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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I read this in the Trib this morning. According to the article, you may not have a lot of luck selling them slot machines: "Most of them hunch around baccarat, roulette or dice tables. (Blackjack and poker aren't popular, and neither are slot machines.)"
  2. Holy crap! Should David add that to his kitchen sink list?
  3. I have thought a little about it. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...28669&st=75
  4. Yes, of course they know the difference. In K1 cases, they can and do ask to see the engagement and dinner photos at interview. Hmmmmmm... thery never asked to see ours ... just to see some pics of our travels ... and it's a good thing too. We don't have any engagment or dinner pics They didn't ask us either and we didn't have any. If you're concerned just have your fiancee reply to any request for pics at the interview with: "Yes, I have photos, including some from our engagement banquet."
  5. Sometimes the process does actually for in your favor. Hope your luck continues at the interview.
  6. Good news for all you guys who haven't bought your gal a diamond yet. Now maybe all you'll need is two or three weeks salary instead of two to three months. Great catch Randy. I didn't see this anywhere. I'm amazed that someone was finally able to hold DeBeers accountable financially for their decades of dishonesty. I love how they say in the article that "although we don't agree...it's in the companies best interest etc." If they really thought they had a defenseable case, and with all their money, they would have tied this up in court for years. They've been caught red-handed somewhere. I hope all the details come out.
  7. At least you live in Florida so snow-related flight delays shouldn't be an issue. B) Good luck.
  8. There are plenty of vets here Melanie. I'm surprised none of them have offered an informed answer yet,so I'll give an uninformed one. B) I would guess that military service would not count as having lived outside the US. I'm sure someone will be along shortly to confirm or correct me.
  9. I was shocked when I read this story. Not so much that she couldn't take the test without the hukou, but that someone could be in essentially human limbo. As Lee points out, you're basically a non-person without a hukou. The whole thing is just so sad.
  10. This is how important the hukou is. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-01...ent_6378583.htm Kinda puts things in perspective.
  11. Tony, you probably have one of the best perspectives on this of any of us. If this does start to spread faster than businesses want it to,do you see officials,either local or central gov't, protecting the employees or putting the reins on it to keep the businesses happy?
  12. Well Thomas, I choose to deal in facts and reality. Deal with it. When this country merits praise, I give it. When it earns criticism, I give that as well. I made a factual comment about the history of union busting in this country that was germane to the OP. I can't help it if you're so ashamed of some of the things that happen to be a part of this country's past that you don't want them mentioned in public. Go find a site where everyone's waving the flag and playing the national anthem while they post. As for the personal, foaming-at-the-mouth attacks in your post? I'm not going to stoop to your level. Trust me, they say a lot more about you than they do me. You'd be surprised what someone of my "stature" would be willing to say to you in person. And by the way, capitalizing certain words in your posts doesn't make you any more of a patriot than anyone else. It only proves that you know where the shift key is.
  13. Welcome to Candle. The best thing you can do while you're waiting is study the FAQs here and the guides and example forms here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?&CODE=00 Those will give you an idea of what to expect down the road. Best of luck.
  14. We met on an internet dating site, said so in our filing, and it was never an issue. I think they're mainly trying to weed out abusers etc.
  15. Back on topic. I'm just wondering, given the new labor laws that went into effect this year, whether the national leaders will make any attempt to contain this kind of abuse by the local officials/owners. Or are those new laws just window dressing?
  16. Illinois Dave you love to find fault and contempt in our Countrymen. What about Tinamen Square in 1989? The Cultural Revolution that destroyed millions of lives for Mao's political gain? I am sure you where very busy reading some little red book when these lessons where given in AMERICAN SCHOOLS or maybe you had a fascination with the SDS. Some people's penchant for divorcing themselves from reality knows no bounds.
  17. You mean organised labor ? No, I mean organized thuggery trying to prevent honest people from earning a decent, honest living.
  18. They've obviously learned a thing or two about union-busting from us. It'll be interesting to see if the Central Gov't nips this kind of stuff in the bud before it becomes an epidemic.
  19. Mike, we tried that and they told us she has to have the green card before they will issue a California I.D. My wife got her SS card right away, for all the good it does. It has a restriction on it. It must vary from state to state. Here in IL we just took her SS card and the I-797 with the new address on it to the DMV and got her ID, no problem. Glad to hear of your uneventful experience ILS. Best of luck with the wedding.
  20. More like an admission that some of us have short attention spans.
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