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Everything posted by BuffaloPaul

  1. Great charts!! Maybe our interview will be in mid to late summer and Jenny won't have to arrive with the first blizzard
  2. Yes, the daughter is on the 129F. I just called NVC and they think it was their error. However, since the paperwork is at GZ, GZ has to add her. NVC didn't think it was a problem. Hope GZ doesn't take "5-7 days" to reply
  3. Just called DOS and they say the daughter is not on the application! Wonder what I did wrong. Put her name on the 129F and included her BC and passport.
  4. Thanks, I saw your post after I wrote this one. I figure if you were able to correct the problem, GZ should be able to do this. I've already emailed them and will look for a fax number. We had included her daughters passport, BC as well as name on the 129F, so they should be able to figure it out. I wonder if we can just make copies of the forms and send them to GZ along with the 129F copy she has? or do we have to wait for GZ to resend the P3?
  5. Jenny received her P3 yesterday only to discover that her daughter was not listed. The 129F clearly had her listed. Any suggestions on what to do about this?
  6. We can add another P3 here . GZ emailed saying it is on the way. The electronic version had been in their computers for 3 weeks but no sign of the paper version until after the observation by King of all the boxes being carried into the consulate last week. Don't think there is a first in/first out or last in/ first out policy - just a jumbled mess. And I get another blue thingie
  7. congratulations and good luck - now to start cleaning
  8. Congratulations Seems like CFL members have an impressive track record at these interviews. I told my SO that since I was a member here we were certain to get a visa
  9. How long has it been since you visited her? I know Jenny had many doubts and down days, many hours crying on the phone. But I spent the money and visited her 3 times. Now, even though our paperwork still has not been received she is quite confident everything will work out.
  10. GZ claims they still have not got our paper copy yet and it was mailed the 11th. I don't know what they do with that stuff in customs or whatever
  11. Seems like salt is much more dangerous than MSG. It always amazes me how many people will accept anecdotal evidence as fact. Some articles to read MSG FDA MSG
  12. Totally agree. This has been the number one subject we have discussed in the past 18 months. Since you did not have any children, it may not have occurred to you how important it is to discuss this. That is unfortunate.
  13. This is a touchy subject that I relate to all too well. My ex lives in a 3100 sq ft home on 7 acres while I pay most of my income to support her and the 3 kids. Sooo, my living conditions are not so great like you and your new husband. In addition, if my ex thinks in any way that my kids are not being treated well when they visit me (for example, no bed to sleep in) she will call child protective services and try to stop their visits to me. You still have at least 9 years he has to pay child support so you will have a long struggle. They say that step children are the leading cause of divorce in second marriages, so I suggest that you get some good marriage counseling. You and your husband need some open communications so that he understands your feelings. He may not be a bad man but sure sounds like he is in a bad situation with his finances if he cannot afford beds for everyone. I'm also torn because, like Trigg, I think that the kids have to be a priority. They are minor children and really cannot understand all that is going on with divorce, remarraige and a new step brother or sister. I know my fiancee has already indicated a lot of jealousy towards my kids. I would hope that you find someone to talk with. Being a single parent in a foreign country is not a good situation for you to get in to. Good luck
  14. Yes, Jenny has a household full of furniture. I asked her if she could sell it since it's not worth shipping it over here - no way! Who would ever want to buy it So she'll just throw it away She could probably get $1K for it here
  15. This whole subject puts shivers up and down my spine. Jenny only will buy new things. Can't stand the idea of buying used clothes at garage sales and she really wants a new house. The "newest" house that I can afford to meet her specs was built in 1900 Since this is Buffalo, she will too much time inside to find all the dirt and flaws. Think she'd be happy in a double-wide??
  16. Seems like many Chinese love their shower caps. Jenny cannot imagine ever going to the beach without hers. Don't think her daughter will keep hers on too long
  17. Yes, I think that most people here shed a lot of tears during this proces. That's why it seems so strange that so few have sent in signatures to the letter. I met a man on the plane during my last return trip who had just gotten married. He had his I-130 papers with him and was convinced that his wife would get her visa in 6 months and that she could visit him in the US while waiting. I guess too many people are in "denial" to act
  18. Yeah, I agree Trigg, we can't expect the powers to be to do anything if we won't do our part and write them a letter. The letter will lose a lot of it's impact if we don't get enough signatures. Anyone who is going to, wanting to, or thinking about sending a signature page please let Trigg know. After looking at the list that nooneufo puts out, I can see that there are lots of people that have just gone through or are in the process of trying to get their visa. Please help us get to 100. After all, I'm sure Trigg can help "shrink" the timeeline if he goes to Washington
  19. If this letter was a rant full of venom, I would not participate for fear of backlash. However, it is a well written document, polite and is not an attack on incompetency. So I see little downside to signing. I also happen to believe that in most areas of life any publicity is good publicity. If someone in GZ happens to see my name, its more likely that they believe I am serious about my fiancee and more likely that my case gets approved.
  20. I have sent a signatory page to Trigg. Those of us whose pettitions are in the early stages at GZ have the most to gain from this and I hope all are courageous in sending theirs.
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