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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. And both of you will celebrate knowing you are closer to reunion than you are today. Make sure you have a fresh phone card for the day.
  2. Really? You guys are the old pros, but that's not what the instructions say on OF-169 #3. Isn't every place you have lived since the age of 16? The instruction is generic for all countries. Take the U.S. for instance until recently Police departments didn't even share info on felonies. There is no agency that watches you and could certify that you hadn't committed a crime. So you would need statements from everywhere you lived and then you might still have done a crime somewhere else. In this case the family registry used by China, Korea and Japan works in our favor. They have more info about the individual in one place than most countries have scattered around. For this reason one can cover all.
  3. Actually it is not consistent and they can be forced to follow their own regulations if you want to go through the hassles. Bringing the SSA regulations in with you often resolves it. I think this may be one of those East coast/West coast differences in application of policy that often ocurrs. Isn't it nice that in this country we have one law for everyone
  4. I have heard of similar problems with health insurance. All of the ones I know of were resolved by using the passport or visa number. Actually the SS# is not the only ID accepted but many people think so because the forms are written that way. Once you are married they both qualify for social security numbers since the SSA law only requires a need not residency. Distribution of your SS benefits as wife and child establishes that need. You just have to get to someone that understands the regulations they are following. Good luck.
  5. I would take the tax credit along with the one you have for being married. I assure you that if they decide you don't qualify they well charge you the difference. The government is very good about things like that.
  6. Ok Paul which outfits from Victoria Secret did you take with you?
  7. Haven't heard anything yet but it is about time to badger GUZ with another email. Have you checked out the schools yet? Name: Adrian's Beauty College - Modesto Address: 124 Floyd Avenue City/State/Zip: Modesto, CA 95350 Telephone: (209) 526-2040 Contact: Pat Cochran Manager Hours: Call for class schedule Notes: Offering courses in Manicuring, Cosmetology and Esthetician. Languages Spoken: English Email: Pcochran@inreach.com
  8. Asian philosophy holds that women age 15 years faster than men. Also families want an established man for their daughter not someone starting out. These ways of thinking encourage marriage between younger women and older men. In our case the difference is 19 years. It doesn't bother either of us nor have I heard of any concern over age in her family. In fact my health has been better than hers, of course that could reverse in a few years. One never really knows what the fates have in store.
  9. Yes green tea is good, but China has many good teas such as Jasmine, Osmanthus, Puu Er, Chrysanthemum and on and on. I once found one called Five Flowers but haven't found it again, that was great! Rose bud tea is also good. There are so many. I really enjoy the tea shops and selecting the right tea (must watch not to get too high grade with high price). The tea trays that the tea is made on also come in so many styles. We are looking for what one we would like for our home. I like the ones of stone carved into a coiled dragon. But perhaps a polished wood one too for a change of mood. I have done Japanese Tea Ceremony but it is so stylized and rigid. In China the tea culture was relaxing and social.
  10. Jim here is info for manicurist in California. I have had many friends who are immigrants that took this license. Manicurist Vocations Requiring License: Manicurists (nail care). Fees: The initial fee of $35 includes examination and licensing costs; Renewal: $40. Examination Frequency: Monday - Friday. Examination Locations: Los Angeles and Fairfield. Experience Requirement: Must have completed a course in nail care, not less than 400 hours, from a school approved by the Program. Average Time to Process Application: 6-8 weeks. Fee Period: Every two years. Authority: Business and Professions Code; Chap. 10, Div. 3. Other Special License Requirements: None. Information and Applications: P.O. Box 944226, Sacramento, CA 94244-2260; (916) 445-7061 or (916) 445-7008. http://commerce.ca.gov/state/ttca/ttca_bus...Path=sec14#mani She will need the course to pass the exam, that is what the course preps for. The exam is in English but she is allowed to bring someone to translate. I have gone as both translator and model. The examiner felt so sorry for the woman who did my nails that she got an A. Figured if mine could be made to look decent she could do anyones.
  11. Ah the great question of life. Gather round with us as we ponder this question and wait for the Great GUZ to "touch" our applications. Check out the time charts in this forum and check some of the "graduates' timlines in their posts. Then sit back down and pick a number any number. Oh one more word of advise. Don't step in front of me in line! It could be dangerous. I last saw my SO in June last year. The good news is that it seems to be going faster this year than last, unless it slows down.
  12. Jim I am sure I'll either hear you or see fire works in the sky from here in So Cal. Myself, I've started feeling giddy as expectation over the P-4 grows.
  13. Exact same experience here. I find these comments very amusing because it reminds me of my experiences in Japan. Ok so perhaps my grammer wasn't the best but they still should not have thought I was speaking English. I would ask for something in a store and be answered with "No speak English". I'd respond "But I'm speaking Japanese, not English". They would just repeat "No speak English". Once in awhile another clerk would come over laughing saying "But he is speaking Japanese" and take over for the other one. I found that if I started out by saying in Japanese "relax don't worry about your English, I speak Japanese" it would sink in more rather than just getting the automatic response. Once I was in Tokyo with a Japanese Canadian. She didn't speak Japanese. I was translating for her and still shopkeepers would ignore me and talk to her. They would even say after some words were exchanged, "if he buys something I can give you a commission." It can be funny but also frustrating. Last night (China morning) while talking to my SO, I asked about Da Shan. She had seen him on TV but wasn't too impressed. She commented on his accent and then apparently realized that I too might someday speak Chinese. This was a break through. She has always reacted to my wanting to learn Chinese with "You don't have to, I speak English". This time she realized it as a possibility. I have always said I want to be able to join in on family conversations. She has always said that it isn't so important. I think this was a cover up for doubting the possibility. Now she thinks I can and that it is a good idea. All from mentioning this CFL thread on Da Shan. THANK YOU DA SHAN! THANK YOU CFL!
  14. You make an excellent point! My darling will likely never apply for a US Passport, if a Green Card is ever even issued. She is happy to remain a permenant resident here, while we live here. But in the future, our work may take us elsewhere...who knows. All we know is that we will purchase property in China soon, and be open to moving back there, and my going through the paperwork...or moving on elsewhere! As I see it, applying for the passport just burns a bridge, and right now, in this world, one needs flexibility of one is to survive wars, famine, poverty, obtain education, and access to ideas and information, as well as basic humanity, love, caring, history, etc. Good thoughts... I feel the same way lele. As far as the advantage of nationality and borders to secure happiness and quality of life, I think citizenship is becoming archaic. I hope that current trends continue rather than retrench with the threat of wars looming. I welcome the flexibility of being a multinational couple but would not limit our future just to these two countries. I hope I live to see the dawn of world citizenship in recognizing that borders are artificial political divisions.
  15. Yes Winchell's much better in the war to undermine the unAmerican nations of the world. Twice the sugar of Dunkin. Good idea. Let's get those overseas franchises going.
  16. Has Dunkin Doughnuts opened in GZ???? Everywhere I went I saw KFC and MacDonald's and Sodas. We have progressed rapidly in conquering the world. George B don't be impatient. There is a peaceful and more permanent way to make the world over in our image. By sending our junk food messengers into the world it is only a few decades to remake a nation. Add to this exporting our sedentary jobs with short break times for efficiency and we can do it in just 5 to 10 years. India is already reporting a high percent of obesity in city children. China is next. Anyway my reason for posting this here is not to rave drivel but to suggest that perhaps we have been doing this K visa thing wrong. By the time we get our interviews China may already be America. So perhaps it makes sense to wait in China patiently rather than ranting in the waiting room. This is not a criticism rather just sharing my thought process as I wait here with the rest of you. Thank you for listening during one of my rare moments of quiet lucidity.
  17. "Please try to show a little compassion for those who actually have had these horrible experiences... It won't diminish your happiness or romantic success with Asian / Chinese women to acknowledge that not every case is legit! " I agree Maiya's Mama. Both sides of the issue have risks and might be matters of abuse of a system and relationship. I know I get very tired of hearing people that are genuinely concerned for me say "she is just using you to get over here". I know that is not so but I also know if it doesn't work out (which is possible in any relationship) I will never hear the end of it. Inspite of this I decided it was worth that risk.
  18. I'll second the problems that someone from Israel might have. Their lunar calender months start in the middle of our months, the length of the months change from year to year and every 7 years one month is repeated, Adar 1 and Adar 2. Plus, their "day" goes from sunset to sunset so if you were born after sunset, you were really born the next day. :greenblob: Fun Fun Fun !!! Personally having grown up with the day starting at sunset and the year at end of summer I like the system and don't see a reason for changing. It is a matter of philosophy since there is no begining end to a circle. I like the Jewish philosophy that from darkness comes light = darkness starts the day.
  19. Congratulations!!!! Best Wishes on your success!
  20. Sorry to hear you are trying to find a good Chinese restaurant in New York. Most in that area serve what is known in the Restaurant trade as New York Chinese Food. It is actually taught in cooking schools. It is a style that was developed long ago from materials available in the NE U.S. to mimic Chinese materials. Then it was adapted to American taste to be saleable. I find the best is what I learn from cooks in China then do at home.
  21. If the Gregorian date is given on the birth certificate it should be translated that way and the relationship of the dates to her passport is clearly established. There are many countries using other calendars such as Japan, China and Israel. This is well known by the American government and documents are expected to reflect it. There should be no problem. Just have directly translated what you have. Be glad it isn't the Japanese calendar which uses the name of the emperor and year from his accession on birth certificates. The other choice is to forget the birth certificate and get one of the alternative documents issued matching the passport. I do not think it necessary to refer to the Gregorian Calendar which labels October, November and December as the 8th, 9th and 10th months rather than 10, 11, 12 as rational. Are you implying that all other systems are irrational? The Julian date used with the same January 1st start progress by day of the year i.e. 1,2,3,4,5.......365, 366. It is used by most companies in pack date codes. July & August were added to correct a mistake and pushed the 8, 9, 10 months off by 2. Sorry for the unasked for information but I get upset at my calendar being referred to as archaic or irrational when it has worked accurately for nearly eight times as long as the Gregorian and is currently used by millions of people. The Gregorian calendar was initiated by Pope Gregory XIII born at Bologna, 7 Jan., 1502; died at Rome, 10 April, 1585
  22. The name at the time the claim is made does not establish the right to claim. They will have that info in the computer already. The person will simiply establish their identity as required. If it doesn't match what is in the computer based on your SSN then they will have a battle establishing it it as they will be dealing with the government. IT is not only for K visas that the government finds new ways to add stress to its citizens life. And you thought they only provided this service for K applicants
  23. Are you sure you need a state notary? Isn't it a certification by the DOS? That is what China requires. The Chinese consulate required my certified divorce decree recertified by the State Department before the consulate could certify the papers. This was required when I thought we would do K-3.
  24. Shanghai is already too over priced. We're looking else where. There are many places developing that have much to offer and safer to try driving in.
  25. Hoʻomaikaʻi ʻana! Good to celebrate at home. Have some real ono kau kau and da kine music with the family. Mmmm Mmmm
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