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Posts posted by hunter

  1. Greetings All,


    We're on the verge of deciding which route to go K1 or K3.  I'm headed back to Guangzhou in a few weeks for another visit.  If we decide to marry then and go the K3 route, I'd like to be prepared.


    Does anyone know what sort of document the Chinese authorities in GZ will accept as proof that I've never been married?  I've no clue where I'd get some official document here.




    Dan K.

    Black Hawk, Colorado


    Since you're are going to Guangzhou anyway, just go to the US Consulate there and tell them you've never been married and need a Certificate of Marriageability. You will sign an affidavit, pay $30 and leave with the Certificate of Marriageability. Hours are Monday-Friday 9-11:30 and 1:30 to 3. Go to the American Citizen Services at..


    5/F Tianyu Garden (II Phase)

    136-142 Lin He Zhong Lu

    Tian He District, Guangzhou


    email guangzhouacs@state.gov


    When I emailed GUZ on this in November, they suggested I bring my fiancee's Chinese ID card and proof of termination of her previous marriages, (if applicable). She'll need that to get married anyway.


    Have your fiancee contact the local office that handles marriages to foreigners and ask if your Certificate will need to be translated and/or notarized. (It's both in Nanning.) She'll also want to ask what is required of her and assemble the appropriate documentation. If she is not a Guangzhou resident, she'll need to confirm whether she can be married in Guangzhou and if not, where. If it's someplace else, have her check with that office for the above requirements.


    Once you're married, you'll need to take all those documents and your Chinese Marriage certificate to the local notarial service and get the Marriage Certificate translated and notarized. Get at least three originals. I left one with my wife and used one for the I-130. Will use the second for the 1229F.


    It is important to mention, you send copies. Do not send origionals.

  2. I understand some documents must be translated into chinese. A divorce decree for example...My chinese language teacher teaches at the university. can she do the translations?


    Honest bro, maybe you should go to HK and meet her in real life first and make sure she is the ONE, before you go through the hassles. When you go to China, and I have not been to HK, but I have been to other cities, there is in most cities, a place you can have documents translated and notarized. I had a few forms from when I was married translated in my wifes home city. That might be a better route I would think.

  3. Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.


    I guess my main questions to you would be:


    1) Did you submit any info with the petition outlining your relationship? Just wondering how much the VO will know prior to the interview.. like a family member 'set you up'... at least they will piece together that you meet and married on same trip...

    2) What's her english like and how well do you communicate?

    3) Can you easily locate her 'ex' and provide any info concern his whereabouts if needed ?


    The concern I see:

    1) marrying on the first meeting... could suggest a 'setup' marriage on a certain level to the VO. Make sure you establish the ongoing part of the relationship; The more trips the better and communication/pics, etc.

    2) Divorce tends to bring forth more questions and scrutiny...


    Certainly, both of you should read up on the "Interview FAQ" and you'll get an idea of the most common questions and issues that arise...




    Yes, good questions. Hmm, well my friend who is the 3rd party, wrote a letter for the VO, with a notorized proof of employment in my city. I think that should show proof of how we met. Her and I used web video to chat a year before we married , I like to think we got to know each other very well. As far as her english, it was pretty good when we started talking, she is a very educated woman. Recently she has been taking english courses and we talk a lot on the phone, I think she doe's great.


    Was the letter provided as part of any petition, or you're holding onto it in case you need it later ?


    Where I'm coming from is: The VO will form some impression based on the submitted paperwork up till the interview. And have you already given him any impressions about 'how you meet' or no?


    Whether or not a VO has 'made up his mind' about the visa prior to an interview, he has some internal inclination and will question based on that.


    I'm just trying to ascertain what you have already provided or not... Certainly the VO will see you meet and married in the same meeting.. Usually they DON'T want to know the details of that during the interview.. if they suspect something, they'll just give the blue slip and let overcome evidence be reviewed...


    Ok, I am following you now. Hmmm, well sir, I sent a letter written in english and also copied in chinese, with pictures of him and my father working out in his workshop, also with a letter of his employment, I sent all that with the I-130 application. When I sent out the I-129F I didnt have an additional copy. I have already asked him if he would make another letter so that I can give it to my wife for the interview. I wonder if the VO will have access to any of the I-130 information? I should add then when I sent the cover letter for I-129F I listed our contact person and gave his cell phone number in case anyone wishes to contact him to verify anything.

  4. Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.


    I guess my main questions to you would be:


    1) Did you submit any info with the petition outlining your relationship? Just wondering how much the VO will know prior to the interview.. like a family member 'set you up'... at least they will piece together that you meet and married on same trip...

    2) What's her english like and how well do you communicate?

    3) Can you easily locate her 'ex' and provide any info concern his whereabouts if needed ?


    The concern I see:

    1) marrying on the first meeting... could suggest a 'setup' marriage on a certain level to the VO. Make sure you establish the ongoing part of the relationship; The more trips the better and communication/pics, etc.

    2) Divorce tends to bring forth more questions and scrutiny...


    Certainly, both of you should read up on the "Interview FAQ" and you'll get an idea of the most common questions and issues that arise...




    Yes, good questions. Hmm, well my friend who is the 3rd party, wrote a letter for the VO, with a notorized proof of employment in my city. I think that should show proof of how we met. Her and I used web video to chat a year before we married , I like to think we got to know each other very well. As far as her english, it was pretty good when we started talking, she is a very educated woman. Recently she has been taking english courses and we talk a lot on the phone, I think she doe's great.

  5. Well, this is a good topic, and it has been a joy to read up on this. I wish to add to my worries and perhaps I could ask a little feed back too. I met my wife, due to a 3rd party member, who is a friend to me, and my family, and the best friend of her father in china. He actually persued her father about it when he told him that his daughter was single, due to divorce. She was divorced 2 years before we made contact. My first visit to China, we were married and got loads of pictures of us and with the family, I am going there again In Feb 06. We have Email logs, Msn logs, Yahoo logs, and most recently phone logs. She is most definately not a member of the communist party. I earn way more than the poverty lines indicate one must earn to show proof of support. Anyway, if anyone can see a possible problem sure would appreciate it if someone would comment. Thanks Oh, and I LOVE THIS WOMAN.

  6. I wish I could be stronger like most of you are but My life has not been happy most of the time until I met this little woman from China that I fell for the first time in my life in love with her and married her...I have been in a namecheck for 4 plus months and nothing seems to be moving...at my age I do not want to waste anymore time without her.So I may just give up and go back if that is her wish..I wish our Goverment could understand but it doesn't and never will. Any responce I will read and try to understand..thanks :rolleyes:





    Hey Dan... ok, a rhetoric question here, so dont answer it, but think about it. How much do you gross per year? How much in assets do you have in the bank. You are aware that when your wife goes for her visa, you are required to send her a document proving that you can support her under the poverty guidelines it takes 16.500 dollars per year to get her here, or you should have 25.000 in assets in the bank. Now, its probably perfectly ok for you to go to china and stay with her as long as the chinese visa folks allow you too, but will you be able to show proff that you can support her here? Ok, good luck with you delema.

  7. Sounds like a nice little Christmas present to me...


    The latest processing times are out, and it looks like there was a little acceleration on the dates...  In the 12 days between 12/8 and 12/20, the processing date moved forward by 17 days.  In the preceding 12 days it also moved ahead by 17 days, so they are catching up maybe.  Only 5 weeks behind the date.  I know this has no concrete relevance to our actual dates, but it does say that they are cranking them out.


    I assume the early January processing times won't show any increases because of all the holiday days between then and now.


    Under 3 months from K-3 129F NOA-1 to GUZ receipt is awesome.  I hope that kind of trend continues!  That would make my New Year's start off nicely (either of them).


    A few rocket quick processing times have been reported.  I hope this is a new trend, and will get everybody reunited with their SO's soon!!


    I am absolutly spell bound by the progress of our application, but also I know anything can happen at any moment, so i'm happy yet also quite a bit cautious. When my friend who introduced me to his best friends daughter told me , way back then, that it would all be easy and , no problem he wasnt joking hehe. I am given to understand upon completion of the P-3 it can take between 3 to 5 months for interview. Dang I wasnt expecting her to be able to be here so fast. Wow. Ok, rambleing. I really dont deserve this, I see so many of you having problems and im full of mixed feelings too, good luck to everyone.

  8. My wife told me she checked with Guz, and because our package only weighs .5 kilograms or something like that, it would not have to be stored for 30 days, bear in mind the package was mailed to Guz from NVC. So the person at Guz said it would be reviewed in 2 weeks. Does this sound right? And why would the weight of my petition be less than anyone elses? This is for K-3 visa so its not as cumbersome as the I-130 is but still I sent a lot of pictures and copies of everything to support our case. Umm, my process has been white hot blazing fast from the get go, and that worries me to pieces. Thanks guys, and merry Christmas.

  9. go to dhls web site and use I-130 that is nvc's code then put in the date they told you it shipped and it will show everything they shipped that day


    Date and Time Status Location

    12/15/2005 5:24 pm On Hand. Guangzhou, China

    5:24 pm At Gateway. Guangzhou, China

    12/14/2005 4:40 pm In transit. Kowloon, Hong Kong

    1:57 pm Arrived at DHL facility. Kowloon, Hong Kong

    12/13/2005 4:28 am Transit through sort facility. Wilmington, OH

    12/12/2005 2:38 pm Picked Up by DHL. Shipper's Door


    Ship From:



    Portsmouth, NH 038012901

    United States

    Ship To:

    Guangzhou, China

    Shipment Information:

    Ship date: 12/12/2005


    Total weight:








    Ship Type: Document


    Shipment Reference: I-730

    Service: International Express

    Special Service:

  10. :toot::redblob::clapping:CONGRATULATIONS! :greenblob::clapping::toot:


    Goodness to gracious. I never expected such a congratulations. hehe I guess this is an important milestone in the process, hey i'll take it though, after all this time of seeing others getting congratulatories, its kind of fun to get one directed my way hehe.

    god bless


    Hey Larry, when I initially called NVC at 603-334-0700, the person I talked with told me my case was cleared and sent to Guz, last friday or 12-09-05. So other than that I can only assume that it is in China at this time, probably being warehoused for the next 30 days.


    Hey Larry sorry, web site www.travel.state.gov

  11. :toot::redblob::clapping:CONGRATULATIONS! :greenblob::clapping::toot:


    Goodness to gracious. I never expected such a congratulations. hehe I guess this is an important milestone in the process, hey i'll take it though, after all this time of seeing others getting congratulatories, its kind of fun to get one directed my way hehe.

    god bless


    Hey Larry, when I initially called NVC at 603-334-0700, the person I talked with told me my case was cleared and sent to Guz, last friday or 12-09-05. So other than that I can only assume that it is in China at this time, probably being warehoused for the next 30 days.

  12. :toot::redblob::clapping:CONGRATULATIONS! :greenblob::clapping::toot:


    Goodness to gracious. I never expected such a congratulations. hehe I guess this is an important milestone in the process, hey i'll take it though, after all this time of seeing others getting congratulatories, its kind of fun to get one directed my way hehe.

    god bless

  13. I just got by mail, the letter confirming my approved application being sent to Guangzhou China. This is cool, I did look on the web for the State department in China and it appears, once my wife gets the packet and turns it all in for her interview date, there is a 5 month wait between her turning it all in and her potential interview date. That kind of sucks, but its not unexpected. That would put us around June for her interview but April would be 7 months sinse I turned in the petition. I see a lot of folks getting their wives visa's /K-3 in around 7. Sooo, anyone got some cheetoes I can bum?

  14. Hunter,


    I didn't see any mention of your Affidavit of Support (form I-864 for CR1) or her Choice of Agent in your autosignature.  As far as I recall, those documents need to be processed at NVC before being transferred to Guangzhou, unless the processed has changed since this past Summer.




    Ok, firstly , I really didnt mean to write this post as a way to attack or say, look at me, i'm special. So exnay on the blanketpartynay ok? hehe

    My understanding of the process is, NVC, GUZ then affidavit of support, and i'm thinking affidavit of support is used during interview is that correct? Anyway, I would presume that if the petition cleared NVC and was shipped to GUZ, then there should be no other steps I could have missed. Hey guys, thanks a ton. I got my ticket to fly back to China in Feb, Man i can hardly wait.


    Once it is at GUZ, your SO will get P3; Return these ASAP to get in the interview queue. Then name check. Then P4. She gets more paperwork and physical.


    On your side, you go stir crazy waiting :) You might be in china for P3...


    Once she get's close to P4, both sides should get their appropriate paperwork : On her side, certificiates translated; on your side Affidavit of support, employment letter, most recent taxes..


    Ok, I got my employment letter today, I got the 02 w-2 that i kind of forgot to file, and kind of lost, hehe, I have 03's so I will file the 02's asap , then i'll have 02, 03 and 04 w-2s and copies of my taxes. I wonder, can I send copies of w-2s and such or should I send originals for it? My understanding for k-3 visa is I fill out the I-134. Anyway, I am going to china in Feburary, so I figure Ill just take it all with me and hand it to her when I get there. I couldnt forsee her getting P-4 and interview before Feb lol.

  15. Hunter,


    I didn't see any mention of your Affidavit of Support (form I-864 for CR1) or her Choice of Agent in your autosignature.  As far as I recall, those documents need to be processed at NVC before being transferred to Guangzhou, unless the processed has changed since this past Summer.




    Ok, firstly , I really didnt mean to write this post as a way to attack or say, look at me, i'm special. So exnay on the blanketpartynay ok? hehe

    My understanding of the process is, NVC, GUZ then affidavit of support, and i'm thinking affidavit of support is used during interview is that correct? Anyway, I would presume that if the petition cleared NVC and was shipped to GUZ, then there should be no other steps I could have missed. Hey guys, thanks a ton. I got my ticket to fly back to China in Feb, Man i can hardly wait.

  16. Congratulations

    I did not know that the DCF is so detailed


    Can you please clarify what a DCF immigrant is? And as far as denials are concerned. I just got noa-2 for k-3 visa and when my wife eventually gets her interview, since I have only been to china 1 time to meet and marry her, does that mean she will not be approved? Thanks, your post has me worried.


    DCF is for 'direct consular filing'... those who were married in china and living there can file directly to a regional consulate.. whereas most of us filed state side at a visa center...


    SO, the other differences are the filing location and those who do DCF are usually much faster (since their approval occurs at a consulate)... Once it moves to GUZ, for the P3 stage, we are all in the same boat and experiencing the same sea sickness.


    Everyone's preparation for the interview is basically the same... If previous marriages or children, then some extra questions usually... see the FAQ interview for such issues...


    Thank you. I will visit in febuary 06 , i will have my letter from work specify that i only have 2 weeks vacation per year, and for obvious reasons, if i were not stateside working, I couldnt prove I could support her 125% over the poverty lines, so is that a special hardship thing? If i were looking for a good reason that I didnt visit my wife a lot. a mans got to work.

  17. Congratulations

    I did not know that the DCF is so detailed


    Can you please clarify what a DCF immigrant is? And as far as denials are concerned. I just got noa-2 for k-3 visa and when my wife eventually gets her interview, since I have only been to china 1 time to meet and marry her, does that mean she will not be approved? Thanks, your post has me worried.

  18. From the front page, click on "My Controls", and "Edit signature"0„2 - oh :ph34r:0„2? never mind!!?!


    Perhaps I just like giving you a hard time? :P




    If you're going to give ME a hard time, you'll need to wait in line, along with everyone else!! :P :ph34r:



    LOL but really, Noa-2 on k-3 process is pretty cool.




    Yes - congratulations!!


    Hey Randy, serious congorats bro. I am jealous of you, and I envy the sense of relief you must have right now. I can hardly wait to be in your shoes, but I also do not wish to take away from your joy, have a great life together.


    yesterday in the mail, I received my Noa-2 HARD COPY baby. sweet, I think the time is going to be fast for us. I hope anyway.

  19. From the front page, click on "My Controls", and "Edit signature"0„2 - oh :o0„2? never mind!!?!


    Perhaps I just like giving you a hard time? :P




    If you're going to give ME a hard time, you'll need to wait in line, along with everyone else!! :P :D



    LOL but really, Noa-2 on k-3 process is pretty cool.




    Yes - congratulations!!


    Hey Randy, serious congorats bro. I am jealous of you, and I envy the sense of relief you must have right now. I can hardly wait to be in your shoes, but I also do not wish to take away from your joy, have a great life together.

  20. From the front page, click on "My Controls", and "Edit signature"0„2 - oh :lol:0„2  never mind!!?!


    Perhaps I just like giving you a hard time? :o




    If you're going to give ME a hard time, you'll need to wait in line, along with everyone else!! :P :o



    LOL but really, Noa-2 on k-3 process is pretty cool.

  21. Oh, lol. I did not get the NOA2, I got the NOA1 from I-129F


    Who's counting anyway? :unsure: At least it's a step in the right direction.


    I have looked all over this web site, and I cant find anywhere I can put in my time line, I just dont get it. sorry.


    Ok, test

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