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Everything posted by Mick

  1. All of Li's official Chinese documents show birthdate of Oct. 6, when in fact it is May 7. Like Randy said, just put down what's on her documents. No need to muddy the issue.
  2. As I have mentioned before, if you take those little round moon cakes and put them in the back of the refrigerator for about six months, then take them out - they make great hockey pucks.
  3. Sounds wonnerful upair good buddy! I love the autumn blast of color. Our leaves haven't begun to turn yet, but you can see that they are getting ready to. There is a large stand of hardwoods just behind our house, right across the field that has the donkeys and cows in it. And on the little country lane where we take our daily walks, there is another stand of trees, mostly Maple trees, Sweet Gums, and more than a few huge old Oak trees. You can begin to see the leaves are slowly getting a little lighter in hue and the Sweet Gums are dropping those big balls everywhere. Our nights are cooler but daytime still hits upper 80s to lower 90s. It's comin' though, I can feel it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
  4. I agree Kim - this should be an interesting ride over the remainder of this year. It will also be interesting to see how Bo's fate and that of his wife and Wang Lijun all intertwine as this unfolds. And yes, whatever happens will have a "message sending" element in it.
  5. I think love is a nebulous concept at best, but can be described at least in terms of emotions and actions. What amounts to love early in a relationship, if the relationship is genuine and lasting, is transmuted into something far deeper as time passes. As Carl mentioned, it involved being able to anticipate needs and meet them without request or even hinting. Also, and this is important I think, love involves sacrifice - the willingness to time after time put your needs second - to time after time opt for being kind as opposed to being "right." Love involves being not only willing to do those things, but being happy about doing them. Few things please me more than knowing some little something I did brought a smile to Li's face, that something I did somehow made her life a bit lighter and easier, if for only a moment. Love involves something else I think - RESPECT! When I look at Li, even after these 15 years, no, especially after these 15 years, I still get a sense of awe when I consider who and what she is. All of these things are involved in love, but none of them cover the whole territory. But hey, no need to wrap words around a gift so special.
  6. I echo Carl's recommendation about the driving school. That is what eventually worked best for Li and it saved a lot of wear and tear on my nerves.
  7. Congrats, Dan!!!! And yes, Hong Kong is one of my very favorite cities.
  8. As I recall Wolfman, you were one of the last ones to crawl out of the Black Hole way back when. Maybe they do remember you and are pushing you through before you have a chance to get angry with them again. Seriously, glad things are moving much faster this time. You deserve it after the hell they put you through back in 2002-2003.
  9. It won't be long now, Carl. What kind of strings are you going to put on it?
  10. I have been a member of this site for almost ten years now, joining in December, 2002. I can only tell you what others have already said. You can find all the info you need on Candle and furthermore, you can discuss the particulars of your case with countless members who have been through the process and know angles, potential problems, and issues you can never dream of on your own. And visa services and attorneys will only take your money and give you minimal and often misleading services. Over the past decade I have seen repeated examples of errors by attorneys or visa services that have cost folks a chance to get a visa. Also, in case you wind up with a "blue slip," requesting further information or proof of bonafide relationship, there are many folks on this site who have had to go through that process as well. Good luck in your journey and welcome aboard.
  11. Rural roustabout!!! I love it. Now if that shoe don't fit fer shore!!! I think I'll get me one of them personalized license plates that says Rural Roustabout on it. If that don't beat all....
  12. Tsap, sounds like all you need is some Pabst to make things complete - what with the redneck and white socks already in the house - all you need is the Blue Ribbon beer. And maybe buy her a five dvd set of Kojak episodes. Imagine what she would do if old Telly Savales popped that sucker outa his mouth, look at the screen and said, "Who loves ya baby?" My oh my.....
  13. Ah Cuzzin' tsapper, I recall those days quite well. Walk into a club with a Quaalude taped to yer lapel and the wimmins would be linin' up to have a go at it.....I was always partial to uppers, though. They used to make this one mighty fine amphetamine concoction called Obedrin LA (the LA stood for Long Acting). I forget which pharmaceutical giant made it, but it was like Donald Fagen said in Kid Charlemagne, "Just by chance you crossed a diamond with a pearl." My oh my. the thing was two layers. The top was bi-phetamine t-20, the finest there was, and the bottom was Quaalude, to "take the edge off." We called 'em LA Turnarounds cause you could take one and drive to LA, turn around, and drive back. I saw many a fine southern rock band with one of those sizzlin' around my synapses. All in the name of good fun.
  14. One of my favorite quotes of all time was what Dylan said when he first heard Dire Straits: "Damn, those guys sound more like me than I do."
  15. Tsapper you made my day!!! Stevie Ray is my all time favorite artist of any kind. Man, what a player he was. Just unbelievable. I saw him up in Nashville around 87 or so and once again down in Miami in 89, about a year before his helicopter flew into that hillside in Wisconsin. Most folks, including the song American Pie, say that Buddy Holly's death was "the day that music died." That's true I guess, but it had a second death when Stevie Ray left us. And that old beat up '59 Stratocaster he played says it all - he used to call it his first wife. I read somewhere that the guitar is in a musuem now, maybe the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but not sure. You could figure I loved Stevie Ray as he was so influenced by my other favorite axe man - Johnny Winter.
  16. Sounds like a great evening, tsap. Wish I could have been there. I saw the Lovin' Spoonful in the summer of '66 at the old Curtis-Hixon Auditorium in downtown Tampa. It was one of my first concerts ever. I was barely 17 at the time, just finished my junior year in high school. Me and three buddies piled into my '56 VW convertable and drove the 70 miles up to Tampa from Venice, where we lived. It was great to hear the Spoonful, but for some reason Sebastian's singing was so soft it was hard to hear him over the geetars and drums. Still a great show, but I was blown away by the opening act - Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels - Devil With A Blue Dress, Good Golly Miss Molly, and the best C.C. Rider you ever wanted to hear. Lordy, what an act those guys were. I know what you mean about those Spoonful songs. They really take you back - Do You Believe in Magic. What a Day for a Daydream. And I recall the Mama's and Papa's in one of their old songs had a line: "And in a coffee house Sebastian sat, and after every number, they passed that hat; McGuinn and McGuire were just a gettin' higher in LA, you know where that's at......" Gotta stop, my wrist is startin' to talk to me.....
  17. Great news, indeed Tine! So very good to hear from you and Ella. Hope all is well and please, come around more often. You are missed!
  18. Welcome to Candle! In addition to first rate visa information here, you can also get great info on living and working in China. Several of our current members are living over there now, and quite a few of us lived and worked there in the past. I lived in China, for example, for five years. I taught English and Journalism, first in Anhui Province, then in Guangdong. I am sure you can get much help and support from the Candle members, whether it be visa related or related to living and working in China. Again, welcome aboard.
  19. Congrats on yer one year anniversary of the arrival in America of yer lovin' family, Cuzin' Tsap. As I have said a thousand times, if anyone ever deserved the happiness you have shared over this year, it is you my friend. After all the hurdles placed in your path by the powers that be, the four and a half year wait, and the reems of paperwork you filled out, it was truly a blessing to step off that plane at Dulles. And the fact that Screamin Eagle had the kindness and honor in his heart to welcome you home was a priceless gift. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about the adventures of Wenyan, Fengqi, and you as the new family traversed those first twelve months. It is also a testament to your foresight and love that you have taken steps to provide for your family's future by purchasing and renovating those apartments. And as you have said, the permanent disability granted by the VA was more icing on the cake. Tsap, I hope and pray that this next 12 months will be as blessed as the first year. Each day we are blessed, I think, with both challenges and opportunities. You have the intelligence and the sensitivity to discern the silver lining in even the darkest moments, so I am assured that you will continue to find ways to make your life and that of your family a positive and rewarding journey. Keep us posted as things unfold over the coming months. Look forward to hear about your travels.
  20. Tsap, ifin' you gets things goin' pretty good in the back row, don't forget the hole in the bottom of the popcorn box trick.
  21. Sounds like a great trip, tsap, and a good deal at 68 bucks. Don't blame you for not wanting to drive in NY. I did that once and don't ever want to do it again. Boston is even worse! Hope you guys enjoy the big, green ice cream lady, but I hope I don't see any news reels of a terlet seat hanging off the Nutty Buddy.
  22. Sorry I can't be of any help on this one, Wolfman, but I did want to say hi and wish you the best. You were one of the last folks to crawl out of the Black Hole back in 2002-2003 as I recall. Yes, Candle has grown into a huge board since the old, old days. I clearly remember how we celebrated when we enrolled member number 200!
  23. Wow, you men the heat wave finally reached you guys???? Is it humid as well? Carl, I have thoroughly enjoyed watching this project move forward and have learned a lot from you. As griz said, it is a true labor of love and a work of art.
  24. Heck, at age 13 I hadn't even had my first romp with inflatable livestock. I thaink I wuz about 14 and uh half when muh cuzin' gimme uh blow up donkey fer muh birffday. It even cum wif uh inflatable stump....
  25. Lookin' great, Carl! I really enjoyed your lesson on the difference in tone between standard braces and scalloped braces. I would have never thought of that, but then, I only play them, not make them. It has been great to watch this project unfold step by step.
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