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Everything posted by Carl

  1. I know this has probably been answered in another thread, but I am going to ask anyway. Ying has her birth certificate, divorce decree, our marriage book and the translations of all of them, but does she need copies of my birth certificate and divorce decrees? I did not send her those when I sent her the P-3. Please let me know so I can send those ASAP.
  2. Thanks, there was something in what she said to me that just did not pass the smell test. As for the whipping, call it my daily pennance in my quest for celibacy .
  3. I got the DS-230 (P-3) Friday last week. I filled out the information and yesterday (Monday) I sent the packet to Ying via Global Express Mail. This morning (Tuesday) I was surprised to see Ying online waiting for me. She said she had read on 001 that I needen't have sent her the DS-230, but could have signed it myself as her agent. Is this true? Did I add extra time onto our wait because I sent the paperwork to China for her signature? If this is true everybody please castigate me about the head and shoulders and whip me, in true Chinese fashion, with a wet noodle P.S. check out the new additions to my signature box......I like it.
  4. I always send my paperwork and any fees paid registered mail with a return reciept. That way I know it was delivered and signed for. I have had no trouble from the USPS about it being a post office box. It is cheaper than using UPS or Fed EX and worth the effort.
  5. I filed a joint return with Ying this year. Since she is still in China without a SSAN, I filed a W-7 for an Interim Tax ID Number (ITIN). I only used my income. The IRS did not ask for her income nor did I volunteer it. Don't make it any harder than necessary. Follow my personal mantra.......KISS........(Keep It Simple Stupid)
  6. I claimed Ying on my taxes this year. All I did was to have her sign a W-7, which was for an interim tax ID number. I only used my income, which was more than enough to support her. The IRS did not ask or require me to list her income on my taxes, nor did I volunteer the information. Don't make it any harder than you have to...... My personal mantra is.... KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
  7. Ying and I use MSN, Yahoo or Skype, depending on which one is best at the time. Lately Skype has started off good, but after a half hour or so it begins to deteriorate. The advantage of MSN and Yahoo is the webcam function, so Ying and I can see each other....that in itself is worth more than you could ever imagine.
  8. I made copies of the title page and my visa to China. At the top I put the title "TRUE COPY OF PASSPORT AND VISA FOR "MY NAME"" On the last page I inserted the statement "I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE COPY OF THE PASSPORT AND VISA BELONGING TO "MY NAME." SWORN BEFORE ME ON ________________." ___________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC It probably was not necessary, but when dealing with bureaucrats, every little bit helps.
  9. Are the busses still free in the Downtown area and the Max still free between Downtown and the LLoyd Center?
  10. I finally recieved P-3 from the NVC. I had some questions, but a few minutes with the NVC answered them all. With any luck I will have all the items I can fill out and send it to Ying for her signature and be sent to the NVC ASAP!!!!!! HAPPY DAYS.....HAPPY DAYS.....HAPPY DAYS AND AN ANGEL FOR MY SON
  11. yes it is the GUZ equivalent to P3.... below, I'll just show CR-1 comments.. Q.4.4 CR-1? A.4.4.3 A CR-1 Immigrant Visa has the added step of NVC approval after USCIS Service Center approval (DCF I-130's are slightly different) but before being sent to post. This step eliminates the need of Adjustment Of Status that the quote/unquote "NON IMMIGRANT" "K" visas do "after the fact". 1. After a few weeks of waiting for NVC to assign a new case # (GUZ type) we have to elect an Agent of Choice, on form DS-3032, (lawyer, petitioner, Beneficiary, etc.) where we want subsequent paperwork to be sent. (This must be signed by your wife and returned by her before the NVC will proceed.) 2. We then receive the Affidavit of Support and IV fee bills. (and freeze everything until your check clears the bank.) 3. After the payment of these fees to St. Louis is reconciled with NVC Portsmouth, NH they generate and mail the I-864 and later the DS-230 packages. 4. The DS-230 package contains a GUZ Special P-3 supplemental sheet. The NVC DS-230 package takes the place of a GUZ P-3. So that NO p-3 is sent out from GUZ for a CR-1, assuming your wife has named you agent of choice in the DS3032. 5. Both the forms have a bar coded case# sheet that must be returned- additionally the I-864 has a Tax Info release form that has to be signed and is bar coded. The DS-230 package will have a GUZ special P-3 Supplemental form in it that must have Chinese entries (can be downloaded in advance here at links and resources P-3/4) and ALSO a photocopy of the S/O's passport bio. page. 6. The I-864 goes for a review cycle and also the DS-230 upon receipt at NVC . There is also a final review of ALL required documentation whereupon NVC will report "case completion" and later forward it to the Consulate 5. From this point NVC ships the file to GUZ, clearance delays, log-in times, name checks GUZ, P-4 and the interview process are about the same as a K visa. BITCHIN!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. OK!!!!!! The process moves along......Is this the legendary P3 many of you have mentioned? I am going to continue the visa process until I hear from Maura Harty, Senator Cornyn or Congressman Bonilla. We'll see what happens.
  13. I just called the NVC to get the update on our case. I got a strange message. The message was...."The NVC is awaitng the return of biographical data from the petitioner." As of yet I have yet to recieve my the DS-230. Is this the "biographical data they are refering to, or has my request to expidite Ying's visa bearing fruit?
  14. I did e-mail Maura Harty Thursday night. She has not responded to me yet, but Fridays are notorious slack days for us government workers. Let's hope the news in the coming week will be better
  15. As most of you know I recently went through a loss of a loved one. The only difference is the loss was in China instead of here. Ying could have chosen not to tell me, but she thought it important that I know. This is not one of the times where ignorance is bliss. Even though we are seperated the love and support we gave each other is helping the both of us to get through it and become stronger
  16. I am not sure what the government uses, but Ying said there is some link on 001 that she looked into. In a few minutes she had every place in the US I had ever lived........it sort of scared me
  17. Thanks for the info......my petition was processed at the California center even though I initially sent it to the Texas Center. So, which one will I contact?
  18. Can't resist this one Carl. Woman at the local news stand in China almost always wears a sweatshirt with "EMERICA" across the front. And GOOD LUCK to you and Ying! acw did I mispell it??????? DAMN!!!!!! We need a spell checker
  19. Well I faxed my information to Senator John Cornyn of Texas. I have some high hope on his involvement since he chairs the subcommitee on emmigration.......so wish me luck
  20. This is a copy of the letter I sent to Maura Harty.....tell me what you guys think. TO: Secretary Maura Harty 2201 C Street NW Room 6811 Washington DC 20520 202-647-9576 hartyma@state.gov FROM: Carl E. Sharp XXXXXXXXXX Kerrville, TX 78XXX 830-XXX-XXXX Dear Secretary Harty, My name is Carl Edward Sharp. I¡¯m writing you as a US citizen involved in the visa process to bring my wife, Ying Jiang, who lives in China. I started the visa process in September 2004 applying for a CR-1 visa. Our NVC case number is GUZ2005XXXXXX. As of this date I have paid the Visa Fee Bill and am waiting for the DS-230 Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration. Ying had a young 6 year old son named He Meng Zhan also known as Peter. Peter was born with a heart defect, but four years ago Ying was able to have the damage repaired by an American trained heart surgeon in South Korea. Our plan were for Ying leave Peter with her parents in China when she came to the United States, until we could establish a secure home for him then apply for his visa within the next year. However recent events have caused these plans to go awry. On May 24th when Ying logged on for our nightly chat she told me that while Peter was at school he collapsed from a heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. Ying has been devastated by this recent event, and I am worried for her well being. She has lost the one person she loved more than anyone else in her life. Even though she has a large family, she feels she is effectively alone in her life without her husband and now her son. I feel that as long as Ying is in China she will be unable to effectively deal with her grief. Life in China for a single mother is hard enough when the father does not involve himself in the child¡¯s life, but when that woman loses that child the difficulties are compounded with nobody to turn to assuage her grief. I am contacting you to inquire about possibly expediting Ying¡¯s CR-1 visa due to extenuating circumstances. Ying needs a new start in a new environment where she can start anew with a new husband and a new family. As it stands now the visa process will cause Ying and I to miss our first wedding anniversary. That fact alone is enough to cause us great distress, but the added death of her son has greatly affected the both of us. I am attaching copies and translations of He Meng Zhan¡¯s birth and death certificates to substantiate my requests. I sincerely hope you can help us. Thank You Carl E. Sharp
  21. ok....I was looking for Maura Harty's e-mail address......anybody remember what post it was under????
  22. As most of you know my stepson died last week. I am working a letter to look into expiditing Ying's visa so she can get away from from all the reminders of her son. I am working on a letter to Maura Harty, with copies and translations of Peter's birth and death certificates. I will also send copies to my congressman and the senators from my home state to see if they can help. Should I let Maura know that I will also be contacting them and could this possibly light a fire and possibly get things happening faster? I would appreciate any suggestions
  23. It is my understanding that it is a combination of your tax return for the last 3 years combined with your current employment. That is why a letter from your employer is important. It will verify you are employed, your current position and show your potential earnings possibility. Now that being said, if your earnings for the last tax year are below the minimum requirement, it might be a good idea to have a co-sponser just in case the Visa Center does not consider you employed long enough for their purposes. JMHO Carl
  24. Anybody know about any Chinese communities in Texas (i.e. the San Antonio area)? I live about 65 miles NW of San Antonio and there are some Chinese families in my town, but I have had little contact with them. Drop me a line and let me know.
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