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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Welcome to CFL Jeff. As I'm sure you've figured out already, if Jie says she's got it worked out, she's got it worked out. Have a great trip!
  2. I see no reason to mention any other country besides China. You need to convince them that she has a pressing need to travel outside the US and return. I'm sure Wen Li has some property or elderly relatives that she MUST return to China to see to right? Once she has the document, it don't matter what country she actually visits. Edit: I'm pretty sure you won't be required to provide documentation of the elderly relative or property. We didn't.
  3. Hi Clayton. You should check (d) in part 2. Do not complete part 5. We just attached a separate, typewritten and signed letter explaining that she needs to return to China within the next few months to take care of some business related to property she owns. Needing to visit an elderly or sick family member is also a reason some have given. Either or both should be sufficient. Don't worry about the expiration date. When they update them, they'll put them on the website.
  4. Yeah, that's what I meant. The G-325A causing a second entry into the system for the same person.
  5. I wonder if these two things might be related? Could the second G-325A have screwed up the computers at USCIS? Just wondering out loud.
  6. As always, thanks so much David. This should definately be pinned.
  7. So if someone owned an apartment in say Shenzhen, would it be prudent to hang onto it for awhile or sell it now before prices fall even further?
  8. I'm wondering if the person at DOS knows for a fact that it's been physically sent back or is he/she making that assumption? Who would know where it physically is right now? Only GUZ? The note from the lawyer doesn't make reference to where exactly it is. The lawyer's letter also seems kind of resigned to not being able to keep it from going back. I would ask how much experience this lawyer actually has in these cases.
  9. Lee's right of course, some offices want the name to match the one in the system. Ours did. So we just applied for the first one in her unmarried name matching the passport. Then, after we got that card, we went to a different SSA office (may not be necessary to go to a different one, wife didn't like the karma in the first one) we applied in given name/family name/married name and got the new card with no problems. So you can do that or wait til after the green card. Depends on how soon you want one with her married name. Good luck.
  10. CONGRATULATIONS!! to all three of you! This is great news. Good job on the overcome evidence. You shouldn't have needed it in the first place but kudos for gettin your nose to the grindstone and daring them to find a reason not to give you pink.
  11. Hi All, I am back again at your request on updating my resolution. My fiancee did discuss the situation with your most recommended attorney in GZ. According to the attorney, one of the possible denial reason is our pictures taken together were insufficent - they want more photos of us taken in public areas like resorts and known landmarks. Seems that photos of us in a little village and houses did not cut it. There are doubts about me appearing much younger in the photos than my written age in the application statements. Strange but true. The attorney ask for non-refundable 4K RMB deposit to start the case (resolving K-1 denial), about 25K when it is resolved in about 1-3 months. That roughly will cut me around US$4K for attorney fees alone. Also mentioned that K-3 visa will be less expensive but takes longer time should I want to go that way, meaning cancelling my K1 application. Attorneys and lawyers will put more efforts to forward your case for success, while applying direct are bound to fail for the majority of us, the way I see it. US immigation/visa dept handles tons of various applications and short staffed, so any one us can be just sidelined or even ignored. Attorneys and any related busineses closely assocciated with the consulate have better chance of putting your foot in their acceptable zone. So is the truth we will understand. This are the latest info to date for me to share which I hope future visa applicants will take note, whichever way is helpful for CFL members. More will be posted later. Take care, plau. All you PP fans take a look at plau's post carefully. Does that sound like carefully considered legal advice? Does it even sound like the lawyer made an inquiry before questioning the photos? Does the fee structure sound reasonable? (This is GZ ... not NYC ... how many hours do you think might be involved?) Do people here feel a K3 switch is the right way to go at this time? I wonder where plau got the idea for his final thoughts in the above quote? I rest my case. I have to say I'm extremely concerned by Ken and Jim's concerns as well. Unless I'm just dense, the overriding issue is the fact that GUZ believes she applied for another visa in July. Assuming she's telling the truth (I assume she is) then that's the problem, not where the damn pictures were taken! I wouldn't give this lawyer a dime. I'd talk to one of the other ones, make sure they know exactly what reason for denial was, and make sure they get an answer for that. Either the other guy just scanned the case and gave some out-of-his-butt opinion, or he didn't look closely at it at all. IMHO valuable time has been wasted on this first lawyer. Hopefully another one can pick up the ball and get some answers.
  12. CONGRATULATIONS! And thanks for the detailed write-up. I"m sure that will be of use to someone else in the future. Glad it worked for you.
  13. Mark old buddy. It's her birthday right now. Call her. That should cheer both of you up. My feng took today (There anyway) off from work to enjoy the day. So if I know her she will still be........ I did send her this along with an electronic birthday card and some $$ to go shopping with!!! http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/9360/7655oe9.jpg Very nice. Ya can't go wrong with lilies and roses. B)
  14. Mark old buddy. It's her birthday right now. Call her. That should cheer both of you up. p.s. I sent flowers but you'd better hurry.
  15. Sometimes change comes slowly, sometimes it's forced to speed up a little. Let's hope the latter is the case here and that not too many people get their heads busted in the process.
  16. Best to always talk with your accountant on this, but I would say yes. That being said, a loss on the sale would not be taxed as there was no gain. Thanks Mike. Yes, I'm quite sure there will be a loss given the current situation in China. I'll be talking to my accountant very soon.
  17. Jim, What about the sale of property? If,for instance, my wife sold some property in China after she was already living here, would the proceeds of that sale be considered taxable income for us if we file jointly? Or would our gov't consider the taxes on that sale to have already been paid in China (no proof required)?
  18. Congrats! Your story should give hope to others who have CP issues.
  19. Sorry to hear about this. Along with the questions everyone else has asked, I have one. What town/province is she from? As Carl said, if they think she just filed with another petitioner, that's not good. If it's mistaken ID, then you'll need a lawyer to straighten it out. Good luck.
  20. I wouldn't think that LOL and would convey the right message. It's probably OK to allow a little emotion to creep in but it should basically be a factual account. Just my opinion. I agree with Jim. Just the facts ma'am. As Mike said, it may not hurt. But you never know what kind of VO you'll get and what kind of mood they'll be in. If they think someone's trying to be a little too cute? Ya never know. The less extra attention drawn, the better IMHO.
  21. Welcome bokiwen. I'll second what Jim said. If you've got plenty of supporting evidence (photos etc) of your relationship, then being there is less important. But if there's any way to make it, it's a good idea for all the reasons he mentioned. Good luck.
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