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Everything posted by Mick

  1. That may very well be the case. Way way back in the Black Hole days, this is what happened to so many people. The applicant had successful interview and visa was approved. But the name check rules were changed and, as a result, were being done in a different way. We had real long delays back then, but I doubt they will be that long now. Back in 2002, it took us seven months from interview to visa pick up. But don't panic. Things move faster now.
  2. Our case, and many, many, others, were delayed due to a change in the rules midstream. It was a real nightmare to say the least. Li had her successful interview on August 20, 2002 and we finally were notified to pick up the visa in March, 2003. It was this fiasco, often referred to as the Black Hole, that caused Candle to be created in the first place. Guys like Don, tony (tonado), Tine and Ella, Robert S. are among the old timers here on the board who were around in those days. It was a real mess. I don't know if any of our old posts are still in existence, but if they are, you might go back and read a few of them. It was a nasty, gut-wrenching time for all of us. You could get no info out of GZ except boilerplate letters. I think it would be a good thing if Don or one of the mods might do a post explaining the Black Hole and the birth of Candle. It might be a educative experience for some of the newer people on the board.
  3. We actually got our visa in hand seven months from the day it was approved....but that was back in the Black Hole era.
  4. Our prayers are with you. May you both be blessed with much success and, in this situation, a very positive outcome.
  5. Remember the great line from the movie...? "We thought you wuz a toad!!!"
  6. So sorry to hear of your situation. It just chaps my butt that these folks can be so insensitive to the people they are paid to provide service to and for. Oddly enough, your situation, especially in regards to not being able to find out anything about what's going on and why, reminds me so much of what happened in the famous Black Hole Days. This started in July of 2002 and lasted well into the spring of 2003. The birth of Candle for Love came about due to the Black Hole. A few of us old, old timers were around back in those days, including yours truly. I really feel for your agony, confusion, and frustration. To use Lou Dobbs' term, it is indeed an outrage. Hang in there and keep us posted.
  7. Just thought I would share an article I recently published in an e-zine that discusses some of the image problems Christianity has these days, especially in the States. It is interesting to not that before long China will have more Christians than any other country in the world. Even though that number may be a relatively small percentage of the population in China, it will perhaps be a force to be considered in the shaping of the Christian faith in the new World Culture. Anyway, here is the article. It your not interested, just skip over it....it is kind of detailed..... Keys To A Vital Faith: Open Mindedness Mick Turner Contemporary critics of the Christian faith usually do not have to look too hard to find ammunition they can use against the Church. More often than not, we Christians tend to provide more than enough ammo to keep the firepower of their arsenal at a high level. A recent book, I’m Fine With God; It’s Christians I Can’t Stand, by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz, addresses this issue with both clarity and humor. It should be noted that Bickel and Jantz are Christians. Like an increasing number of thoughtful believers, this pair of authors are willing to take a look at the contemporary Body of Christ and confront aspects of the church that tend to create a less than savory view of Christians by non-believers. One of the issues addressed in the book is the tendency on the part of some believers, too many if the truth be told, who think they have a monopoly on truth. These folks operate by the credo, whether spoken or not, that they have the answers to life’s most perplexing questions, so there is no need to explore anything any further. Those outside the church tend to view this trait as both arrogant and closed-minded. As Christians, I am now convinced that we desperately need to develop an attitude of openness. By this I simply mean that in order to make progress, we have to do things differently than we have in the past. This, my friend, means we have to encounter change. Many of us avoid change, choosing to stay with the familiar, with the status quo. Unfortunately, if we want to grow we have to change. And, if we want to change, we have to be flexible in our approach to life and open to new ways of doing things. The one sure thing that can keep a person in everlasting ignorance is a closed mind. To live a life based on spiritual principles is to always strive to be open to new ideas, new concepts, and fresh and invigorating ways of doing things. So often many of us go about our daily rounds, living life in the same routine way and responding to the events of the day in the same old ritualistic ways that we always have. The same is true for our thinking. We think the same kind of thoughts, hold the same views and opinions, and approach life in the same timeworn way that we always have. No matter that some of these behaviors and thought patterns are non-productive and destructive. We cherish them because they are familiar and comfortable. By living this way we never have to stretch our minds. The process of spiritual formation along biblical lines challenges this way of being and encourages us to venture out into new ways of doing things and fresh ways of thinking. We are challenged to look at things from a different perspective and, when we do, we are transformed - changed in a positive way. Paul called this “renewing the mind” and basically said this was the foundation stone of personal and spiritual development. Oliver Wendell Holmes said it so well: Man's mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension. Sometimes it is difficult for Christians to think outside the box. I think this handicap, and that is what it is, has come about for several reasons. For some ardent conservatives, to think beyond those parameters defined for us by church leaders both ancient and contemporary, is to invite doctrinal error. Heaven forbid! We would never want to do that now would we? It is as Clark, a Fundamentalist friend of mine, so cogently put it: “First you start entertaining thoughts that are unconventional and from there you begin to mull over ideas that are more than non-traditional, they are downright weird. From there, it is a short step to doctrinal error. Fan the flames of doctrinal error just a tad and you end up with a full blown heresy. And from that theological tightrope, it is easy to take the fall into apostasy.” Sometimes Clark has a way with words, even if he has a major problem with his tightly wound thinking. I would say that it is people who believe as Clark does, that all one needs is the Bible (interpreted in an ultra-literal fashion) and the historic creeds of the church that fear out of the box thinking more than most. Another factor influencing people’s reluctance to think out of the box is social expectations and the fear of rejection. More than a few believers have both doubts and questions about the faith, but keep these issues under their vest out of fear that others will view them as incomplete Christians. The problem with this situation is the questions will never be answered nor will the doubts be assuaged. The reality is that some questions and/or doubts can only be dealt with by thinking in new ways, and involve the ability to view an issue from more than one perspective. If a sincere Christian believes that others will reject him/her just because they do not meet with the social expectation that such questions should not even be raised, then that genuine believer may well wither on the vine, simply because part of their social definition of what a Christian is supposed to be like does not permit faltering faith or inconsistent belief. Yet another issue keeping believers thinking inside the box is very obvious. The stark reality is more than a few of us are intellectually lazy. We don’t want to take the time or expend the mental energy necessary to grapple with the more complex issues of the faith. These are the folks with those bumper stickers that say: “The Bible says it; I believe it; end of story.” These are the folks who frequently nap through sermons and say “Amen” even during the announcements. They are quite content to let others do their thinking for them. Emerson once said that "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." One of the things I think he meant by this statement was that, if you allow an external source to define your beliefs, you are often forced compromise the integrity of your mind in order to remain consistent with whatever the school of thought you might be identified with. For example, if you consider yourself to be a fundamentalist you readily understand that fundamentalists believe in the Virgin Birth. As a self-identified fundamentalist, you realize that you, too, should believe in the Virgin Birth. This state of affairs is no real problem unless you find that you don't really believe in the Virgin Birth. Now you have a dilemma on you hands. The way many folks solve this conundrum is to either say that they do, in fact, believe in the Virgin Birth when they really don't or they convince themselves they believe in it, even if they don't. The result is the person in question has compromised the integrity of his or her mind. In order to be consistent with a pre-defined worldview, the person claims to or pretends to believe in something he or she does not believe in. The other end of the theological perspective has equal problems. Let's say you are a very liberal Christian. You have read Spong, Borg, Crossan, Tillich, and all the right authors. Of course, liberals don't believe in the deity of Jesus, at least most of them don't. But what happens if you discover that you do believe in the deity of Jesus. Well, now you have the same problem as the fundamentalist discussed in the previous paragraph. In order to be consistent with what a liberal is supposed to believe, you compromise and even convince yourself that Jesus was just another "great moral teacher" and your problem is solved. Unfortunately, now you have a bigger problem. Your integrity is gone. I can speak of these issues with a certain amount of certainty and at least a modicum of clarity because I have, as they say, been there - done that. By the grace of God, there came a time when I got fed up with having others determine the content of my worldview and went on a quest to figure out just what it was that I really did believe. I won't bore you with the details of my search except to say that as things progressed, I felt more at ease because I understood what I actually thought was true, rather than trying to force myself into a pair of theological shoes that were designed for someone else. I would also say that it is important to know that I full well understand that I am really quite limited in the scope of my knowledge. William Barclay, the great biblical scholar, once said he had, at best, a "second-rate mind." I have read extensively in Barclay's works and can say without reservation that if his mind is second-rate, then mine is surely way on down the scale in double-digits. I have come to understand that I can, in fact, be wrong. That is one reason why I don't involve myself in theological arguments or nitpick over the finer points of doctrine. What do I know? Further, for me to strongly insist that someone else has a view that is erroneous smells of arrogance when you get right down to it. Some Christians feel they have been called to be "Watchmen on the Walls," beating the bushes in search of heretics and other misfits and nomads within the Body of Christ. Perhaps this is, indeed, a genuine calling and, if it is, I pray they live according to that lofty purpose. I am not one of them, however. I don't think I have ever labeled anyone a heretic and doubt that I ever will. Why not, you ask? The fact is, when you get down to the honest truth of the matter, I don't have enough knowledge to make that judgment. I am not giving you a false humility here. I am speaking from my heart. I, like many others, see through a glass darkly and have far too many doctrinal logs in my eye to start picking at the theological specks in someone else's. Further, it is this very tendency on the part of these “Watchmen” that perhaps more than anything else creates that negative image described earlier. It is, more often than not, these self-styled defenders of doctrinal purity that are the most vocal and get the most press. This is a shame, really. These fanatics do not represent Christianity as a whole, but often the media will latch on to these extremists because they are just that – extreme. When the church, no matter what denomination or affiliation, refuses to consider alternative ways of looking at things, it is setting its members up for both frustration and increasing social isolation. This is the process whereby the Body of Christ has become increasingly irrelevant in post-modern times. Historically, nothing good comes out of this. Take the case of Galileo and the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church fought hard against Galileo’s idea that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the Solar System. This great scientist was eventually relegated to the periphery of his church and his faith and faced excommunication, all because he entertained a new, strange idea. Of course, Galileo was eventually proved to be correct. Within a relatively short span of years his ideas were so widely accepted that they were considered “mainstream” by all scientists. It should be noted, however, that it was not until 1992 that the Roman Catholic Church apologized to Galileo and admitted they were wrong. From this, it should not be hard to figure out why those outside Christian circles tend to have a tarnished view of the faith. One other thing needs to be mentioned as well. Doctrinal and religious debates tend to get a bit testy. Rarely have I seen one of these discussions go on for long before folks start launching verbal grenades that have little to do with the point they were originally trying to make. I avoid these discussions and debates like poison ivy for the following reasons. First, as already mentioned, my knowledge is too small for me to be the final arbiter of any doctrinal dispute. Secondly, these kinds of conflicts promote discord rather than unity, and it is unity we are called to, not discord. Finally, I stay away from doctrinal fights because these sorts of disputes often put people in the position of having a choice to be "right" or to be "kind." I'll opt for kindness every time. L.D. Turner 2008/All Rights Reserved
  8. Very Well Said!!!! I am reminded of the movie "Oh God" in which John Denver finally meets God (George Burns) face to face. Denver says, "But why did you pick me. I'm just a produce manager. I don't even belong to the church." God responds: "Neither do I."
  9. Yummy Yum!!!!! The flies I'm used to. Often get those, along with Bat wings in peanut butter over here as well, at least the Crunchy variety...not the smooth. It's hard to smooth out a Bat wing. Speaking of bats.....Coca Cola, it is rumored, used Bat wings in Tab for years. Always denied it until some disgruntled former executive admitted it. Even named it after the ingredient.... Don't believe me? Just spell Tab backwards..... B)
  10. It is also interesting to note that one flavor of Christianity, the Prosperity Gospel, is now making inroads in China. It is spreading like wildfire and it is easy to see why, given the new prosperity in the nation. This is not a positive turn of events to say the least. But I suspect, from a sociological perspective, it is easy to understand. Robert Schuller is very big over there. Back in around 2002 or so, a translation of his ancient book "Move Ahead With Possibility Thinking" was published in Chinese over there. Everytime a shipment came into the store in Shantou where I lived, it sold out by noon. Incredible. I hear someone is trying to get Joel Osteen's two books translated and published over there as well.
  11. After reading through this thread twice now, I feel compelled to say just a few things. I lived in China five years and met many, many Chinese people. Some were Christians, some were not. I found good people in both camps and bad people in both camps. However, in the Christian camp, I saw some of the bad folks get better. Didn't see that in the other camp. Second, while opinions are great, it is also a good thing to do a little reading and research. I would like to recommend some reading to those who might be interested in getting a balanced view on two issues: Christianity in China and Christianity in 21st Century America. Also, the interface of religion and culture as pertaining to Christianity in America. David Aikman, former Time Beijing Bureau Chief, has written an excellent book entitled, "Jesus in Beijing." I would highly recommend this book as it gives great insight into the phenomenon of Protestant growth in China. As for these shores, there are two excellent books, written by Christians. They take aim at the religion itself and are more interested in Christians confronting their own problems as opposed to trying to change everyone else. The first one is entitled, "I'm Fine With God; It's Christians I Can't Stand." It is written by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz. Great book! Very funny at times. The second is entitled, "UnChristian," by a pair of authors David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons. Kinnaman is a sociology research prodigy now working for the Barna Group, a Christian research firm that is highly reputable and not afraid to call a spade a spade. The book addresses the publics negative image of the faith and why it exists. It lays the blame on the shortcomings of the faith, not the least of which has been its joining at the hip with the Republican Party and the Religious Right. Both of these trends, in place since the late '70's, are now in their death throes, fortunately. I think these books are well worth your time, especially if you want to have informed insight into Christianity in China and the radical changes going on within the faith in this country. As for the latter, you can also Google anything related to Brian McLaren and the Emerging Church Movement. Ok, I'm done.....
  12. Down here in Rocky Top, we say.....Goooo Titans!!!!! (It's our only choice as the Volunteers suck wind big time) Oh, and speaking of Nashville....Goooo Vandy!
  13. We never had a follow up call of any kind at any step of the way. Boy, I wish they had called and asked about fingerprints. I would have given them an ear full! From the time Li arrived in the States until she received AOS, she was fingerprinted seven times.
  14. Dennis, living in China I quickly learned you don't have to strain your neck looking at all those beautiful women with their girlie girl dresses and skirts....no matter which direction you are facing, there are usually five or six at least. No need to keep turning your head. B)
  15. I really appreciate so many folks sharing their thoughts in this thread. Daoism, Zen....very fascinating subjects to say the least. I often visited temples while living in China and once was honored to be present when an 18-year-old monk, evidently a prodigy, was ordained as the abbot of the "Bamboo Temple" in Shantou, Guangdong. It was a fascinating ceremony. Bamboo Temple is a Chan teaching center, very small and non-descript. It is tucked away on a small side street and easily overlooked unless one knows where to go. I spoke to this 18-year-old a couple of days before the ceremony as one of my students and her family belonged to this particular temple. My student served as translator. From my all too limited understanding, the young man seemed to be pretty highly evolved in his outlook on things. From what I understand, he was abandoned on the temple doorsteps when he was an infant. He was raised by the monks and taught by the man who was head of the temple before him. Really interesting.
  16. I first began studying Daoism in the early '70's, along with Zen, which incorporated a number of Daoist teachings into its base philosophy. I think one of the first things that attracted me to the system of thought was the notion of entering a space beyond conceptual thinking. I have always been interested in eastern thought in general. In Zen, one often encounters the idea of achieving 'Pure Mind', or what I have come to call "Immaculate Perception." I think the idea is trying to get quiet enough to enter what is best described as the "space between thoughts." The idea is that, just as it is the silent spaces in music that makes a composition great, it is the silent spaces between thoughts that reveal life as it "really is" as opposed to how we think it is. Have also studied several of the more contemporary Christian mystics that have tried to blend eastern thought with their faith, most notably Thomas Merton. Merton died tragically in Thailand in 1968 when an electric fan fell into his bathtub. Merton's thought is especially intriguing and it is rumored that he was on the verge of converting to Zen before his death. As for qigong, I began practicing with two Chinese teachers in Miami in the early '80's. I have found qigong to be quite safe, although I have heard of the phenomenon called "Qigong Psychosis," which is actually an official diagnosis in the DSM IV. Of course, I am pretty well psychotic to begin with, so I wouldn't know qigong psychosis if I had it. That is, unless I could find the space between my psychotic thoughts.....then maybe I would be an enlightened psychotic. I have benefited greatly from both qigong and Taiji and would recommend them to anyone. Li does not steer clear of qigong. She does not practice as regular as I do, but has no great fear of it, either. Sorry I sort of dropped out of the thread for awhile. I am on a lot of deadlines for both the paper and two magazines due to holiday submissions. Love to hear some more from you folks....
  17. in what way Joanne? One day while she was practicing, she collapsed and could not control herself. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qigong "Lee and Kleinman both claim to have had experience with patients suffering from the condition.[citation needed] "Many kinds of qigong share certain similarities, such as the attainment of a trance state, patterned bodily posture or movement¡­, the practice of which could induce mental illnesses in some of its practitioners." " Wow! Maybe that's what's wrong with me!
  18. "Taoism" is the Romanized translation under the old Wade-Giles system of transliteration. Pinyin is "Daoism."
  19. I tried to post this in the Philosophy and History Forum, but it wouldn't take, so I'll put it here. I have long been a fan of Daoist philosophy in general and its applications to health and vitality in particular. I have studied and practiced qigong since 1980 and went into some depth with the practice while living in China. I have benefited greatly from this. I was just wondering: What do you folks think of Daoist thought? Are you or your partner practitioners of qigong, Taiji, or meditation? Or, anything else you might want to say....
  20. Now, if'n it's culture you want, c'mon down cheer to Tennerbama. We got two drive ins and both are showin' Smoky and the Bandit. Been runnin' continuously now since '78!
  21. For the first five years of our relationship, we lived in China. Taking a nap from noon to 2:30 was written in stone and most of the city shut down, even the banks. While we lived there, I came to enjoy the mid-day snooze. Since coming to the States four years ago, our jobs keep us from napping. Still, on the weekends we sometimes take a nap. Then, again, if we take a nap together, we sometimes don't sleep. We tend to play and then....
  22. Congrats to Ella and you too Tine. It is a blessing to see one of the old timers pass a significant milestone. May God bless you and your entire family.
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