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Everything posted by Feathers268

  1. It's cool. I'm just a bit over protective because I think the underlining theme is just too important to let this thread get lost into a shouting match that I'm sure it could decend into. For what it's worth, I think we would agree more than disagree on the details.
  2. I want this thread to represent the respect that any President of the United States deserves. There have been Presidents I didn't like because of policies or pesonal issues, but, if I ever was given the oportunity to meet any President past or present, the deserve the same respect and should be addressed only one way, "Mr. President". Unless of course we elect the first woman President, then I'd use "Madam".
  3. Next on my list is the 16th President of the United States was the great emansipator, Abraham Lincoln. Having lead the country though what can arguably be called the worst of times for our nation, our Civil War, he saw us through and kept the union whole. His actions lead to the eventual freedom of an entire class of people and saw to it that, as he said himself, "that this nation, of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." Before President Lincoln, we would say, "the United States ARE....", after, we would say, "the United States IS...." George Washington may be the father of our country, but President Lincoln made our nation whole.
  4. I'll start with my 2 favorites. First, was the first President of the United States, George Washington. To start, General Washington was instrumental in the tactics that lead us through the Revolutionary War. No small feat in the shadow of a global power like the British Empire. Upon the end of the war, he was offered the thrown to become King here in America. To reject such position of power is amazing to me. How many men would have been able to do that? Upon being elected, he brought forth a lot of the traditions that the President still follows today. He brought in a group of advisors to help him understand the rigors of the office hence creating the first Presidential Cabinet. He also chose after 2 terms to walk away from politics and back into private life. With on exception, every President has only served 2 terms.(now by constitutional amendment) He was there at the beginning, in it seems only right that our nation's capital now bears his name.
  5. President Obama now marks the 44th President of the United States. He joins an exclusive club of 44 men who have held the position. Each with thie own style and ideology so I put out the question, who do you admire and why? Who is your favorite President?
  6. First, THIS IS NOT INTENDED TO BE A POLITICAL THREAD! Second I WILL PERSONALLY BLAST ANYONE WHO TRYS TO DEBATE THE ACTUAL POLICY! And third, I fully understand if this post disapears. Unless you have not turned on the TV or radio, or have not picked up a news paper in the past few months, You know that the topic of choice across the country is healthcare. Now, I'm not interested in the ins and outs of what may or may not be the eventual out come, but we have had a shining example of our government and where the power truly lies. In town hall meetings across the country, Representatives and Senators, and even the President have found themselves dealing with passionate citizens arguing on the merrits of the plan. Both sides have even tried to belittle the other side into shutting up, but in the end, a major portion has been removed in order to make the policy as a whole more apealing to all. This is a fundimental victory, not for the left or the right, but for the country as a whole. Our government, of the people, by the people and for the people, has had to respond to the people. Never forget, YOU CAN AND DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! This is not the first time this has happened recently. Each time the government tries to pass the people off as "only a few fanatics" or only a buch of mind numbed robots acting on the orders from the talk show hosts, but in the end, they listen and change the behavior. Just ask yourself, how many other countries would the people hold such power? I for one am proud to be an American today. For all of our faults as a nation, when it gets down to it, given the circumstance, the government does listen.
  7. I'm in the situation were I'm 2 generations away. My Grandfather was too old for service in WWII and my Father being 11 mo old when Pearl Harbor was attacked. My Grandfather was a blue collar worker in Fresno and had raised 4 children in a modest little house literally a 5 minute walk to the metal shop off of the Santa Fe tracks. I remember my Grandmother not being worried about us Grandchildren because she had seen it all with her kids, and they all turned out alright so what ever we were up to, she knew we were going to be OK.
  8. Exellent post Carl. Just a thought, wouldn't this fit into the Stateside forum? This does seem a more serious topic that TC would warrant.
  9. I think the responsibility is with the Chinese side of the relationship.(I'm not going to say S.O. ) Jen looks to me here to help her understand what is acceptable, over there she takes that responsibility. If I make a mistake she can explain why just as I have had to do when she makes a mistake here. And yes there have been times that I've explained (usually to my Mother) why she said or did something.
  10. Not only Chinese and a woman, but a teenager too? Good luck my friend.
  11. I have a problem with lists like this, If I had read such a list before my first trip, I would have been second guessing myself and would have not been relaxed. Also, I believe that Jen being young, she just doesn't fit the "traditional" Chinese person. In Shanghai, I saw a young couple kissing and acting just as I would expect here in the US. If I were to give any advise, I would say to be observant and polite. Another thought, we talk a lot here about giving our loved ones some understanding that coming to the US will take time to adapt to our customs and traditions. Shouldn't we be afforded the same benefit of doubt over there?
  12. That's a great idea! Can anyone suggest a particular model that can also gives directions in Chinese? Garmin Nuvi has Mandarin voice and text but you need to look closely at the model. Seems the more sofisticated ones, that have voice regognition or pronounces street names, might be more limited on the number of languages, but ours has about 30 different languages.
  13. I can't wait to see myself when Jen get's home. This trip was an obsession for a long time and now that she is there, I wonder how she is doing. Espesially in her cousin's car having just getting her CDL before leaving. I think it is a case of forgetting the bad things over time. It's like visiting the folks in Livermore and thinking back to the fun and friends of way back when. Funny thing was, back then we would talk about how we just wanted to get out of that hell hole. If you are coming to Tahoe, just a suggestion, Sacramento has a few good supermarkets that seem to have good fresh vegees. From here, your 2 hours up I80 to the north shore.
  14. California, Chinatowns I know of are in San Francisco, Oakland, Fresno, Los Angelese, and I believe in San Jose. There are also extensive communities in Sacramento, Santa Clara/ San Jose, and thoughout the LA Basin.
  15. The great state of California(aka the Golden State). The state capital is right here in Sacramento. Our state motto, "Eureka, I've found it!", and our state flower is the California Poppy. We have a temperate climate averaging less than 60 days a year of rain and mild temperatures rarely getting very hot and even more rarely getting humid. From our coast to the mountians, and from the redwood forests to the desert, almost every climate on Earth is represented here somewhere. California first became a territory in 1848 after the Mexican American war, and became the 31st state on September 9, 1850. California is the 3rd largest state in the union but has the largest population of any of the states. California shot into the spotlite when gold was discovered in 1848 at Sutter's mill near Auburn, about 25 miles east of Sacramento. The rush that followed spawned the term, "49er", for the thousands who flocked to the state in search of fortune in 1849. Chinese have had a major role here since the gold rush becoming part of the fabric of the state. Everyone has heard of the SF Chinatown, but Chinese have been responsible for communities thoughout the state. Chinese rail workers wound up being the major force in the construction of the Transcontinental railroad as it cuts though the Sierra Nevada. Also, the Chinese built the levee system though out the Delta opening up some of the most fertile land found anywhere. It's ironic that today a good portion of rice sold in China and Japan, is grown right here.
  16. The United States might be one nation, but the states that make up the union are as different as can be. I'm willing to bet that CFL has representation in each of the 50 states and possibly in the various territories as well. Sooo, lets here a little about the state you live in or are originally from.
  17. I hope I don't get too political here, but this type of crap pisses me off. Of course the state legislature passes tis quietly. The state is issuing IOU's, again. the budget is late, again, and they have to go find some meaningless thing to do like apologize for something that at this time we can't do anything about anyway. Sure what was done was wrong, but so was what happened to the Irish, Italians and almost every ethnic group upon first coming to the states. Now is not the time, and California is not the place for this. The present and the future is where they need to be focused, NOT THE past!
  18. Look up "human spaceflight" on Google, and go the the Human Spaceflight Center. In the "realtime data" section, you can see sighting opportunities for the shuttle or International Space Station. I just watched it this past Saturday. It's very impressive to see.
  19. 40 years ago, the world watched as two men set out to go where noone had gone before. We all sat silent as the radio cracked with down range information. A count down was started as to the amount of fuel was left before the mission would be aborted and they would have to come home a failure. As the count continued, "10 seconds" was heard. Then, the words, "50 feet"......"We're kicking up some dust"...."contact light",...."OK, engine's off"....and then, "Tranquility base here, the Eagle has landed." Then from the other side amidst all of the cheers, "We copy you down Eagle, you had a lot of guys turning blue down here, we're breathing again, thanks. That July day, left Walter Cronkite speechless. After a few hours, the door opened and out stepped Niel Armstrong. As he stepped onto the surface, "That's one small step for a man, but one giant leap for mankind". We had done it. The challenge to go to the Moon and return safely to the Earth was done within the decade as President Kennedy had challenged. At the time, I was 1 year old. My parents took my picture in front of the TV as Niel was on the ladder. I only wish I would have been older to understand then what was happening. 40 years later, it is still an amazing feat. Congratulatons to NASA and all of the vendors and contractors who put the whole thing together. And also to the astronauts who put their butts on the line to make such a voyage. {edit} Corrected spelling in post title. recorrected, there is no "e" on the end of mankind.
  20. I only had to reschedule once because I was going to be in China on the day, otherwise, I don't have any problems serving. I've never been selected though. I think my honesty and conservative values often turn off defence lawers.
  21. When I was teaching Jen to drive, I asked her if she knows why so many Americans don't like Asian drivers. I said because they drift from lane to lane with no signal, and they drive way to slow. Later that night, we got behind a vehicle doing 45 in a 65 zone on the freeway, Jen asked if the person was drinking beer, as we passed the car I told her, "No, she was Chinese." Jen was laughing so hard, she almost had to pull over and stop. THe biggest fight we had was when I would not just teach her exactly what was on the test, and about paying attention out the front window.
  22. With all of our rights, I got hit with one of our responsibilities. I have a summons for jury duty next month. We have the right to be judged before a jury of our peers, looks like I just might get onto that jury.
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