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Everything posted by Carl

  1. The fact your SO automatically gets a green card is one reason I went the CR-1 route. Another reason was before I went to China I talked to a guy on AFF who had worked for the consulate in GZ. he told me they processed the CR-1's faster than the K-3. He also told me I had to pay to file an I-130 then again for an I-129, then when we went for an AOS there was another charge, so in the long run a CR-1 was actually cheaper than filing all the other forms. Maybe he was wrong, but a CR-1 was the way I went, because it seemed like the best way to go.
  2. any of you thinking about specializing in immigration law? You would have a unique perspective on the process
  3. after reading the translation, all I can say is.......WOW!!!! ......There is nothing left to the imagination....and it also sounds familiar too. talk about deja vu.....
  4. I have e-mailed Maura Hartly, both my senators (TX) and my congressman numerous times. One if my letters has actually made it on Senator Cornyn's website. He sits on the Judicary sub commitee on Immigration and Naturalization, so he is a prime target for us to contact. So far I have not received a reply, but I am not giving up yet....I am close to actually applying for the visa for my wife, so any way I can speed it up I will do just that.
  5. I had a guy from VisaJourney.com send me a fillable I-864, but when I called the NVC they said they prefer we use the one they send us, because they are not sure if the on-line one is up dated. They also said that the one they send us has the bar code (where??? ) and there are other identification marks on it (huh????? ) that they need.
  6. Could this be the notorious "Black Pearl ????" Could she have, like the Grinch, suddenly grown her heart three sizes larger than what it was before ????? maybe there is hope for the world and angels are on this earth
  7. It might help for you to list the Governors and Congressmen and Senators contacted. That way if one of them are from your state you can keep up the pressure on them, and if your representative is not on the list they can be added.
  8. Me no pay tention to how many posts me have!!!!!! Me know they pile up before me know it. All me know is now "Me are an advanced member." Me got eddookayshun so me can write good posts with meaning....not try to pad me numbers. "What was that dear????? My knuckles are dragging again?????"
  9. I just got off the phone with the NVC. They said that if you are over 125% of the poverty level then there is no requirement for any letters from the bank. They also told me that a recent pay stub will suffice as proof of employment instead of a letter from your employer. Just wanted to pass this along.
  10. Well I too have been actively e-mailing Maura Hartly, my representative in congress, both senators in my state (TX) and even the president himself. I am especially interested in keeping the pressure on Senator Cornyn from Texas since he sits on the subcommitee that deals with immigration and naturalization. Lets "keep up the skeer" on them until something is done.
  11. I forgot to mention that along with Sen. Cornyn I did send the same letter to Maura and she did personally respond to me promising to get back to me. Still waiting though....
  12. Ping, In fact I should be thanking you. You was the author of the letter I sent to Senator Cornyn. So I want to say way to go to you for writing such a powerful letter.
  13. I don't want to brag, but I can lay claim to sending the letter to Sen. Cornyn. I was not sure until I saw the last line which gave the city as Kerrville, TX, which is where I live and I did send this letter to not only him, but Rep Henry Bonilla, Sen. Kay Hutchison and on a whim, President Bush. I wish I could claim I wrote the letter, but I downloaded it from another's post here on CFL. It was such a powerful letter, I felt it was necessary to pass it on. I hope the actual author does not mind my sharing it. For those who do not follow congressional commitee assignments, Sen. Cornyn sits on the Judiciary commitee, and is on the subcommitee that deals with immigration and naturalization, so if there is one senator we need to inform, he is one of them. I am glad that the senator deemed it important enough to publish and it will move him to act. Carl Kerrville, TX
  14. Hey, Whatever you're smoking.......give me some.......It sounds like everybody said......THE HELL WITH IT.....LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!
  15. I feel your pain. I made a point in my signature page to Triggs letter that because of the delays in the visa system Ying and I will MISS our first wedding anniversery.....so for those who are still waiting.....please.....please.....please do up a signature page and send it to Trigg. Unless we make our thoughts known, nobody will ever know.
  16. Yeah, I agree Trigg, we can't expect the powers to be to do anything if we won't do our part and write them a letter. The letter will lose a lot of it's impact if we don't get enough signatures. Anyone who is going to, wanting to, or thinking about sending a signature page please let Trigg know. Let me add my plea for more to sign the letter. If we don't let the powers that be know there are problems, nothing will ever be fixed.
  17. I emailed Trigg my signature page with my own short story added to it for extra oomph.
  18. Actually, IMHO, her coming to visit you then returning to China might be a point in your favor. She comes to the US to meet you, she gets to see where you live, and meet your family and you both can fill out the paperwork. Since she is planning on returning to China instead of trying to illegally stay, she proves her desire to return legally. Take lots of pictures in very public and famous places. That way if the visa officer asks if she has been to the US, she can say yes and show the pictures as proof. The visa officer may actually recognize the places she shows and may end up conversing with her. As far as the K-1 form goes. it just says you have to heve actually met. It does not say where. Here or there should be all the same to them. Very few of us got a lawyer....the forms are easy to understand and fill out. Like I said, just MHO.
  19. Ok, I think that the letter should be sent primarily to Maura Hartly, but rgther than editing it for every member of the senate and house (to time consuming). When I was in the Air Force and I wanted someone else to also see it I would do a CC: (courtesy copy). That way I was able to write one letter but send it to multiple addresses. What do you think?
  20. I can say I was fairly lucky when I went to acquire my important documents over the last few years. I got my birth certificate from Illinois in only a couple weeks (of course I lived in a county that is mostly farmland). A few years ago I had to get a divorce certificate from Los Angeles county California. I believe it took me about a month. Last year I got my divorce certificate from Oregon. It only took a couple of weeks. In the end I really did not need for my marriage to Ying, but I did need it for our visa petition.
  21. The only change I would suggest is adding the CR-1 visa to the sentence with the K-1 and K-3 for those of us who are going through the CR-1 process.
  22. I would call the National Visa Center (603-334-0700). Use their automated system. Follow the instructions and at the proper prompt enter your LIN number and you will get the latest information. If they assigned you a GUZ number you will find out at that time.
  23. There seems to be a difference of opinion as to what we should do. I suggest that all of us who are interested in this letter need to have some sort of a conference. I would suggest the CFL's chat room. I know like me there are many who spend lots of time here or make regular visits. What we need to do is get one of our administrators here announce a date and time for such a conference far enough in advance that those of us who are serious can attend. Now I realize that there may be some who may not be able to be there due to work or other commitments, so those that do can make their wishes and opinions known to those who can attend and authorize them to act as a proxy and give them the majority decision. I think that this is the best way to allow a debate and to arrive at a concensus. ANY THOUGHTS?????????
  24. Which visa reciept is this? If I pay the visa fee ($335 plus other fees), will I have a payment reciept sent to me?
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