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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Or you could insert "person" without ANY religion. B) And of course I wasn't condemning ALL mechanics.
  2. Not necessarily, which is sorta my point. B)
  3. Christianity's track record as an ethical/moral guidepost is dubious at best. What it does have a good track record in is self-promotion and separating people from their money and senses. YMMV No religion has a good track record. Won't argue with that Mike. (for once ) But since Rog's post and link dealt with Chrisitianity, that's the one I mentioned.
  4. Christianity's track record as an ethical/moral guidepost is dubious at best. What it does have a good track record in is self-promotion and separating people from their money and senses. YMMV
  5. Too bad, I always liked White Rabbit So did I. We bought some in Shanghai on my first trip. It was about the only candy I found in China that I liked.
  6. Melamine found on US shelves. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/health/6034362.html
  7. In my view, this is one of the most important observations and statements in this entire thread. It should be. He thought about it for a month and a half. Lol, believe it or not I just got around to reading it today. I don't have a long enough memory span to think about something for a month and a half. Neither do I.
  8. In my view, this is one of the most important observations and statements in this entire thread. It should be. He thought about it for a month and a half.
  9. FWIW, Chnlove has a pretty decent reputation when it comes to accuracy in the ladies' profiles. I haven't heard any stories about people finding out the info in their bio was phony. They have been known to take liberties when it comes to the letters the ladies exchange with the guys. It's fairly common knowledge that the staff at CL will "help" the ladies write some of the letters, especially those who speak/write little or no English. This practice has been confirmed by my wife, whom I met through CL. (full disclosure here ) Some may consider this practice dishonest and be turned off by it. I see it more as a necessity for many of the ladies who don't have the necessary language skills to communicate on their own with Westerners. It can help facilitate a budding romance to the point where the she feels comfortable enough to communicate directly with the guy. It seems harmless enough to me as long as it's not mis-used to drag things along so the guy has to buy more credits than he otherwise needed to get her phone # or private email address. Caveat Emptor for all of these type of sites. But there are quite a few here who met their fiancees/wives through Chnlove so it's got that going for it. Good luck.
  10. You really need to click on Dougie's link and scroll down to get the payoff.
  11. Yeah, doesn't take himself too seriously.
  12. Welcome to CFL. Good luck. And no, I didn't marry my mother.
  13. Getting here should be a whole lot less hassle than getting that visa. Congrats and best of luck.
  14. Glad to hear it should be simple.
  15. It has happened that a parent was denied admission, and the kids were blue-slipped because the parents weren't there. The Chinese guards on the 4th floor don't always handle this correctly. That's a helluva Catch-22.
  16. It'd be interesting to hear the girl's account of the interview. Was there a language issue that led to massive mis-communication? What questions was she asked? How many? Is it common for the parent to be denied attendance at a minor's interview? This whole thing just doesn't smell right.
  17. And part 5. http://www.slate.com/id/2200544/entry/0/
  18. Do I have this straight? You're wife already has her visa and has been here for awhile? The denial is because YOU don't have a bona fide relationship with your STEP-DAUGHTER? B) That doesn't sound right. I've never heard a denial because of a lack of a relationship between the step-child and step-parent. Especially given the fact that the paperwork was in order. I'm certainly no authority on K-2 petitions. I'm sure someone who knows more about them will be along shortly. Sorry to hear about this. Good luck.
  19. You know me Rog. Always trying to inject positivity into things.
  20. Welcome to Candle. Department of State http://www.state.gov/ Visa division: http://www.state.gov/misc/59452.htm
  21. And part 4. Not for the faint of stomach. http://www.slate.com/id/2200544/entry/2200548/
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