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New Resaults - Woo Hoo

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you would be a good candidate for a politician. Sorry you do not fit the mold. Thanks for the input.



Oh, they wouldn't want me in washington. I'd end up having every one of those buggers ran out of there. It just chapps my ass to see those buggers gettig rich for doing little or nothing & here we have millions of our own people going hungary, homeless, jobless, and extream low test scores in our school systems.


Grrrrr, Uncle sam has his hands into pockets that he should, his nose stuck into others bussiness instead of where it should be, & his member too busy trying to screw other nations.


So Yeah you are right, It wouldn't pay for me to become one of those buggers as it would be my first point of action to clear out every single one of them & replace them with those that are hungry, homeless, & the poor. For what better way to get resaults than to have those who have already been there to know how to go about fixing the problems ;)

OK man you've got to run for something or I'll have to write your name in for every office I vote for.. :P


You've done a great job and really pushed THE CAUSE forward. Thank you.

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Thanks, But it is not 100% complete until evey individual who petitions for a visa to be with their loved ones gets an honest and fair shake. And until our Gov stand up & takes notice, It is up to each & every one of us to do the standing, kicking, biting, yelling, or what ever it takes. Even if it means that you must swallow some crow and step on some toes.


If You really Love that special Loved one, You will not accept no for an answer. & You will not let others slow you down. No Ocean will be too big to swim, nor any mountain to climb. If your love is really that strong, you will make Super Man look like tiney Tim.



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If You really Love that special Loved one, You will not accept no for an answer. & You will not let others slow you down. No Ocean will be too big to swim, nor any mountain to climb. If your love is really that strong, you will make Super Man  look like tiney Tim.

Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a flame but an opposite view of the situation.



You are implying that no one but you possesses enough "love" in order to do what you did which was to whine, complain, b*tch, and yell UNFAIR eventhough there are hundreds or even thousands ahead of you in the same line. Will it revolutionize the process for your efforts from one small person? No. Will it push everyone else back in lines that have waited patiently while trying their best to follow the rules? Yes.


You need to do some research on the immigration process before you start making accusations that others don't possess the "love" for their SO. If you even took the time to read old posts in this forum that are dated from the very start of this forum you would realize that all you did was to ruffle some feathers temporarily as well as slowing down other's application progress while you become a "VIP" going to the head of the line.


WAKE UP! The visa process is a very low priority in a government's mind. We are petitioning the government to allow the immigration of one who is a non-voter and non-taxpayer as well as potentially being:

A terrorist

A welfare candidate

A wife beater

A child rapist

An embezzler........the list could go on and on.


Do I dream of a fair and equitable process that the Europeans and Canadians receive? I would be stupid to say no but it is much harder to gather information and evidence of someone from the U.K. than from China. Although I loathe this waiting that all of us have to endure, it is a necessary evil of the one we picked to love.


While I do not accept your actions as right nor do I condone your methods, there may be one good thing to come out of it. My only wish is a need for a say-all, do-all tracking system that the petitioner will be able to review as to the status of the case throughout all processes. Not having the ability to know case status nor expected completion times is the most excruciatingly painful part of this whole process


I am sorry that you had to resort to the claiming of a stronger love that you possess which is more than anyone else. I grew to love my fiance in a normal dating process over the course of 2 years in physical contact here in the U.S. For the last 3 months, we lived together as husband and wife would in a marriage. Do I possess a strong love? You bet! Does this process suck? You bet!


Buddy, shut the h*ll up and get back in line!</rant>

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I think we can all thank Mr. Dubbya for the clusterf*ck in government.

Hmmmm I am sorry to interrupt your parade of Bush bashing.. but this governmental clusterf*ck you talk about started before him. Bureaucracy is so large there it took many many years to develop layer upon layer... not just one president.. but many.


Have a great day.




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I think we can all thank Mr. Dubbya for the clusterf*ck in government.

Hmmmm I am sorry to interrupt your parade of Bush bashing.. but this governmental clusterf*ck you talk about started before him. Bureaucracy is so large there it took many many years to develop layer upon layer... not just one president.. but many.


Have a great day.




Wo, I wasn't talking about just one administration as I too agree, it's the whole damn entire system. Things like this do not get this messed up in just one term, even I am not that close minded.


As for You squid, I wasn't or did not mean for what I said to come out to sound like I was better than anyone else. GOD NO!!


Let me ask you something. Can you ever remember someone ever telling you that just sometimes, rueles are ment to be broken or some times, you have to break the ruels in order to get them fixed for all?


That is exactly what I have been saying. & I know that I am not the only one here who posseses the most love for my SO. The would be ludacrist for me to even concieve that notion. What I meant was (& Yes, I too have times trying to get my meaning accross. I am only human) if everyone here, not just me, not just a select few, BUT EVERYONE, grab your SO, Hold On TIGHT, and step out and away from the box, & join together to hit this problem head on. No Holds Barred. Be prepared to expieriance some resistance, that is the nature of the beast.


But, If we hold on tight, and force not just one voice, but all of our voices, the problems that ALL of us are facing are bound to be heard and eventualy fixed. If I had my way, there would not be a hold on any of us being held back from our SO for no more than 30 days. That is definately enough time to be able to process all of the information that they need. But, there again. I know that I am not in charge of this process and I can accept that. But what many of us are not going to do is SIT^ ON OUR ASSES and CONTUINUE to "Follow the rules. We are not going to sit back in a little corrner, shiver like a little mouse, & say to them, ""yes sir, what ever you say sir, Yummy, I love that you do not want to assist us in being together. I like the crap for excuses you are feeding me, Can I have another helping of that?"


No Way, No How. Not today, not tomorrow, Not Ever. If you want to sit on your but and sit in your little corrner, and "Follow their BS rules" & except their BS excuses as to why you are still 2 years out and have no end in sight as to why you & your SO are not together, then you only deserve what you get. I do not mean to sound harsh, but if you are not willing to step away from the box & demand better treatment and faster service, then you have no reason to complain should they chose to make you wait yet another year.


I am not saying this to any one person here. Let me make sure that I say that. Also, Let me say, if you want changes to happen, YOU HAVE TO TAKE EXTRAORDINARY mesures or what ever it takes, to get those changes made to your liking. (Much like a Picket line for a Union Job, or an inocent man about to be executed for a crime he did not commit) etc.


So please, Get off yor duff & speak up, if you want even the slightest change made in this process. Because with every voice not being heard, the less likely we will have a better effect on those who will come after us.

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Thankyou. I do appreciate the civil discussion.


For me, it all boils down to this life question: Who am I going to affect/hurt by my actions? With the route and attitude you have chosen on this topic, you are not hurting the government as you intend. You are hurting everyone else in this process by forcing special treatment on yourself.

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As with everything in life, the deviates set the norms. Keep deviating and the norms will move in the general direction your going. This IS NOT line jumping-rather it is line moving. Those who chose the path of least resistance will have a long slow peacful wait. For my money--bitch on and be heard or sit back and watch life pass you by.


Just my opinion.

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if it take yelling, screaming and kicking to get my SO here I do it, If you feel that I'm taking your place then guess you need to yell, scream and kick too.

government worker work a8 hour day and go home, they have no interest in you or your SO to them it just another day ofjob security. paperwork getting lost is no biggy to them, only time they take noice is if their job is being look at. So if yelling and screaming and a little kicking get someone to do their job, just maybe it help speed up someone elses process too.


I get so annoy about people saying wait your turn. if we all wait around for nothing to happen then we be here until we die with our thumb up our (beep) getting upset over someone actually getting result should not get your critizism but get you motivated to do something too. of course you can just whine about how unfair it is or you can start figuring out what you should do.


I for one glad he got the guts to say I had enough and started to take matters into his own hands, one reason america is what it is today, is because people did not accept the norm, our founding fathers set the example for this country, we not a bunch of sheep.





off my friggin soap box

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