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Posts posted by hunter

  1. Maybe an odd question, but how long before an SO is required to leave once a visa is granted?


    I know the SO can request/apply for an extension.


    What would be the expiration on the visa that is granted?


    Back story: It could take my wife a month or a few months if/once her visa is granted to be ready to leave. And until a visa is granted she won't be able to start the necessary things prior to leaving.


    Man, I hate to sound , well not very nice, but... I would think your SO would get all her ducks in a row before she got visa and would be on the first plane she could get on, to be with the man she loves. Just a thought.

  2. One can bring whatever they want to the interview.. it is a different issue whether the VO will ask for it and yet another if they will accept it if they are offered it when they didn't ask for it.


    it's hit or miss on the latter issues... not sure what it's proving since I've never seen anyone asked to supply parents IDs.   They usually seem most concerned about your current relationship and possibly past [divorced] ones.


    Good news there is, I have never been married before, and I have no children. My wife was married once, but he cheated on her and divorced him 3 years ago. She was divorced for 2 years before we met. Anyway, I saw mention the VO wont know her parents from any old chinese people so I thought if it was certified who her parents were, the VO would be more likey to see that her parents are happy for us and want us to be married. If its not that important, then perhaps we wont need to do the id thing for her parents.


    I agree with Mike.. if you want to bring it, I just won't volunteer it for any reason.


    I'd be more apt to have verifiable proof of her divorce and location of her 'ex' as a backup in case of any issues they raise about her 'ex'... again, all this is more 'backup' to the unfortunately event of overcome.. you'll want all your ducks in a row so you can deal with it promptly.


    But don't take all our remarks as stress starters... preparation for passing and not passing is useful. But the first step is the interview, so focus mostly on that and getting her prepared, comfortable and confident. Best to you two !!


    Thank you guys.

  3. let it run to the 4th month, then ask your senator to make the inquiry.  In the past I would have said immediately, but I think because I had so many inquiries I was punished, they told me the other day that my wife's interview date is middle of June...  that will make it eight months after the package arrived at GUZ


    good luck....


    Thank you. I will wait two more weeks then. I definitely don't want to irritate them. :violin4:


    You would think the US would stand down on our position on Communism, 1. it dont work, as should be obvious, 2. china has really relaxed its policy and has improved the way it treats its people, even if they did find a prison that was harvesting organs for sale 3. china is not our enemy. Why does the us still have to have a hang up?

  4. One can bring whatever they want to the interview.. it is a different issue whether the VO will ask for it and yet another if they will accept it if they are offered it when they didn't ask for it.


    it's hit or miss on the latter issues... not sure what it's proving since I've never seen anyone asked to supply parents IDs. They usually seem most concerned about your current relationship and possibly past [divorced] ones.


    Good news there is, I have never been married before, and I have no children. My wife was married once, but he cheated on her and divorced him 3 years ago. She was divorced for 2 years before we met. Anyway, I saw mention the VO wont know her parents from any old chinese people so I thought if it was certified who her parents were, the VO would be more likey to see that her parents are happy for us and want us to be married. If its not that important, then perhaps we wont need to do the id thing for her parents.

  5. Yes, however I think I have heard of interviews where the VO asked "Who bought your tickets", meaning, did a third party buy them for you.

    Perhaps having them may help?


    When the figures on the Income Tax Return are not so good and the petitoner has visited China more than two times, VO tends to ask "Who paid his flight tickets?" or "How come he had the money to visit you so many times?" (ta na you qian hui lai? :) )

    In this circumstances, I suggest you present the transaction sheet for purchasing the tickets, showing who paid the tickets.


    My wife is going to have her ma and pa's id's copied and certified for the interview, can this be done? I think it would be good to show her parents ID then show pictures of us with family. What do you all think? As far as my being able to afford to visit China 2 times within the span of a year, I earn enough to do that, however if I were to attempt to take a 3rd visit, well hehe, that might kind of put a cramp on things. thanks guys.

  6. Yes, thank you guys. In fact, my wife has copies of my passport with visa stamp from the 2 times I  have been to china. We have probably 800 pictures or more of us together, with wedding certificate, with ma, with pa, with ma and pa. Grand parents, uncles aunts, man you name it. We have copies of all the ticketed events we visted together. She has a letter from the man who is friends with her father as the person who "set us up" she has a letter from her father giving his permission for us to marry and his blessing. Man, I hope they dont get anal over original / copy of an airline ticket lol. I gave my wife the business card of the travel agent I used, and I suppose if its necessary they can contact her and  she can tell them I used my visa card for both trips. The best picture we have is her and I holding our marriage books up to the camera, standing next to ma and pa, what do you all think?


    I think you have plenty but unless you have proof the two older Asian people in any given picture with you are ma and pa, the picture doesn't have a lot of "proof" value in and of itself. :lol:


    If I were picking pictures to lead with, they would be the ones that clearly show a celebration of the marriage. In our case, I'll show pictures of the same old man walking her down the aisle, and standing between us at the wedding banquet with lots of other people in the background of each picture.


    From what I can tell, your SO's confidence and demeanor during the interview is likely to mean far more than any single item you can think of.


    Ok push i got you. Yes come to think of it, we didnt have a normal wedding . We went to Shenyang marriage office and became husband and wife there. On our return to her parents home, we had the celebration dinner. I can say, of the pictures of her ma and pa, we have many pics with them. As far as proof of payment for the travel, I gave my wife nearly 4 years of bank statements, the payment for my travel will show up on it. I told her to find it and highlight it just in case. Cant beat original bank statements with deduction being paid to the travel agent hehe.

  7. Yes, thank you guys. In fact, my wife has copies of my passport with visa stamp from the 2 times I have been to china. We have probably 800 pictures or more of us together, with wedding certificate, with ma, with pa, with ma and pa. Grand parents, uncles aunts, man you name it. We have copies of all the ticketed events we visted together. She has a letter from the man who is friends with her father as the person who "set us up" she has a letter from her father giving his permission for us to marry and his blessing. Man, I hope they dont get anal over original / copy of an airline ticket lol. I gave my wife the business card of the travel agent I used, and I suppose if its necessary they can contact her and she can tell them I used my visa card for both trips. The best picture we have is her and I holding our marriage books up to the camera, standing next to ma and pa, what do you all think?

  8. That is the fastest K-1 timeline I have ever seen go through GZ. 5 months start to finish.  That's the way it should be.  Congratulations.  Before you donate your surplus supply of cheetos though you might want to save a few for when you're in the dog house later on.


    Congratz, i'm glad it all worked out well for you. good luck to you and your SO.

  9. Ron, they want us for who and what we are. I love that about them. What a refreshing change from American women whose goal is to make us conform to their mold.


    Yea isn't it great.


    Hmm someone deleated their message, I thought it was good. Yep time to quit whinning. Can't help the depression sometimes, but must fight it. Digging the sewer pipe I busted the other day. Will fix, then get back to the relandscaping so the little one will have a smooth yard to play in. Everyday I look for something to bring in money, or making the place better for their arrival.


    When I asked my wife to marry me, I seriously considered what I was asking her to get into. I am fortunate as hell that I have friends in my city who are chinese. So she will have them, and they are like her uncle and aunt. I also found a chinese/english christian church, and I really want to take her there on sundays. Are any of you particularly religious? or maybe OHMMMMMM. hehe.


    Maybe I should post some of this in a new thread. Anyway China has loosened its strangle on religion. At least with my church. There is now a Chinese congregation that no foreigner can go to in the afternoon in Beijing, or the chinese citizen can attend with her fiancee or spouse at the English speaking congregation in the morning. In 2002 no chinese citizen could attend at all. Bush may have helped in this area.


    My church has an all Chineses congregation North of Dallas in Plano, TX and in other cities.


    My wife said she will go to my Church in Beijing in 2 weeks. Back in Christmas/New Years she got aquainted with the girl who translates English to Chinese via headphones, and just happened to be going through this process where she is the American engaged to a Chinese man. Now they are married I heard from my wife the other day. She waited until he studied and believed and joined before she married him. I was not that smart as I thought it was still illegal for her to attend with me in Beijing. Have no idea what she will think of religion in the long run.


    When I first went to China, in Tieling, we went to a catholic church. Just to see it. It was pretty delapidated and rustic looking. It is obvious there is no major money for the churches. My last trip to Tieling, we went to a

    christian church, and there must have been 4 levels with 1000 people on each floor. I could not believe my eyes. I have to admit, I have come from the south in usa, and when I have gone to church it has been evangelical or penecostal. In China I did not feel what one would call the spirit of God. I think it will one day happen in china, and when it does, things will change dramatically.

  10. you can go to the exit-entry administration of shenzhen to apply for an exit permit for a us citizen who was born in china and never had a chinese visa.

    tel: 96897¡¢95000100

    website: http://www.sz3e.com


    I dont know how to help you, I only hope things resolve to aid you in having your family with you. When my wife and I married, I insisted she continue to stay on her birth control, as I knew it would be a hassle to bring my child. A baby that is born in a country is a citizen of that country. At least when folks from Mexico come to the usa illegally, they have a child and the child is then a US citizen. It almost has to be that way world wide, yes? Anyway, good luck.

  11. This is at least the 2nd or 3rd story that I've heard of on CFL regarding a petitioner's death.  It underscores for all of us to write up a legal Will, have a relationship established with your wife and USA family members along with means of contacting them (phone numbers, email/snail mail addresses) and let all of your family know your wishes and and the general contents of your Will. 


    Of course the property proceeds are dictated by State law.  I do not think that the Feds have any say in any of the proceeds aside from Social Security benefits that the non-resident spouse may be entitled.  (I ain't no lawyer.)


    I wouldnt be so inclined to help with air fare. I would however be inclined to help if the available lawyer will not settle for a % of the estate for his hard earned efforts. Man, this touches me, I dont have a will, and i'm in P-3 stage waiting for P-4, so I think i ought to. This is a sad but very enlightening post.

  12. Hi everyone,


    My Li sent back the P3 one day after she received it (Feb 24th).  Still DOS has no word on it being entered into their system.  I know GUZ is going faster since we first filed April 15th, 2004.  Does anyone know what the length of time is now from mailing P3 to being entered in GUZ system and when P4 is sent with appointment date? 


    We also completed a GUZ namecheck while waiting for the hard copy to arrive at NVC.  Is there another namecheck that goes on when P3 is sent back?


    p.s. Timeline, please add us to your project...




    Larry    :D


    I was told it can take between 1-3 months to get p-4. But that the appointment is set before you actually get the p-4. My wife sent the p-3 about the same time you guys did, so i'd advise some patience, dig in on them cheetos man. You know, they make a red hot cheetos, man I highly recommend them, but you will get bright red fingers after eating them.

    good luck.

  13. I would say that if you think that your fiancee's job might put your visa at risk, it would probably be a good idea to find another job that didn't. The job would only be a temporary one if she plans on being with you in the US. Is it worth the risk?


    If your going to paint such a broad stroke, then affiliated with the Communist or other totalitarian party, could mean any living and breathing person from China. I'd tell your wife to find another job if you feel that strongly against it.

  14. Mercator--


    If he died without a will, all property goes automatically to the surviving spouse.  The exceptions are if he had accounts in JTWROS (those go directly to the other account holder) or life insurance (that money goes to the named beneficiary). Did he not have a house?


    If there was a will, the property goes according to the terms of the will.  However, if he died in a community property state (e.g., Washington), he can only dispose of his separate property and his share of community property. All other community property goes to the surviving spouse regardless of what the will said.


    It is likely that the man's sister has or will file a probate proceeding.  It is important that the lao po search the court records of the state where he died (you didn't say where he lived and died). It is also important that she hire a lawyer in that city or county.


    I hope this is helpful. If he died in Washington state, I can help search the court records.




    The guy lived in Atlanta Georgia?

  15. And I'm not looking to fight any fights until my wife is here.  If my case resumes normal processing, I would be content.


    Really , I see 2 ways you can go. Just resubmit, and make sure everything is square with the poor saps info that was sent to you, and just absorb the time you lost and be a good trooper, or. It is illegal for the Us gov to share personal information with anyone who is not entitled to see it. It could be that you may have a law suit on your hands that could reap a pretty penny. Law suits in the Gov mean overhauls that can and most probably will slow down a lot of petitions out there, but then again, that could cause things to be more professinal and move faster. Just my humble thoughts. I say stick it to them.

  16. I called DOS just now and asked about Yanlans P-4. The lady on the other end told me there is a very big back log, and that I should expect to wait at least another 10 months for the P-4 to come. I am still looking for my heart, I think it fell out on the floor somewhere. I do not have enough money to go live in China, and pay for the house here in America. Yanlan is getting very impaient and so am I. She is very sad every night on the phone, and I try to cheer her up. But this news could be devistating to her. I know it is to me. :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


    Wow, go figure. I called DOS today, the woman took her sweet time. I think she was the more disorganized DOS agent I have talked with yet. Anyway, she said no interview date was posted yet. She advised me not to call DOS about it again, as the interuptions slow GUZ down. Dont ask me, she said it. 2 weeks so far. i know it will take at least 1 to 3 months, so i'm well within perrameters.

  17. I went to the American citizen hour on Friday, I got there at 2pm.... went into the waiting room that have all the windows that the interviews are done at.  I was asked to fill out a form and take a number.


    I was the only WHITE CITIZEN in the room, most were chinese people


    The form asks for your SO name, DOB, CASE #.... then it asks if you have specific questions that you want to ask about your case.


    I thought that the ACH was an open forum, and that it was for people to get familar with questions regarding the process for the interview.  to my surprise it was conducted on a 1 on 1 basis with a V.O.


    As I waited for my number to be called, I could hear others session with the V.O.'s and their problems, nothing that pertained to me, so I didn't focus in on their problems, but could hear very clear.  The windows are very thick glass with a mic on both sides, and a slot for passing things back and forth.... Just like a bank!!!


    After about 30 minutes my # was called, I went up to window # 25 and was greeted by a young 30's american fellow, which I could tell he was happy to see a white face!!!  I handed him my form and he asked what can I do for you.  I told him that I had a few quetions about our case..... and then he looked at his screen on the computer, and said.... oh.. I see you have emailed several times, and that you made a change of address...  he then said thats good.


    we started talking about the visa pickup time and how accurate they are to have them completed and delivered, he told me that 99% of the time the visa is at the china post the evening before, but you have to pickup on the day of your scheduled pickup.



    We started talking about many things such as the most recent trend of denials, for K-1, K-3, CR-1.......He said that if a middle aged chinese woman with 2 teenage kids, recently divorced met a guy from NY that doesn't have a good job, and barely meets the REQUIREMENTS, he said that would raise a red flag, most likely they would be denied


    another reason he told me........ If 2 people are in a relationship and the chinese person cannot speak english, and the american cannot speak chinese.... That is reason for not having a valid relationship  " How can you have a relationship if you cannot understand each other, how do you communicate on the phone?"


    The last bit of advise I got from the 1 on 1 was..........


    If your SO, Wife...... gets a blue slip, they will tell you why they are they are giving it, with more evidence that is needed for overcome

    The V.O. will give a list of evidence needed  to proceed, and if your SO or Wife has all the items on the list with them at that time, they can tell the V.O. that they have all the items they are requesting.  Make sure that they ask the V.O. if they can step aside and gather the items and return to the window when they get them gathered.


    The V.O. that I talked with said that is what he does if the person tells him they have all the overcome evidence at the time of interview.


    He also told me "IF" someone is denied, and they don't tell the V.O. they have all the evidence that they are requesting. HE SAID.... TELL THEM NOT TO LEAVE THE AREA AND GO TO WINDOW #30 THEY CAN RESOLVE THEIR CASE AT THAT TIME.


    I had a enjoyable time talking to the nice V.O. and we talked about many different situations, and also had a few laughs too.


    He told me that it is true that they only see the case minutes before the interview, and NEVER GIVE THEM ANYTHING THAT THEY DON'T ASK FOR!!!  They don't have time for you to disrupt their process they have certain ways for conducting the interview.



    I hope everyone can benifit from my experiance





    Basically what you are saying is, My SO and I have every chance in the world to get our visa. Now I understand how the VO think, I know that my wife and I will be united soon. Thanks for the good words.

  18. Ron, they want us for who and what we are. I love that about them. What a refreshing change from American women whose goal is to make us conform to their mold.


    Yea isn't it great.


    Hmm someone deleated their message, I thought it was good. Yep time to quit whinning. Can't help the depression sometimes, but must fight it. Digging the sewer pipe I busted the other day. Will fix, then get back to the relandscaping so the little one will have a smooth yard to play in. Everyday I look for something to bring in money, or making the place better for their arrival.


    When I asked my wife to marry me, I seriously considered what I was asking her to get into. I am fortunate as hell that I have friends in my city who are chinese. So she will have them, and they are like her uncle and aunt. I also found a chinese/english christian church, and I really want to take her there on sundays. Are any of you particularly religious? or maybe OHMMMMMM. hehe.

  19. I know the pain you speak of so well. Tis process is sooo long and at times seems so unfare. I have had my share of posts here lamenting being alone as well as blasting the established system for taking so long, and even more so for not being very forthcoming about our status thoughout the process. ;)

    I wish I could offer some words that would put it all into perspective, but I don't know what to say. I can tell you that everyone here will get that news eventually that will turn your world upside down. Your will have that nervous, joyfull feeling that causes you to have a stupid grin on your face knowing that your SO FINALLY has an interview scheduled.

    Just keep telling yourself that they will get that visa and soon they will be with you. Trust me, the feeling of gratitude that it is all over and they are here will make it all worth it. Keep believing and remember, we all are here with you, and we all know exactly how you feel. B)

    It does work. B)


    Sinse I started talking with my wife. One of the things I really wanted her to understand, is that she will become a US citizen. I am excited as hell that she will have the chance to persue the things that make her happy. I look forward to my bright woman moving up in the world. I'm so proud of her now. Imagine the things a great person can do, when they do not have a leash, and can direct their own wishes and will. Another thing we talk about. In the USA, it is illegal to abuse a human beings. I made very good and sure, about 911, and protecting herself. I think it is a persons personal responsibility to be able to defend ones self. I do not have the right to hurt or control my wife, neither does she. She understands that. we are 2 grown human beings and we can use our brains and our minds to tackle things. We are husband and wife, we are also a business to ourselves. We have a common interest in things. We talk a lot about our future children. =) you know I can hardly wait.

  20. We arrived at 7:15, my wife was finished at 12:00.  Only about 5 hours, not bad.


    She got up to the window as was asked the following questions:


    When did you meet your husband?

    Where does he work?


    Looked at a few of the docs we prepared...and that was it.  Visa approved.


    I would like to thank all those who have posted and all the support that was given. 


    Good luck to all those still waiting. 


    Also, Thanks to Chad, Randall, and the guy with the Brooklyn accent for keeping lively conversation as we all waited for what we have waited so long for.


    Thanks all!


    nate, molly, nicholas ;)


    Awesome, I wish you and your family the best of luck.

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