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Posts posted by hunter

  1. Oh, lol. I did not get the NOA2, I got the NOA1 from I-129F


    Who's counting anyway? :unsure: At least it's a step in the right direction.


    I have looked all over this web site, and I cant find anywhere I can put in my time line, I just dont get it. sorry.

  2. Jebbus that was really really fast. 38 days from NOA1 to NOA2. Happy Thanksgiving indeed...


    Oh, lol. I did not get the NOA2, I got the NOA1 from I-129F, I see I will get NOA-2 after the package goes off to china and they send me the 2nd notice. So i'm excited, but I see there is gonna be more waiting. PASS THE CHEETOES PLEASE.

  3. Hey guys, my wife and I speak and write to each other in english. When I went to china, we had nearly .5 gig of pictures taken. Nearly 800 of them. We also have a video of her from our hotel stay, where you can hear me talking and she is saying that she loves me very much. Hehe, I hope thats enough to prove we love each other and want to be with each other for our lives.

  4. They rarely ask for communication unless they want to verify/question how you communicate. The last person asked for 'communication' proof in an interview was because of third party evidence.


    The main items for relationship proof asked are: How often you visited, Photos and financials.   


    If you want to talk and she has a computer, you both can load Skype ( http://www.skype.com ) and it's free to talk... otherwise, you can call her cell for cheap and some good calling cards exist.




    Not sure what you mean by 'evidence for our marriage'.. the only evidence you need for the petition is the marriage certificate.    Save your evidence for the interview...


    Hey thanks, what I meant about sending evidence, I sent copies of everything. Keeping the original copies of course.

  5. The phone records will help establish a bona-fide relationship - but no, they are not necessary, just a good idea.


    The messenger transcripts are also helpful, if you've been keeping them.


    My wife has a billion files saved from our chats. As a matter of fact, when I sent evidence for our marriage to uscis, it was the print outs from her pc we used. It had color photos of us using video in the chat service.

  6. Ok guys, thanks for looking at this post. My wife and I use msn and yahoo messenger service, and we use video cam so we can see each other. We also email. My wifey thinks we need to call each other for the VO to believe us. Is it necessary to call? I am not against it, but i'm also trying to save for another visit to china, and that 1,140 bucks is not easy to save. Thanks.



  7. Here is the deal sir. Your asking whey mexicans and cubans are not deported when they over stay their visas and or they never get a visa but they are still not deported. Its like this, folks in usa are very lazy,a nd are willing to over look policy and law if it will make their lives better and richer. Why pay a usa person 20 bucks per hour when you can get a very poor and eager to work {neighbor} mexican/cuban person to do it for 7 bucks an hour. Ask thinks like why does Wal-Mart hire a contractor to clean their stores, and the contractors hire out the work to undocumented mexican folks to do the work for pennies on the dollar. Its all in big business and i'm sure the law and policy makers need their undocumented and very illegal house cleaners and child care providers hehe. Now as to if or why a chinese person may be deported if their visa expires I can only thing its harder to sneak into the usa from China, as opposed to sneaking in from mexico or cuba. I would have to think a chinese person would be easier to track in that light. Hope it helps, it seems like common sense to me. /salute

  8. Dear M-Coon:


    I found it very easy to get a "Single Status" statement when we needed one by contacting one of the Chinese visa companies.  I used "VisaRite" and the person who helped me was David Song.


    He prepared a Statement; got it notarized and approved by the Chinese Embassy (I'm not sure it actually has to be translated) and the Chinese official who married us didn't bat an eye-lash.  I think it cost $50 or thereabouts.


    I did all this in the US before I left for China to get married and I believe that is the best way to do it.


    You can contact David Song at visarite@optonline.net

    Contact me if you have any problems -- it is actually a piece of cake.


    Ok guy, you must listen to me. Having just married my wife in China and having freshly gone through the process I belive I have the most accurate input on this. So, /clears throat, excuse me everybody =)~

    My wife and I marriend in Shenyang, all we had to do, go to the american embassy, note, you will be able to go in, but your fiance will not. but have her stay very near to the embassy. You will go in and take a number after declaring what your business is , have a seat and relax a minute. Your number will be called, you will go to the consul and he will ask your business, tell him you wish to get a single testamony so you can marry your finace. He will ask you some questions about your fiance, her name, the name of any children she may have. Then he/she will ask if your fiance can be seen also. At this point, the consul will have a runner go to the front and call for her, she will be permitted to enter and she will be interviewed , seperate from you, so make sure she is on the same page eh? My fiance and I had no problem doing this. I raised my hand swore I was not otherwise married and got it. It cost somemoney, my fiance paid it so I really dont know what it was, 30 bucks usa? From there we went to the marriage liscence office, now I remember one thing, my fiance paid out dearly 100 yuans after another it seemed like thousands to expidite the process. After about 2 or 3 hours, you will have it all done and be married. Take the time to chat with other folks getting married, My wife and I made some wonderful friends were gonna keep in contact with. I hope this helps. I thought it would be hard as heck but now were serperated waiting for uscis but otherwise hapilly married.

  9. They won't generally intervene until your cas eis past-due, according to the posted USCIS dates


    Ok, i'm not a very tech savvy guy, and I didnt really mess around trying to make a time line like you guys have. My wife and I met september 04, by a friend of mine in my hometown, who is also best friends with her father. I married her in china feb 05. Up to this point, I have filed I-130, got noa1 last friday, mailed I-129F tuesday. Yeah, I know its gonna take some time. My wife seems always filled with wifely wisdom, she suggested we just wait the time. I kind of like these cheetoes. :clapping:

  10. Ok guys, I have not heard anything about this by reading any of the forums here. Now that the k-3 app is in, as soon as I get my receipt I kind of figured I'd call the ol madam congresswoman of my state and see whats taking so long. I mean, I am married leagally to the woman of my dreams. I want to have a family. Isnt it my congresswomans job to ensure a speedy process? Would I be spitting in the wind? hehe can you sense my lack of patience? /munching on cheetos by the handfull. Is it possible to get tired of cheetos? What happens when I get yelled at for having my feet up on the table. so many questions. =)~

  11. There are plenty of Pasport Photo shops, here and there, that will make pictures to the exact requirement (size, head size, background, which ear is showing, . . .) for very cheap.


    Ok, guys. problem solved. I did tell you my wife is way way smarter than I am? She totally problem solved the whole thing, but not without it being a major pain in my backside. Ok, pull up your cheetoes, kick up your feet and prepare to laugh your ass off at me. =)~

    Ok, she went somewhere in china, and got a passport photo, she then had it put on disc and emailed it to me. Sounds simple right? lol, ok i'm a ditz and i'm not lieing. So, I have this U-disc, its a 40 gig storage device that you can carry around with a usb plug in. It has 2 partitions, well E drive and F drive. Now, i have like 800 pics on E drive, so I thought, put the single passport photo on F drive. Now, I went to Walgreens, and they have this picture machine you can plug in and select pictures. Well. being that E drive had 800 pics, I thought i'd put the single passport pic on F drive, now the machine at walgreens, it cant select different drives, it only looks for photos in the first drive it encounters once you plug it in, so i was shot down. I had hoped to mail everything for my K-3 visa today. So , i was working all day so i had to take bits and pieces of my day for running around trying to get this fixed. Finally, i was able to use a PC and save the passport pic to disc, then i was able to plug in my U-drive and save the photo on E drive. then it took 1.5 hours for the tech at walgreens to figure it out, I actually had to show the tech how to use it. I think the moral of the story is, dont go to walgreens if your in a hurry, i mean, i was there trying to get this thing going, and the tech would stop and help every person that walked in, so what if i was there first. /grump. well its done, i got the right size pic, 2x2 but i ran out of time to get to the post office, DOH. hehe tomorrow its all going out. Hey, thanks for the support, you all make me warm and fuzzy, and feeling not alone in this. /big hugs all!

  12. Take the photos you have into a photo shop and get them made to the specs you want :huh:


    Hey Gene, ok this begs the question. do i need the negative to do that? are you saying i can take the off size pictues i already have and have them made larger? oh that would save some time indeed, i'll check into it monday, thank you.

    when i mailed the i-130, i sent the 2x1.5 inc pictues with the package. i'll just have to see if they ding me on it. lol



  13. The format in China is not 2" x 2" for their docs (never married, birth certificate, etc.). My SO isn't from a big city but the photo places there can and will do 2" x 2" pics. If your SO can't find a place in her hometown then don't panic. I didn't have 2" x 2" pics for the petition and the lawyer said that I could use the smaller photos. The petition was approved and my SO's interview is on the 20th of this month. I would say if your SO can get it then don't take chances in sending the smaller pics.


    When you do go to GUZ for the exam and interview those passport pictures MUST be 2" x 2".


    thanks guys, very much. you all are invaluable. better than paying 2k for a lawyer lol. when my baby wakes up i'll talk to her about mailing 2x2 inch pictues and wait . just a few days , i guess its better than sending the wrong pictures then getting in the bind that may follow.

  14. Sweet indeed.  It makes good sense to push both the I-130 and I-129F through the system.  Good luck.


    It is blasphemous to suggest that Doritos are better than Cheetos during the wait - add fifty days to your processing time as punishment. :P


    Oh Hunter, take heed of Cardinal Frank's words regarding the sacrad Cheetos; least he punish you to even more time. :D


    Did I say dorritos were better than cheetos? ummm..... I ment to say cheetos were better than dorritos, yeah... really.... hehe.

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