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My dear honey S.O. recieved the P3 packet from the consulate today. I am one very happy camper.


So now a few questions:


1. I sent her a DS-230 form pre-filled out for her to use - 2 pages. The consulate sent her a DS-230 from 1 page, two sided. Is it okay to use my pre-filled DS-230 ?


2. In the P3 Supplemental Information Sheet, they say to attach OF-230 -- I am sure they mean DS-230, am I correct ?


I think that all for now.

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Jason, first off congrats on the quickness here. I also had the filled out DS230 that I took to my SO but I had her just use it as a guide to make sure. I really didn't want to delay it any longer or take any chances. I did nothing about the telegraphic codes and I am not sure if she did either. I know this is not much help but that is all I can offer.



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I would use the forms that the consulate sent but I don't think it really matters. On the other hand, I have found things on the second or third "filling out of the forms" that would of been errors if I had used the first try.


I would have her find her names in the teleghaphic code list and put them on the form. Don't give them an excuse to RFE you or send your papers to the bottom of the pile!


Good luck with the rest of the process!

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Yes, check mark all 10 items (10 , yes?). She should of gotten one of the forms in English and Chinese.. fill out both and send back. Send all three back ASAP.


Here is where you can translate the telegraphic code..




This webpage was intuitive enough that I simply did this for Zixuan and sent her the codes.. but I have software to input chinese characters. If you cannot do this, has her do it at the webpage, or send me her name in chinese (cut and paste from an email if you have it) and I can do it for you.


I did not previously go over the forms with her.. so I spent two sittings with us talking using the mic/speaker computer and videocams.. and we would show each other the forms as needed.


I told her ahead of time to have some blank copies. As it turns out, she made many mistakes and the form looked sloppy. So I told her to start with a clean form and put the answers in again.



best regards... david&Zixuan

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It isn't necessary to fill out the telegraphic code. Just have her write her name in pinyin. Word of caution on the DS-230. Check the expiration date in the upper right hand corner of the form. make sure it says 2007 , not 2004. The State dept website is correct, but they still mailed me an expired form to fill out. The letters you recieved are the same as everyone else got. I got 2 bar code sheets in two different envelopes for the same application. I mailed the application back to them in one envelope and 2 bar code sheets. One addressed to CMR and the other was CR. Both have the same return address. The only difference in the forms is that the one you download off the website is better quality than the one you get from them in the mail. 4 weeks is really good time for them to get back to you. (funny to refer to 1 month response time as lightning speed, but it is.) They're getting better. :P

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I'm happy for you man, that's great that your so far so quickly. I have waited 4 times as long as you have and we are bith essencially at the same point. that is so unfair. depressing.


Nothing on you dude, but I think you can see where I'm coming from.

K1 eastcoasters. tear it up guys, rip right through that paper work. Just leave me a visa before ya all turn out the lights ok?

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