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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. Love to exercise our brains? No relaxation here. Just conversions. My wife wants to ride that train before she comes here. I told her I wanna come too. She thinks I can't handle it.
  2. Take 2, 7.5 Hydrocordone (I can't spell) pills before bed, then 2 more before leaving for the dentist, if you need someone else to drive OK. You should be very friendly and talking to every patient, doctor, and nurse at the office by the time you arrive. Then they will use all the pain killer in the gums, of course. You might be able to tolerate the pain and get it done. I did this due to not being able to get through the first attempt. So I made sure. In the end I had to just tell the dentist to go for it no matter how much it hurt me, hang on and feel the pain.
  3. I am just waiting for the day. It looks like expensive, if nothing else than for the cleaning, braces - if she will have them, and whitening - if she will have it. She said she needs some work and has some pain. So that will for sure have to be done. Personally I don't care about the looks, but I think once she is here she will notice and be a little embaressed. I think it will mean a couple of years.
  4. Ever watch Paint Your Wagon when Clint Eastwood asked Lee Marvin the day after "How's married life" and never cracked a smile? Gee Dennis , but way to go. Hey Merc glad nothing is ill-boding now.
  5. Thanks. Caught most of the re-runlate last night. Yes I wanted to see how the McLarens would mix it up. If nothing else with the Renault. I loved the coverage. Finally SPEED had something on other than NASCAR guys sitting around talking. I did point out to my daughter, when the news came on, that the CART cars even sound ugly, never mind they all look, the same. What ever happened to American open wheel with all kinds of different engines and cars. I lost interest so bad, I guess when they split, that I am not sure if it is just spec racing now or not. Boring. F1 still has some good sounds and a dominate car to go after. Something for the engineers to do. Thanks skibum
  6. Burn ban is lifted. Our party is today, ah and I will miss the F1 race at Indy, oh well family first. Maybe I will buy some rockets for the actual 4th. I like the big stuff.
  7. I don't know if the following examples fit, but here goes. I had some seemingly serious situations come up that I did not like, when it came to my wife 1) sending her daughter to her sisters in another city, and 2) Her getting this MBA, which will delay her USA arrival past a visa - most likely. I expressed all my reasons and feelings, of course there were some pros to consider. I realized I did not have to go along with this at all. I didn't like it and was about to sit my foot down, to not do the MBA, when I had a change of heart. One thing about expressing my ideas about her always raising her own daughter is that it stirs up some inner feelings in my wife that it is the best way. She has broken ranks on many Chinese and family traditions in her life and my silence would tend to endorse her daughter being schooled at her sister's. So I spoke up. We did all things her way this time, but she is always looking for a way to do it diferent in the future, so we can both be comfortable. Notice I said we, because we did come to a conclusion together, and I support it regardless. However if I felt some really bad vibes, I would set my foot down.
  8. Yes. Gee thay can make everything good.
  9. http://www.asianwhite.org/afwm/banan.html The term can be derogatory. 227530[/snapback] Glad I'm not married to that.......... In fact I would have been turned off the minute something like that was mentioned. One of the reasons I went elsewhere. No sense of humor, haha, just like me sometimes, ha. But yeah, I suppose we have to be careful, once you know the person. Interesting web site, maybe. Will read more. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND: Kinda related I used to complement an Asian lady in the CA office when I would go out. She was extremly quiet, smart, kind, & good looking and I was single. She asked me to stop because it made her uncomfortable. SO I apologized and stopped. Seems she had been attacked, I found out later, and was pretty sensitive. She took karate and was almost a black belt herself as a result. Wound up living with the instructor. I truly felt bad. You never know.
  10. But now your labelling and now I must be labelled to label you and on and on. No end to labelling.
  11. Hey good for you MERC!!!!!!!!!! So 3 more days, WoW!!!!!!!! Well we would be right behind you, like you said, if it were not for this MBA thing. She has an interview in July, but looks like we will hold out for the CR-1 unless we get a wild hair and reschedule K-3 for August when she will be down that way for a class and she comes here for a 2-3 week visit, to return, finish school, then get a CR-1. Congrads, Conrads Conrads. Funny about that mattress. My mascott for all of this. Hey, my ex is giving back the house I got here before the divorce. a bit of a mess but never the less. Seems my wife is OK about it. It doesn't seem to bother her about furniture and stuff. If it does she probably dismisses it in her head rather than say anything. She looks at expenses too much. I agree with all of your cleaning out though. Man I have 13 cars I need to whittle down on, beside clean out the house again. Well now 2 houses. But I have som etime left. God Bless on the new life!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Oh gosh, don't get me started. Striking and I hope the lady at church likes my wife. She keeps looking at me and I get "uncomfortable", she's married and so am I. Whew, Hahahaha. Hope it is my American misunderstanding.
  13. Man I'm glad to hear someone other than me has made that mistake. Sorry, I didn't mean glad, oh hail you know what I meant... Yea I got blame also for not knowing how to do simple task of working the washing machine and dryier. They WERE beautiful red print sheets.... You notice I said WERE?.... Now they are the most beautiful "Hot Pink!!!! I told her I was sorry but, I really have a problem with "Hot Pink" It doesn't look so cool while im laying there alone at night. Even had some cute "Hot Pink" underwear. only God knows how they got this color. LOL I have to admit PINK is a nice color for some people. JUST NOT FOR ME later Bobby.... 227210[/snapback] I hand washed the sheet too long. Hey I broke the handle on the washing machine. After it gets turned off you must wait so many seconds to open the door. I got that look of foolishness the first time I tried to work with it. Then once explained sort of hastily like I was a bit dumb, and I was, I forgot and pulled the handle before it was released a few seconds later. SNAP. Fortunatly the cost of the part, plus labor of a home visit repair was 10 bucks.
  14. We have our family party on the 4th at my cousins house who has a pool. It is like a big reunion. Family from coast to coast show up. This time my daughter will be here from VA DC area. But it will be on Saturday the 2nd this time due to my cousin, the fireman, working on the 4th and it is his swim pool. We have a burn ban in the county West of Ft Worth, so no fireworks this year like last. I believe some of you remember the fires we had last year on the national news. Drove all the foxes, wolves, and cayoties into the city. Anyway the artilary will have to wait one more year, but we love our nation and its birthday and the freedoms and laws for such in the USA. Let me add that not only can we vote but any of us can run for office. Even this idot did and I can tell you that any idiot can do it. What you bring to the table is good enough. I encourage all of you to get involved in local govt and or school boards. You do not have to be rich or a lawyer and there is help to train you easily. It is appropriate to share an experience. We formed a new town here in TX to keep out of the growing city of Ft Worth. We all moved here to get out of it. 11 of us ran, including this idiot, for 6 positions. I was #6, but before the election I had a conference to attend in Colonial Williamburg, VA where people dress and act like the early days of our country. No 4th of July is better than watching the drum and fife core at Williamsburg especially if it is our US ARMY doing it. That will bring tears to your eyes. Anyway I went on over to Jamestown where it all started. This is where the first form of elected representative government took place. The first meeting was in a chapel or church that has been restored. As I stood there thinking about it all it came over me that I was standing on hallowed ground. I was awe struck and realized the implications of what we were doing here in Creson, TX. I came home to the meeting where all 11 of us were to speak. There was no debate and no one declared a party affiliation. We all wished the best for each other and simply told a little about ourselves. I related my experiences in Williamsburg and how special it is that we can form a new government and elect representatives, who will actually represent the people. The night of the swearing in we put on a cerimony and invited the 3 counties to attend. As the 6 of us were sworn into office it came over me that I WAS GOVERNMENT. I wanted to deny it but pondered and realized it is true. It is quit the feeling folks. It is a responsibility and I realized this is what it is all about. This is what people have died for. This is what others don't have in their country. I have to sometimes vote on things that I don't like but I know the community wants it that way. I encourage all of you to share in this experience. Get involved in any way you can. None of us are paid for what we do. We don't have time either, but we do it. So find yourself a water borad or school board or even the PTA or something. Or maybe teach a class like Dennis to folks naturalizing, but for sure learn and vote. You will be rewarded what ever you do, nothing like it.
  15. Hey welcome to CFL HOUSTON. I wondered the same thing about those knives. I know you need to get a big ugly meet clever looking knife with a good sharp blade and a way to keep it sharp, because we have no man on a stool outside on the corner to sharpen it here in the US. These gals seem to be able to whittle a carrot like a master chef. In fact she looked at me like I was retarded because I could not chop as skilfully as she does. Hey in the Woodlands she should like it just fine there I am sure. Nice area!!! I also wonder about this new towel thing. Boy my wife has some old stuff. She will wear out everything to nothing. Also they only had one towel for each person, no more. She gave me a hand towel to use. I went and bought myself one when there. 2nf trip she was using it and I took an old one.
  16. If you don't know where the problematic wording is, then it's all good. I applaud your innocence. 226938[/snapback] ha, my wife get son my case about my bad english, so probably more like stupidity.
  17. Holy crap! Mind if I have a little chat with her after she arrives in the U.S. of A.? 226939[/snapback] Huh? What about?
  18. Dennis I would not feel self-aggrandizement, as most of us would probably do the same it seems. I argued with her that she will miss China very much and will want to visit. She started off talking like she will not return for years. (Somehow the above did not post, or something like it) Anyway because of the pressure of not having a house paid for in the USA, and I almost did a few years ago, she feels she must have a career beside mine. She hopes to have a job with trips to China, or have to live there periodically. Instead I am making the moves I need to to get us in a better situation. Even my ex out of the blue wants to give me her house I bought for her just before the divorce. Go figure that one. So maybe I can relieve her mind about all of this. The bottom line is to make your wife comfortable. But, I tell you I have to play this both ways because I travel for a living, which is not always the best situation, and if she travels, well I may ask her to change jobs if it gets in the way of family things, especially her daughter. She just can't farm kids out in the USA like they do over there. Hopefully she will not feel she must work when she gets here. Then it is up to her when she visits, within reason and for good reasons. I just don't want to get stuck in a situation my wife's parents were in where they had to work in separate cities for years. Her brother and his wife do this now. She has her daughter at her sister’s house while she is doing the MBA thingy. I know this is a bit of a different subject but that is what applies to me and I have to step in and voice some objection in order to keep the family together on a regular basis. Her upbringing allowed for a lot of separation and I have expressed a desire to keep us together on a more regular basis. Even she expresses a desire to learn my ways in this respect. So we all have different situations to deal with, thus I respect some of what the self-labeled opposition has to say. Overall I am with you on what you just posted and hey my wife will probably not get a job that takes her to china a lot, if at all, and she will be here for years without a return visit, she has remarked. So if that is the reality I may have to kick her out of the house to go visit China. Of course I will want to go too, for part of the trip anyway.
  19. Don't forget the foreboding mattress. I have wondered this myself in respect to what I had in the previous marriage. I get the idea that as long as it is a benefit to us it is OK to keep it. But I guess with some ladies you must get a new mattress. I even wonder if she will be OK living in this house. But nothing has been said so far.
  20. Exactly, do they even have fitted sheets in China. We bought a new sheet when I was in China last time. We had it made from material for my son to sleep on. I was under orders to wash it so I did and a lot of the color came out. She got upset and blamed me for washing it too long or something. AHHHH. Well I found the same problme with socks in China. Yes the material was good quality but they fade way before they wear out. So now I am back to typical american socks with holes. I can't let customers see faded socks and I never take my shoes off when working. I would have flat sheets made for the mattress and a top sheet. I foind fitted sheets have a hard time staying on with me just like IZUS mentioned above. But I would try to find colors that don't fade or no prints.
  21. haha, if you mean the phone conversation, well ok then. B) Never entered my mind. If it is word choice about fighting well that is another issue. I just try to channel the energy toward making money and preparing for their arrival. Hey the vision and smell of the bathroom, though not always pleasent, is still tied to love, love of the chinese and the good business friends I made, as well as the strong love with my wife and all the things associated with her. China is like heaven to me, and when they got on the phone, 3-way , I was in heaven again for a moment. It is odd I could visualize as if I wear there and smell it for a moment. Sure felt warm and good to me. The smell was more of the food, or her kitchen. Odd that they are so clean and don't have a scent and yet the oders in China, huh?
  22. I don't have this problem yet, but I have a great concern. My wife more or less left her family behind with higher education and moving to Beijing so she did not have to join the party or bribe an employer for a job. Yet of course she dearly loves her family. I can say frankly that for the holidays she feels the pressure to attend her family reunions as much as the pleasure of it. Yet there are other pressures (namely parent support, when they don't need it) she wanted to dismiss and now has my ways as an excuse to do so. She now feels free to focus on building a family with me and not worrying about all her family and friends left behind. They are doing well enough she says. I see her not going back for years, depending on her job, if she gets one. I am the one who worried about her missing family, friends, country, food, & etc., too much at first but see it is not that important in her disciplined ways. My only concern will come if she has career oportunities that would require us living in different cities. Her parents did it. This is one of the areas of gentle persuasion and working hard now so she feels little need for her own career as a necesity. So I guess I see both sides of the discussion here and apreciate both sides.
  23. I like some of the comments here. I cannot relate much to this but realize I did have a few things similar. My wife had some things she kept so totaly secret, because they bothered her real bad. One was an investment with her ex that went down, there are some others. I was patient but persistent in finding out what these huge dark terrible things were, when the time was right and she knew me better. Once out, and it was dificult at first, she felt better she discovered. Now she tends to tell me things ahead of time that she thinks I may be uncomfortable with, or she is. She says she wants to be able to tell me anything. So OK. And now the investment is back and she got all her money back. At work there are people that don't even know she got a divorce years ago. No one at her job knows about me, but then she worked on military things and had a classification. She might lose her job if they knew about me. Around her office building is where she will not even walk by my side.
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