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Posts posted by hunter

  1. Of course i'll come back. There are some interesting personalities on here. You know, before I married my wife, I was addicted to a game called Everquest. I played everyday after work, all the way up to bed, and burn the weekends with all day and all nite experience grinds. I am used to on line communities. I know I wont be wanting to play that game much when my wife is with me, so I am weaning myself off it, and catching up with you guys in your progress gives me things I can do when I'm not playing EQ. Don, I have been dealing with my stress playing a game called Call of Duty, on my PC. I have been killing germans in new and creative ways and just enjoying the blood lust and battle victory yells and shouts. =) Takes my mind off stuff. Plus when I'm pissed off cause I just got killed for the 5th time in a row straight, i'm not thinking about my loss.

  2. You know. I miss my wife so much. And the only thing that sometimes really helps me, is your all suffering with me. I am not alone. Whats really neat, is to see someone overcome an obsticle, or pass an interview. Its great to see folks who have their SO in the US and still posting. It makes me look forward to getting to where you are at. A finalizing of the process. Although, my wife calls me smart and wise, I know there will be many hurdles in life. It is a good thing, to see folks make progess as it gives hope that I will eventually move along on this slow process. When I get to milestones, I am very happy, yet tempered by knowing there will be another step. Thanks for silently being there everybody. I know you are all here because you have a heart, and you smile, and you sometimes cry too. I know, and I think you all do too.


  3. On my wife's DS-156, I had her write as I will pay for her plane ticket.


    You know, my first trip to china, I paid for it, 1,200 dollars. I was saving for my last trip, in Feb 06, when a deal came at me, and I was short. My wife western union'd me 800 bucks and I got a ticket for 798.00 round trip to beijing and back. If the VO cares enough to ask do you all think thats a good enough reason?

  4. Ok, assuming my SO gets her visa, and then has to wait 2 days to buy a ticket to the good ol USA. It seemed to me that only 1 plane per day left for the USA in Beijing, I know when I was in Chicago and missed my plane to china, due to lightning storms preventing me from leaving Louisville for 2 hours, That was it, the only plane to China for a 24 hour period. Is it easy to get a ticket? Or does it take a few days/weeks?


    Thanks guys. Just getting some good Intell so when she is able she will be able to fly out of china on the first slow boat.

  5. From an old post of mine:


    Sent email to GUZ before my wife's interview in June. As I filed with 2001 to 2003 taxes at NVC I questioned this. The "Chinglish" answer was to provide 2004 taxes (This includes W-2'S).


    As a CYA step I still got a new I-864 notarized by the US Consul @ Shanghai. They did NOT want the new I-864 at interview but the VO DID take the 2004 tax return and W-2's.


    The professionally bound Tax info from 04 and 05 I gave my wife has copies of the W-2's attached as well as the prepared taxes.

  6. This is all good information.?I need to know a list of items I should bring with me when I'm faced with the situation.?Is there a link to a complete list?


    The Kitchen Sink List


    When I visited my wife last week, in preperation for our interview, I gave her 04 and 05 taxes , which were professionally binded by my tax guy. I gave her about 30 payroll stubs, the letter from my work showing how long I worked there, how much I earn. Plus I gave her a printout from my bank account from 4 years ago to now, with last years deposits added up and totalled. Plus my printout from my 401K investment porfolio showing how much I have saved in the accounts. I hope they wont piddle about not having 03 taxes.

  7. We've been fortunate to have webcam access from very early in the relationship but she was able to arrange a computer of her own.  I know Ivy has a much tougher work schedule than my wife, so even with a webcam, you'd probably be limited to your very early mornings and her late night for using one.  Sherry takes a long lunch and we can talk from 8 - 10 in the West Coast evening.


    Our goodbyes are kind of long too.  I'm almost always the one to reach up and disconnect the voice and close my cam but she's the one who really needs to leave the computer.


    In a way, you too have the advantage of being forced to learn verbal communication methods that will be an asset in the long term.  I'm betting there's a computer purchase on the agenda for your next visit.  :)



    I took a laptop computer with me for my first meeting with Manyun. She bought a camera, and we do the Yahoo Messenger/Babelfish/webcam thing every night for at least 2 to 3 hours. Until Daylight Savings Time kicks in, she is 13 hours ahead, so I am on with her from about 8:30 until past 11:00 p.m. my time. She is still too embarrassed of her English skills to allow me to talk to her. But, as I will be returning to Nanning for my second visit in just under 3 weeks, she won't have any choice after that. :lol:


    But you are right, no matter what the mode of communication, it is tough to break the "spell", as if she were right there in front of you for just a little while. Manyun takes English classes every day, and I can hardly wait to help her with the part that she considers most difficult, the "intonation" as she calls it.




    Hey Mich, my wife and I have had fun working on phonetics. She really gets a kick out of Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore, and try to sing the alphabet song with her as much as you can. Tounge twisters are really good, peter pieper picked a peck of pickeled peppers, etc etc. Oh, she really has fun with how much wood can a wood chuck chuck.... try that one. lol

  8. I talk to my SO every night on the phone.  I am so proud of her.  She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great!  I miss her so much.  It is hard to hang up the phone.  It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must.  As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it."  I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize.  You are all a great support group.  Every time I can support someone, I will do it. Ron


    RLS , the only thing i can think of is, if it was so easy, do you think you would truily be in love with your lady? When my wife and I hang up on the phone, she tells me i'm first, and I say, no you first. and on and on and on. LOL. one or the other of us will eventually hang up. We know we will be with each other soon, and we are both very secure with each other. I think perhaps that is the key, to be secure inside your own heart. Good luck with everything.

  9. If i send my wife 500 or so bucks western union, even if she doesnt need it, will the VO will think it will prove a solid marriage. Is this true and will it increase the odds of a good interview if i do so? I am not trying to scam anything here, but if it looks good, I just may, I mean if anything it would help with the ticket to good ol usa, thanks guys.


    :P Yes supporting your sweetie counts, however Western Union is expensive. show Her and the VO you really trust her and send her a debit card then she can with draw the cash from the bank when se needs it and its cheap about 1.00$ per transaction. Then she can save the recieptsfor her interview


    I am not quite sure how you came up with $1 per transaction? That is really cheap! Where do you bank?


    I got charged $3.00 per transaction from using Washington Mutual and Bank of America through an international ATM where $3000RMB was the max I can draw at any given time. So overall, it'll end up costing about the same as Western Union at that rate.


    Western Union is still cheaper than wire transfers for amounts less than 2,000 USD. If I remember correctly, the fee to send $2000 USD is $17USD. Not too bad, and the conversion to RMB is maximized.


    I have heard from others to not mention anything regarding money if not asked. But I really, do not know what is wrong with helping your girl out if she can not fully support herself just yet.


    My girl started her own nail care and makeup business with another girl, and it really breaks my heart to see how hard she works, and for so little pay from my point of view. Any help I can give her is better than doing nothing.


    The way, I see it, it would be more costly to pay for medical expenses if she burns out and gets sick after working so hard everyday, than for me to just support her until she can do so herself one day. At least with the free time, she can do some advance preparation such as learning English before she gets here. I told my girl that she should use her time to learn some useful skill, so that she can always get employment in the US. This would be way more useful than working 7 days a week, 10 hours a day for $3000 to $4000 RMB a month in China at the moment. You can make that same amount within 1 week in the US with minimum wage + tips. So the time exchange does not add up. I figure, she has time now, and she has time later. If she had to exchange her time for money, it better not be done in China. It is just not worth it in my opinion. Instead, it would be more useful to brush up on your skills during that time instead.


    Some people mentioned that sending money is seen as "negative", because the VO will suspect the girl is using you for money even when she is clearly not. In my opinion, eventhough if you know that neither of you have anything to hide, I'd play the safe route, and not mention the money part. Why make it more difficult for yourself when you don't have to?


    But if you are already married to the girl, then showing a merged bank account may be useful evidence. Since during marriage, bank accounts do tend to mingle during your daily life together.


    Hey TheDon, I like what you said, and though I have confidence she will have no problem, it is good to hear the "wise Don" suggest it also. =)

  10. I think that supporting your WIFE looks good, while sending money to or from a FIANCE may not. It may open a door for the VO that you don't want open, especially if you are stretching your finances to be making the trips.


    Western Union is only $14 per transfer at an agent location, if your wife/fiance doesn't have access to a compatible ATM.


    I am indeed very fortunate that my wife is very sucessful in China. She is a top accountant for a large real estate development company. She said someone from 001.com.cn suggested that I should send her some money. Really, she doesnt need it, I told my wife, that unless she absolutly needs me too send her something, I will but really, she doesnt need my help. I really need to save up my money sinse I will truily be supporting her when / if she is approved for her visa. She will need to certify as a CPA here in town so she can work. Thanks again folks.

  11. If i send my wife 500 or so bucks western union, even if she doesnt need it, will the VO will think it will prove a solid marriage. Is this true and will it increase the odds of a good interview if i do so? I am not trying to scam anything here, but if it looks good, I just may, I mean if anything it would help with the ticket to good ol usa, thanks guys.


    :) Yes supporting your sweetie counts, however Western Union is expensive. show Her and the VO you really trust her and send her a debit card then she can with draw the cash from the bank when se needs it and its cheap about 1.00$ per transaction. Then she can save the recieptsfor her interview


    you are correct


    I really appreciate the feedback to my question.

  12. If i send my wife 500 or so bucks western union, even if she doesnt need it, will the VO will think it will prove a solid marriage. Is this true and will it increase the odds of a good interview if i do so? I am not trying to scam anything here, but if it looks good, I just may, I mean if anything it would help with the ticket to good ol usa, thanks guys.

  13. I have found the girl with my rib. We have corresponded for 1.5 years. I am going to China for 3rd time. We talk,chat,email,webcam,mail eachother everyday. She has almost completed all paperwork for visa. However, it has old boyfriends name on it, (american who infected her) they wont switch names. I will marry today, if had the opportunity, dont no what to do. Have K1 and fiance visa....dont no where to start. I reside in Pa. She is healthy, dont care about hiv, I have brother whao has been living with for 23 years and is healthy. Praise God. How to I get her here...please help. If I have to give all up to move to China, I will. I Lovemy Country though. Thank You.


    Mr. foundmyrib, here is the thing, i was looking under USCIS inadmisability factors, and i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance, which shall include infection with the etiologic agent for acquired immune deficiency syndrome,

    You will need to move to China, now thats not too bad really. Having been there, its quite nice. You should consider if you ever contract HIV from your SO, you will probably not be allowed to reenter. Perhaps you should really think about it eh? ok good luck.

  14. Damn guys, I flew from Lou, Ky to Beijing for 798.00. Economy plus, it wasnt the most comfortable but it was do able. I flew United, business was 6k, and 1st class was 12k ish. 1,700 is way too high. Keep looking.

    Dude, you cant go into love with fear or worry about the past repeating itself, you'll never be clear enough in your head about making the right decision. Perhaps you need to spend some time being single and try to get right in your heart. Good luck, and best wishes.


    If you wish, perhaps if you wanted, I could give you the number to the travel agent I used. I paid by phone and everything was confirmed via Email.

  15. I will try CutePDF more soon.  BUT you can get a complete legal copy of Acrobat 7 at http://www.academicsuperstore.com IF you know somebody with a student photo ID.


    I also just tried a new PDF filler from:




    and it successfully saved the 'name' fields to a filled in PDF with all four pages filled it.  It does cost $20 since it watermarks the free saves and I am sure that USCIS will not accept that.


    I filled the downloadable G-325A from Visapro since the USCIS version is not fillable.


    This program also claims to be able to fill PDFS that are NOT fillable.  I have not tested that feature.  If you do please let me know!




    Ok, I know this is going to sound flip, but in the time you posted this and waited around for answers you could have just manually filled in the other 3, what are you waiting for, get it done and mailed out, every day you delay is another day you dont have with your honey =)

  16. We are back!!


    Since Feb 13 we have not been online. We have been apart from each other a very long time, and since Feb 13, we start our new life and really enjoy the time so much! Ken suggest I should write something to everybody and this is some information I feel and see from interview. I donot write too much, because a lot of information and detail you can get from this website, and it really gave us a lot of help. We did much to prepare for the interview.


    Feb 6 night 7 clock we arrive Mr Xie’s family hotel that was recommended by CFL. He is a very good man. The first night, Mr Xie talk to us about some interview things. He had much experience to talk to many people about many interview, and he can help you too if you need it.


    We did not sleep well that night! We were both too tall for the bed, and nervous for interview!  Guangzhou is very noisy at night. (Every night you can hear the police sirens)! 6:15 AM we get up! What I wear are comfortable but nice clothes…Kenny calls it business casual. I wear a white blouse, with black skirt. We go to have some breakfast….Guangzhou have 7-11. When we come to the embassy, it is 7AM, and many person already wait there, maybe over 150.  Kenny said I did not look nervous, and I think I am not too nervous either! We almost 30 minutes waiting, then they let us in to the embassy. Kenny canot come with me together, so I just donot worry about anything, just only think about everything I learn from CFL. I almost close my eyes and know how to do everything! When I come to the first floor. Kenny suddenly call me. I saw he come up the stairs, and he was go to the cafe in the 4 floor wait me. When I come to the interview place, it is like everybody said…it is like a bank. I find a seat to sit. Than every body is waiting. waiting. waiting. It is make me very nervous. I donot know what I should do. If I am not remember wrong, the windows total is #16 to #31. They start interviews. They will call your name and give your number. You need listen clearly. . Some person maybe will wait long time.  And when you get the number it is very important….just keep it with you. Than wait again. They will use two windows to let person finger print. It is long time again. I first see the VO in #22 window. He start work,  and his first interview is very fast. Than I see another VO come to the windows and starting work, then another, and another, etc.


    When they interview, some interviews are very fast, others take 30 minutes. I don’t think it matters if your VO is black, white, man, woman, Chinese….they all seem to interview some people fast, and other people a long time. 


    I look at my self. I feel my legs shake up and down very nervously. I stop it. I knew it is nerves.  I was prepared for being nervous. Ken told me it is normal and common to get nervous, and not worry about it. My ear is listen to they call the number. And eyes keep looking at the windows to watch the person who has interview. And hope can come to the #22 windows, because the VO seemed very nice and happy.


    Then it’s me  ” Number ****,  #21 windows”

    Oh, my god. I knew it was the lady that every one believes is ‘the pearl’. I am glad Kenny told me to forget about who the VO is, again, not to worry if it is man, woman, black, white, etc. Anyway, at that time I could not think about many things. I just hope everything is finished fast! Noever she give me blue or red slip, I just want finish it! Fast!

    When I come to the windows. I try to smile to she. But nerves still bother me. “Good morning, sir”, I look at she!  She give me the feeling she is very very very serious. And very professional.  “Madam!!!” She says to me. And her eyes look up at me when she says that one word. Then her eyes go back to our file in front of her. “Oh. Sorry. Madam! I am a little nervous.” While she looks at our file, I get out our papers. Ken told me put some pics of us and his visa on the counter where the VO can see it. So I did it!

    I try to look at she. And I start feel a little bit more confident. I see she look the paperwork very clearly and take a little time to look it. She finds the relationship letter Kenny and I write when we sent the I-129F. It is a very very detailed letter. It is detailed about how we meet, what we feel about eachother and why we want to marry. In the letter I wrote that when Ken came to Shanghai, he meet my parents and friend.

    Than she ask “ Where did you meet?”

    “oh. We meet online. ******** .com”

    After a little while, she ask me. Can you give me your visa?

    “Yes here it is”. Ken’s visa and mines were already on the counter, and I give she mine.

    Than I saw she put the visa to last page. And put a stamp on the last page!

    I think. What is that means? I am pass?    he he he ……


    (I should warn you and your SO's about one thing: when you see the VO stamp her visa, it does not mean 'approved'. It just means 'application recieved on xx/xx/xxxx'. People with red slips and blue slips all get the same red stamp in their visa. Dont get excited when you see the VO put that stamp in her visa....).


    Then she says “*********** parents?” I did not hear what she said. I told her “Sorry. I did not hear you, can you repeat it again?”

    She repeat her question, but I still canot understand the sound through the window speaker, and she speak very quickly. But I think is some question about my parents.

    I ask. “Do you means. Did Kenny meet my parents?”

    “Yes” she look at me.

    “Yes, 2 times, and this is our pictures, would you like to see them?”. And I am very quickly to find the pics . “Yes” she said.

    ”This is his first trip at my parents home and that pic is second trip, we at restaurant.” By the way. I glued 2 to 4 pics on standard A4 paper, and write some things about the pics, like where we are, when it is, etc. So she can very easy to know about them. 


    Than she finish looking and return my pics. And open her drawer.find a red paper, and look at me. “Your application is approved!” :lol:

    My god. When I heard this word, I donot know how to explain it. I can feel it is from my heart to say thank you to her! “Thank you very much ,Madam!” Than I take my papers, and I just want run away from the embassy!

    I say again, “Thank you very much again , madam”.

    And she look at me and give me a smile!


    Than I left the windows. And forget go to post office. And forget the way I should go to to leave the 5 floor. My mind is blank and I just want look for Kenny! When I find he, I knew I almost cry and when I see he, I knew he was more nervous than me.


    When he saw me looking for he, he tries to call me, but his mind is blank too, and almost forget that he calls me “Bu bu” he says . “ B…..b…..Hi , Hi. Hey!” I see him and we have a big hug ! 


    Interview is finished. But it is a memory in our mind! In our life! :lol:


    I hope this has been helpful. And Kenny will post the letter we sent to USCIS. We both feel this letter was one of the most important things!


    And thank you CFL for all of your help and support for us!  :lol:


    awww, i almost cried at the end =)

  17. Umm, were just waiting for P-4 for K-3 visa. Just now, our I-130 has been approved. What should I do? I am starting to panic. /bites nails.


    6 months good for approved CR-1? my lord.


    I did some research on visajourney and found out, if a I-130 is approved, the K-3 is no longer valid. Now i'm on a different path, and the path I was on seemed so sure and true. Twist and turns, this is fun. MORE CHEETOES PLEASE

  18. Paula,


    I feel very much for you...  And I think you alread know that part of your depression is related to your time of the month --- and the changes that we men don't go through, and can't fully understand.....but I also think that you know that when your period passes, you will be strong again!  I wish and hope that some of our women members can help you with this----    But of course ---- your angst is totally valid! 


    Perhaps the only reason that your husband is doing a little better at this long wait is simply because he knows he must ---- he has a good general understanding about how slow our government works in these areas...


    This is a trial for the both of you.  And while I won't say its pleasant, it is an opportunity to try to do your best.  Almost no one here has it as bad as someone else ---- I have been through the Guangzhou visa process three times, each had delays, but none of them were as long or as unfair as some that are well documented here ---  the only thing that I can say for sure---- once you go through the long dark tunnel ---there is beautiful sun light! ---- and the sad memories of the long wait quickly fade under that bright light...\


    We are all pulling for you both!


    Ok, at the risk of sounding all preachy and stuff. Its very easy for me, and I'll break it down for you. I truily belive that all my life God, as I see him and call him, has had someone special in mind for me and that all the years that I have been single, have been learning and growing modes. I have often struggled with pangs of lonliness, and depression as i see all my good friends settle down. I know how hank Jr. felt when he wrote, all my single friends have settled down!!. The prime lessons in life in battleing your EGO is letting go of impatience, and learning to trust in that higher power. I think you need to look very hard at the karma in your life and try to understand and slay some dragons within you. It is never how much someone can love you, it is how much you love yourself.

    Hey, hang in there, it isnt easy, but God is the wind blowing my K-3 visa so quickly in the ocean of my life. I choose to trust and be patient.

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