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BillV 8-16-2004

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Everything posted by BillV 8-16-2004

  1. Congradulations! I had the same response when I called, Good Luck to you both.
  2. Congratulations Carl after reading your post you inspired me to call DOS. The operator told me it was my lucky day. Were both lucky men, good luck to the both of you, the wait will soon be over for us.
  3. I recommend DHL they are more costly yes, but you can track on line and they call my SO to make delivery arrangements. If it is important information (documents) I feel they are far superior, my SO always tells me send DHL..
  4. It has finally happened my wife has been scheduled for her interview . I saw that Carl's wife's interview was scheduled "Congratulations Carl". Since I had called last Wednesday and there had been no change, I thought what the heck I call and get an update, when the operator answer she put me on hold and came back and said this must be your lucky day. My wife's P-4 was sent out November 2nd and her interview is for December 1st.
  5. I have always been under the impression that it is considered an insult and shows disrespect by leaving a tip, my wife never leaves a tip and I let her handled the money. I have heard this is changing in some of the larger cities, which are becoming Americanize. I have also been told not to give beggars any money and to ignore them. But I do give my little money to handicapped children and people though, which my wife has no problem with.
  6. I have assisted my wife financially on a few occasions, whenever I leave China I always make sure she is comfortable even though she has never asked for money. I will pay all expenses in China when I am there with her though that can be difficult at times. Whenever she calls I always tell her "I call you back" so that I will pay for the phone service and she doesn't have to use her phone card. She currently has quit her job in expectation of coming to America soon. And I have told her not to worry about asking me to help her financially, which is very seldom, but I what her to know that I will be there for her if need be. Most Chinese from my wife's area, I believe can live very comfortably on $100-$150 American dollars a month.
  7. I have been told you never want to copy your passport in color that black and white is sufficient, I was going to the San Francisco consulate and forgot my copy of my passport, a copier store wouldn't even copy it in color. Maybe someone else knows more about this?
  8. I contacted DOS they stated they received my electronic transfer of my CR-1, my second name check is complete which as David mentioned in one of my previous posts was triggered by my K-3/P-3 which I returned to the consulate. My visa will be a CR-1, which has replaced my K-3. I checked last Wednesday and they still couldn’t tell me my hard copy had arrived and entered into the computer even though I traced it to the DHL Warehouse facility then to the consulate.
  9. I filed a 130 on 9/13/04 approval notice 1/13/05. Sent from New hampshire 5/4/05 and entered into GUZ 7/8/05. I also had a lawyer file a 129 in early November but that seems to sort of disappeared. Should I have a GUZ number for that also? I guess I am just being impatient but it does get to you. 164043[/snapback] Here is my timeline for comparison, it does seem like a long time, but hopefully there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Have you inquired with DOS they seem to be a good resource, and have access to both your CR-1 & K-3 infomation. Good Luck
  10. I have used USPS Global Priority twice, my SO received one and the other never was delivered or lost, I have switched to DHL more costly but they call my SO to make delivery arrangements and you can track.
  11. Billy, where did that info come from to begin with? 161522[/snapback] I had called DOS yesterday the operator did not seem to speak english that well or with an accent, so I had even ask her to repeat, but that is what she told me.
  12. Please change my timeline, Thanks Bill. Disappointing news. I just had to verify the information I had received yesterday about my wife's package 4 being sent out and an interview being scheduled for November 9th. So I called DOS, today the operator told me our second name check has been completed October 15th, and that no package 4 was sent out and no interview had been schedule. I was all ready scrambling to get everything in order, it was hard to believe, so I am glad I called before making too many plans. I don’t know were the November9th date came from but she got me going, false alarm. The visa I was told will be a K-3turned CR-1, so I am still anxiously waiting.
  13. Disappointing news. I just had to verify the information I had received yesterday about my wife's package 4 being sent out and an interview being scheduled for November 9th. So I called DOS, today the operator told me our second name check has been completed October 15th, and that no package 4 was sent out and no interview had been schedule. I was all ready scrambling to get everything in order, it was hard to believe, so I am glad I called before making too many plans. I don’t know were the November9th date came from but she got me going, false alarm. The visa I was told will be a K-3 turned CR-1, so I am still anxiously waiting.
  14. I was going to fly to China to be with my wife for her upcoming interview November 9th, I thought about booking a flight here (one way), and afterwards book a flight from China for the both of us on our return trip home. Does anyone have experience with this? Is the cost compatible with our prices? Can you usally book a flight on short notice? Thanks for any advice.
  15. I called DOS and they informed me of the GUZ mailing the P-4 and my wife's interview date, but I have not received any notification as far as a email, is this normal or should I have heard from the GUZ. I had called the DOS today, I had inquired about my CR-1/I-130, they responded they still had not received the hard copy or entered it in the computer. She mentioned they had completed a second name check. I asked her to check my K-3/I-129 case, when she did she told me my package-4 was sent to my wife October 15th and her interview is November 9th. This is unbelievable I had been expecting a January/ February interview. But when I saw David’s post saying you should call DOS once a week I thought I would hopefully get some good news that the case was moving forward, I am shocked, is this normal to have an interview this quick after sending out the package 4? that is only 3 weeks away, should I email the GUZ? I hope this is for real.
  16. Congratulations! WOW! I just got off the phone with DOS, I had inquired about my CR-1/I-130, they responded they still had not received the hard copy or entered it in the computer. She mentioned they had completed a second name check. I asked her to check my K-3/I-129 case, when she did she told me my package-4 was sent to my wife October 15th and her interview is November 9th. This is unbelievable I had been expecting a January/ February interview. But when I saw David’s post saying you should call DOS once a week I thought I would hopefully get some good news that the case was moving forward, I am shocked, is this normal to have an interview this quick after sending out the package 4? I haven’t even had time to prepare for this, I still need to get my visa and airline tickets, I can’t wait to tell my wife this evening, and hopefully she has received the package. GOOD LUCK
  17. David, I just got off the phone with DOS, I had inquired about my CR-1/I-130, they responded they still had not received the hard copy or entered it in the computer. She mentioned they had completed a second name check. I asked her to check my K-3/I-129 case, when she did she told me my package-4 was sent to my wife October 15th and her interview is November 9th. This is unbelievable I had been expecting a January/ February interview. But when I saw your post saying you should call DOS once a week I thought I would hopefully get some good news that the case was moving forward, I am shocked, is this normal to have an interview this quick after sending out the P-4?
  18. Does anyone remember the numbers you need to punch in after you make a call to get a DOS operator to inquire about your case? It never fails but I always seem to spend too much time listening to there options. DOS Inquiry (202) 663-1225 /1/0 By pass the recording by pressing one, then 0, it will put you in the waiting queue. I found on a previous post
  19. Hi Todd, I found the YiShen 888 also for $329 with the Franklin B-1100 Chinese-English Dictionary/Translator for an additional $70 for a total of $399 thru Aim High, Inc. Seems like a great price when I did some comparison shopping. I think I will also give it a try. Good Luck Bill
  20. Hi Randy, I have been researching Chinese/English translators; I've located the YiShen 888 but haven't been successful with the Langwen 8388. Could you please verify this is the correct spelling? Thanks!!! Bill 159751[/snapback] You found it - it's the Yishen 888 as sold in China. We bought it in a Beijing department store for $100 less than the Yishen 888 is sold for here in the US. She has it, so I can't verify the model number, but I'm pretty sure that's correct. The BIG advantage the both have over other translators is that you enter a whole sentence at once - English, Chinese characters, or pinyin. Well worth the money. 159753[/snapback] Hi Randy, I think I am sold on the YiShen 888, I found a web site that offers the YiShen_888 Chinese-English Electronic Translator and the Franklin B-1100 Chinese-English Dictionary/Translator both for $399.00. You have used this particular translator and it works very well for both you and your SO? Does this sound like a reasonable price?
  21. Hi Randy, I have been researching Chinese/English translators; I've located the YiShen 888 but haven't been successful with the Langwen 8388. Could you please verify this is the correct spelling? Thanks!!! Bill
  22. A comment in regards to divorce papers, I sent just the copy showing that the divorce was final, they actually needed the part showing the judge's signature granting the divorce. I sent them my whole package, which consisted of around 30 pages just to make sure they had everything. That was all they needed, a slight delay in my timeframe.
  23. David, I contacted the DOS Visa Information Section and talked with a wonderful lady who was very helpful and informative in regards to my case's I-129/I-130. She did mention that the second name check was started off the I-129/K-3 but basically it will be discarded and the visa will be based on the I-130/CR-1. The electronic transfer has been sent and received the hard copy of the CR-1 still has not arrived or has not been entered into the computer. As far as she could tell my case is moving right on scheduled and when I mention a possible interview for January/February, she said that would be reasonable if everything goes well. I am very impressed with the quality of service from the DOS which I had learned about through a prior post.
  24. Gene, OK I got it this time, very good information, took me awhile to understand, yes I plan to be there to support her, wish it was soon. thanks!!! Bill
  25. I wish it was that easy I live in the US and it is not just around the corner for my wife to run by and pick-up. I believe the best way from the posts I have read is just ask thru an email for them to call your SO, that is what finally worked for me, hope I understood your post? Bill
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