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About sting88

  • Birthday 05/08/1956
  1. My wife and step-daughter had a medical exam in March 2005. I submitted the required documents minus the I-693 Supplemental Form for immunizations. They have now sent me an RFE for a medical exam and the immunizations. I can understand the immunizations requirement, but it has not been a year since their medical exam. Anyone else had this request? We applied as K-1.
  2. It appears each service center is different. I went through the CSC and they said it would take 150-180 days. It was much longer then that for me but about the average for all others. Now you look at CSC and they are much quicker now. The VSC was really quick then, maybe weeks. I guess timing is everything or letters to every government official made a difference.
  3. I use the following card from ecallchina: http://www.ecallchina.com/phone-card.asp?cardid=21 Two-way Phone Card -Call From China -2 Minute Rounding -Lowest Rate for China -No Any Hidden Charge -Easy Connection Calling Rates & Details Call Local Number Toll Free USA 16.8¢/118min 16.8¢/118min Hong Kong 17.9¢/111min 17.9¢/111min Taiwan 17.9¢/111min 17.9¢/111min Canada 28.8¢/69min 28.8¢/69min Austrlia 34.9¢/57min 34.9¢/57min It's only good for 90 days after you first use it. In addition, you get free SMS credits.
  4. Only if you knew what a wait was. I only waited from Sept. 12, 2003 till my wife arrived on May 8, 2005. I know every second was worth it. keep your cool!
  5. One note on the G-325A for AOS, it's only needed for ages 14 to 79. http://uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/LPRApplication.htm
  6. You really need to be careful. My SO was worried we would have trouble getting a K2 for her adopted daughter. She checked out a lawyer in GZ and was told she needs to reside together for three years to qualify as her child. They were going to charge her $2,000. I did some research in the INA and found the definition of an adopted child is two years of residing together. I made a visit to the lawyer and told him we didn't need his services. We lost our 500RMB retainer. My SO received her visa with no problem.
  7. I want to thank everyone one for their support. I have gotten so much information from everyone one here. I don't post much, but believe me I do a lot of reading and research. Thanks a million!!!!!
  8. It took 18 1/2 months from start to getting approved. I will be going to Nanning to bring her back with me in April. Some of the questions they asked: 1. What does your fiancee do? 2. Where does your fiancee live? 3. How many times has your fiancee been to visit? 4. May I see pictures of his visit? They spoke both English and Mandarin during the interview. Good Luck to all with Interview dates coming up!
  9. Not sure how my March 22nd interview missed the list.
  10. I use http://www.onesuite.com . The rate is 2.2 cents a minute and keeps a record of every call you make.
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