her divorce papers translated and notarized. you can get these at the notary office. they come bound in a white book. your honey will know where to get this. later on in the process, she will need notarized and translated birth certificate, police report, and single certificate. good luck! I have now seen her devorce book and birth book, she also got a passport. She had them both translated when she got them. The translated copies are bond in the books. The Chinese copy has a stamp on them but the english copy dosen't. Is there something else I need on the English copy? A notary stamp? Thanks!
  21. you just need her divorce papers translated and notarized. you can get these at the notary office. they come bound in a white book. your honey will know where to get this. later on in the process, she will need notarized and translated birth certificate, police report, and single certificate. good luck! Thanks! She tells me when she got her devorce papers and birth certificate a few weeks ago they gave them to her in Chinese and English. I haven't gotten to see them yet, but if they are I assume this would be good enough w/o any other translating. This would explain why when I refer to them as papers, she refer to them as books.
  22. I am new to this list but have been reading it and other forums for the last few months preparing for my petition submittal when I return from Beijing in early Nov. I having had Li Hong filling out G-325a, Letter of Intent, getting her Blue Book, Birth Certificate and Pass Port ready. I will be bringing back original and copies of some of these as needed to submit with my petition as required. I noticed there is a lot of talk about notarizing papers. What things need to be notarized? Like the FC-029 form that states copies have not been altered or copy of devoice paper? Were do I get things notarized in Beijing
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