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Everything posted by rlheim

  1. ¡°As a fee-based agency, we must be able to recover the costs necessary to administer an efficient and secure immigration system that ultimately improves service delivery, prevents future backlogs, closes security gaps, and furthers our modernization efforts,¡± said USCIS Director Emilio Gonzalez. ¡°We¡¯re confident that this fee adjustment will enable the type of exceptional immigration service our nation expects and deserves.¡± Bologna The revenue from a new fee structure will, if implemented in full this summer, enable a 20 percent reduction in average application processing times by the end of fiscal year 2009, and it will cut processing times by the end of fiscal year 2008 for four key application types that represent a third of all applications filed. Bologna
  2. those of us in the immigration PROCESS line already, should not have to suffer the fee increases. I can't see any logical reason that this could not be put into effect 1) a lower fee rate increase.....2) when, and if passed, those *in* the pipeline are exempt from the increase, and those applying after the passing date, would pay the SMALLER fee rate. 3) Those in the damned amnisty program pay the higher upgraded fee right from the get go. No excuses. Oh Oh I said the bad word!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOGIC,,,,,,, Sorry guys! I fell off the sensible wagon again.
  3. WOW!!!!!!!!! May not seem like much to the average working Joe. But for those of us on the lower end of the scale, that is a BIG jump, and most likely a killer for some of us.
  4. Ha!!! Be afraid!! Be very afraid!!! Glad to here something is going right now Rick
  5. rlheim

    They need help

    If you currently live in the USA you get this payment scale. Not the foriegn pay. Do we have a possible trojan horse here?
  6. rlheim

    They need help

    NOTE:All applicants who are not the family members of United States Government employees assigned to China and under Chief of Mission Authority must be residing in country and have the required work and residency permits to be eligible for consideration The U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou is seeking an individual for the position of Visa Assistant in the Consular Section. You need to be residing in China and with residency permit already to be eligible for consideration. I saw this a while back and was tempted until I saw this requirement. Didn't know you had the other qualifications. You must be cold, calculating, uncareing, don't have anything else to do, and don't care about anyone, or anything else in this world, except your lunch break.
  7. rlheim

    They need help

    The real qualifications must given at the personal interview. You must be cold, calculating, uncareing, don't have anything else to do, and don't care about anyone, or anything else in this world, except your lunch break. Now to be fair to the people already working there. I guess it's better than going hungry.
  8. rlheim

    They need help

    The whole world knows they need decent help!!!
  9. rlheim

    They need help

    Anyone need a job? B) http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/va061120.html
  10. Toni I worked for the City here for years. The same applies to the Feds. If it were a privatly help company they would be bankrupt in less than a year. Also they would have the government all over them for violations right and left. But since they have an endless flow of money, they can operate like this. And,,,, well,,,,, they ARE the government so they don't worry about brakeing their own rules, and getting fined. And did I say they have all the money?
  11. That's funny ,Austin Texas is having some kind of air problem that has killed a lot of birds, made several people and police sick too.
  12. I hope you can fix this problem quickly, this sucks big time. Sorry I don't have any sage advice. Just want to say what a wonderful system! Good luck
  13. Well, as one that has received several blue slips, I can tell you. WAIT. Short of stalking the VO there is nothing you can do. Any other Government agency will bow to them. Everyone will tell you what you want to hear, but there is nothing anyone can do for you at this point. You can go to the Guz website and email using the form email. Ask them questions and get generic answers. Depending on what person looks at the email, you may or may not get a reasonable answer. Follow their directions, and wait. Sorry I can not give you better information but that is my experience. Don't expect it to be within 3 months either. mine took 9 months. And still on hold with the 3rd blue slip. Maybe someone else has had better experiences but that is mine. Good luck.
  14. Is you rejection paper blue? white? or green? If blue, does it have 221g, on it or 212? 221g is denial with over come available 212, denial with no over come. If it is white, it will go back to the usa.
  15. I have very much equity in my home. Way more than enough to sponsor 5 or 6 people. Other assets in personal property is more than enough to sponsor 3 people plus me alone. All of this which could be turned into liquid assets within one year as stated in the rules. So I am confused as to why this is happening. Very confused. Should say sick. Very tired. Ihave given my sister an option on the house a collateral if she cosponsors. She has not answered. My brain hurts now.
  16. I wish I could feel as optmistic as you about this. What few friends I do have, I know for a fact will not do this. My sister is the only one in the family that I can turn to since I only have one sister. She is the one saying drop her. Her son lost his job. Her daughter is being supported by her boyfriend. My dad is dead. My mom is on disability, and 78 years old, and says drop her. My son only makes 20k a year at best buy supporting his girlfriend. This one is going to be a very, very tough row to hoe.
  17. Damn if you aren't right!! But given the recent statements from my family and friends, DROP HER. I doubt anyone will sign the I-134 for us.
  18. Yea, I know Rob. Been on the site since it started. Pretty neat site. But much better concise info here. Duke, mine is permanent. I do access my money straight from the bank anyway. Direct deposit, Here, and I get it in China.
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