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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Hi Carl: As I mentioned on Facebook, diet and exercise are key in controlling diabetes. I don't have it, but many of the living skills that I have to utilize to cope with Heart Disease are similar. As for Chinese food, it is wise to watch the oil and taking in unnecessary carbs. I would also echo the suggestion about Reflexology, which is similar to acupressure for the feet (and hands.) Check with local hospitals and see what kind of community classes they may offer. I know one of our local hospitals offers a course in cooking for diabetics.
  2. Take it from an old guy who had a kid (a wonderful little girl when I was a mere 55) --- having kids at a "ripe" age can be a blessing. I know it has been for me. And although I had the old tubes tied after Salina's birth, we still can have fun pretending to try to have another one. Even though you have been trying for three months now, don't complain. Think of all the fun you are having giving it your best shot!!!! (pun intended).
  3. tsap, from everything you have said, I agree with the notion that your financials should be ok, particularly with the letter of explanation from your accountant. As for GUZ giving preferential treatment to combat vets, - well, har de har har har - we all know how they are with that. Hell, I wouldn't be at all surprised that if you are a Viet Nam vet, it might count against you. At least it seems that way with the mindset those folks have over there at GUZ. I am dumbstruck that you are still waiting on P2. For cryin' out loud, how long can it take? Also, sorry to hear about your brother. Hard to understand - at least from my perspective. Perhaps you're right in connecting his refusal to help with his grief over your father. Best wishes my friend, this too will pass.....
  4. Now looky here cuzin' tsapper, don't go roun tawkin bout kickin' no buckitt! You iz way too yung n' purty tuh even be a-thainkin' likat rite air. Nawsireebob, you ain't nowhars clost tuh be pushin up no daisees, not nowhars even clost. If'n emair little fellers whut usta run aroun in thuh jungle in emair black pee-jammers couldn't shoot yer asst out'n thuh sky, at ritair meens you'ns iz gonna be roun cheer so long you jus mite git tired of yerowndamnself - hell, shit far and save matches.......In the words of that sage prophet, Tom the "retard" in Stephen King's "The Stand," "M-o-o-n - that spells Live Long and Prosper." Wait uh minnit, I thaink I got muh shows mixed up a mite.......
  5. Now wait jes uh carnsarned minnit. U'uns ought not tawk about the waze I wus uh tawkin.....sumtimes we'un, eben yerself, needs tuh practiss yore Yankee tawk. Uttherwize, you mite find yeeself ina pack uh truble if'n uh bluecoat powlice pulls yer ass over fer nuthin'...if'n you cain't tawk likuh Yankee, he'z jus libble tuh thro yore peapackin' ass in thuh hoosegow and afore ye knows it, you done warin' uh rang aroun yer fanger and start cawlin' sum seven foot Yayhoo frum New Jersey "Dear Husband." It's more worst if'n he's got hizelf uh hawgleg wif uh big ol wart onuh end uvv it and ever time he sees yore pore ol' boney butt, he's a totin' uh can uh Crisco.... Atair's jest one uvv thuh reasons I tries tuh keep up with muh Yankee lango..... B)
  6. We measured 12 inches on our back deck and nine inches on the ground in the yard. School has been out all week and Salina is having a ball. Li, Salina, and I built a snow girl in the front yard, complete with a big bonnet and picnic basket......Life is good but travel is treacherous out here on these back roads.
  7. Congrats for reaching this blessed milestone. I vividly remember when we finally cast that yoke from around our necks - it seemed it took forever (and it did - about four-plus years to be exact). Great news, indeed.
  8. You got that right, tsap. These folks are experts at "servicing" ain't they? You'd think they'd at least offer you a smoke or somethin'! Seriously, these time lines talked about above are truly an outrage. Close to two years just to get denied in the first place, then two years plus just to get a second chance to bend over and take whatever they decide to shove......oops.....whatever they decide to decide. It reminds me so much of the crapola of the old Black Hole days, which we were right in the middle of. The worst part of it, not counting the interminable wait, is the fact that getting any reliable info is like pulling teeth. It's damn near impossible to get anything beyond the old 'you case is currently undergoing administrative processing. You will be notified ....blah blah blah....and in the meantime, please bend over....' I really feel for you guys....this whole sheeebang just plain sucks......
  9. We just went through this process about a week prior to Christmas. Li had to go to the Consulate in Washington, D.C. and appear in person. She left here on a 5 am flight to Baltimore and took train to DC. Went to Consulate, visited White House and Capitol Hill, train back to Baltimore and flew back, arriving at 11:30 pm. It was one long day!
  10. Griz, back pain is a real bummer. I have several friends who have lived with it for years. One word of caution: watch our for the Oxycodone - that stuff is highly addictive. As mentioned above, acupuncture might be a great idea; or maybe a chiropractor......Any exercises that you can do to strengthen the muscles in your back would also be helpful, although be careful. Good luck and best wishes.....
  11. Ditto. The couple I mentioned in my earlier post owned a restaurant here, the only one in town (Chinese). Very profitable. Sold it, moved to New York City to have their baby. Now own restaurants (three) in Queens and Brooklyn. Still get government assistance......Incredible.
  12. A well-known racket, indeed. I personally know six couples who have done the same thing, all relocating to New York City to do it. It just blows my mind, but they have found a way to work the system. It really got under my skin for awhile. When Li and I returned from living in China, needless to say we had very little in the way of resources. Four months after our return, Li became pregnant. We qualified for no kind of aid, even though we applied for it. I was mortified because at the same time, a Chinese couple we know also were expecting. They were both here undocumented, but went to New York and, viola, full ride all the way through, plus money for food and "daily necessities" for two years after. Meanwhile, I, a US citizen, had to sell two cars and other assets to pay for our daughter's birth expenses and health care. It is really galling but very true.
  13. Got to be March or April tsapper.....no doubt about it. Just imagine what it is finally gonna feel like to have that thar viser in thuh lil rabbitts pastport (that thars whut she needs tuh git past the port). As my granpappy usta say, "I'll betchee uh dollar too uh donut" she's goin tuh be upair in pennsyltucky afore ye can wawlk aroun uh possum three times wif uh hawk-bill knife......
  14. Mick


    Welcome aboard Candle, Aiai! Hope you find the States to your liking. And welcome to the US; I hope you and your good man have a blessed and happy life together.
  15. Great to hear she finally arrived! Now, on to the joys of AOS! (which is a breeze compared to what you just went through.)
  16. Whether or not you are too poor is not up to the VO to decide as there are regulations already in place regarding income. In order to qualify for the visa, your income has to be at a certain level or above. If I am not mistaken, your income must be 125% of the current poverty level or its a no go. The only way around this is to get a joint sponsor.
  17. That's great news! Should be in your hands soon.
  18. Next week, we will have the busiest travel time of the year. All these new indignities just in time for that......
  19. K1 is fiance visa and K3 is spousal visa (or at least it used to be). I think i129 is part of the paperwork you send it, but it has been so long ago that I did that, things may have changed. Either way, if you are deploying on Jan. 31 you might want to give all this some serious thought. It is also wise to consider what would be best for any lady that you might be involved with at the time. Just my two cents......
  20. There is no logic to how things get done at GZ it seems. I am sure it is frustrating when folks are getting their visas ahead of you and were approved after you. It reminds me of the old Black Hole days. Hang in there, it could be worse. Back then we had our visa approved (pink) on August 20, 2002 and did not receive it until March 10, 2003. And there were some waits longer than hours (OwenKrout and AZ Wolfman to name a few.) Chances are it will be sent out soon. Our prayers are with you.
  21. Make sure the bathroom and kitchen are spotless. And whatever you do, don't forget to clean UNDER the toilet seat.
  22. I think he dumped his load alright! That's why he needs a new pair of shorts.....
  23. In relationship to Daylight Savings Time, wise old Indian chief once said: "Isn't that just like white man's government. They figure they can make blanket longer by cutting off a foot at one end and sewing in on at the other."
  24. You ain't kiddin' about lining up outside, no matter what the weather. On August 20, 2002, the day Li had her interview, a Tropical Storm blew into GZ about 5 am. By 7 am, when we got in line, gale force winds were howling and the rain was coming down in sheets sideways. Li broke her shoe in the subsequent torrent of water that flooded the area in front of the Consulate (it was on Shamian Island then). Old timers will recall that Li had her interview soaking wet, wearing one shoe. If they provide an indoor place to line up in the new building, that will be great.
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