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I've been married for over a year

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I'm sorry, A year is a very long time to be seperated,,,, I haven't seen my S.O in over 15 months,,,, Not her fault. Work and money.

But the good part is Soon, We'll be together for a life time. I think she'll be leaving Harbin on the 23rd of March and she'll be here the 23rd of March.

She called and priced the tickets yesterday, 8600 yuan for her and our daughter.

You'll be pricing tickets to soon,,, Really you will. It's very hard to be seperated from that one and only person who means so much to you.

I know, it's hard. But thank god for the internet and the phone and 8 hours of sleep, Because the next day when you getup,,, Puts you that one day closer to a life time of happiness.



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Thank you so much for your sweet and kind words. They really touched my heart and I almost cried reading it, while I am here at work.

It seems like no one really understands the difficulty of this process., not even my own family, they just can not fathom the hurt I feel. The smallest rememberance of my hubby (who is also from Heilongjiang) would make me cry.


I know we are getting closer to the day when we will be together forever. I know it. And I thank you so much for your words of encouragement. :lol:


I just....(getting weepy at work)...hate this process. It is, by nature, degrading, and racist. Keeping people apart for this long, and marking it to be a policy in interest of border security? I know I am ranting here but...I love my husband more than anyone in this world. He is humanity, love, kindness, and generousity. I would give up life as I know it in America, to be with him. :o

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Believe me I know how you feel,,, Really I do!

I would talk to my S.O. on the phone and she would ask:" My Ricka,,, You remember me? You remember we hold hands and walk shoulder to shoulder, You remember all things my Ricka,,, I tell you: I remember all things,, I remember you,, How good you are to me and how you hold me at night and talk to me.. Yes my Ricka, I remember and I miss you more every day."

I would also read this in e-mails to me,,, I think she was afriad I would forget,,, But how can you forget the Most Happiest Time in You Life?

And how do you explain to your S.O. you never forget and that person is never out of you thoughts. No, I havn't forgotten and I never will.


Niether will you jgrier,, You will always remember and you will always ask, Why does it take so long? Life is short, But growing old together and loving each other every day,,, Takes time and that is the time you'll have together soon.

Like my S.O. tells me:" Ricka, We will have white hair together and many memories, Yes?" I tell her yes my beautiful baby,, Yes, But you must remember,, My hair is already mostly white,,, She tells me" Ah,, But your Heart is so young."


Hang in there,,, Dreams do come true,, Remember you can always hear his voice,,,, and remember his soft touch... He is waiting too...



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I agree with everyone here. I'm not married legally yet to my love, but I forever attached to her and I feel a void in my life without her next to me. It is not right in this modern world that we have to wait so long to have our cases seen. Hang in there... I spend so mch money on the phone cards. We talk about 3-5 hours a day... I tried the free internet, but the quality is not as good and you can't document the time spent talking to you partner. We all have this common bond of dealing with a tought difficult situation. Good luck and hang in there.

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You can liken it to the same process one goes through when one loses a loved one. 1) Denial-this isn't real. 2) Anger-SOB's at UCIS 3) Bargaining-give me my visa and I'll be good. 4) Depression-

5) Acceptance-I'll wait my turn with the sheep, they'll get around to me.


These can change orders and normally the acceptance stage is the 'healthy stage' . In our cases the acceptance stage is not acceptable.


Those going through he process cannot avoid the trials and tribulations. Those who have gone through the process know that this has strengthened their ties to their SOs--but we haven't forgotten the trials and heartache. Nor will we!!

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*weeps sheepishly* :lol:

Yes, I think that most people here shed a lot of tears during this proces. That's why it seems so strange that so few have sent in signatures to the letter. I met a man on the plane during my last return trip who had just gotten married. He had his I-130 papers with him and was convinced that his wife would get her visa in 6 months and that she could visit him in the US while waiting. I guess too many people are in "denial" to act

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*weeps sheepishly* :lol:

Yes, I think that most people here shed a lot of tears during this proces. That's why it seems so strange that so few have sent in signatures to the letter. I met a man on the plane during my last return trip who had just gotten married. He had his I-130 papers with him and was convinced that his wife would get her visa in 6 months and that she could visit him in the US while waiting. I guess too many people are in "denial" to act

Yea paul, I'm amazed that the letter is getting such little support. I think some are accepting something they should be fighting for. Maybe some are paranoid that the letter will cause them problems but that is why we wrote it from a helping standpoint--to make sure that it won't cause trouble. I am 100% baffled. Everything to gain and nothing to lose and only 25 signatures thus far. Maybe more coming??? Maybe!

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there a country song that that about a business man away from his family and he calls home think the song is call "I'm already there"

by lonestar


here the lyrics


He called her on the road

From a lonely cold hotel room

Just to hear her say I love you one more time

But when he heard the sound

Of the kids laughing in the background

He had to wipe away a tear from his eye

A little voice came on the phone

Said daddy when you coming home

He said the first thing that came to his mind


I'm already there

Take a look around

I'm the sunshine in your hair

I'm the shadow on the ground

I'm the whisper in the wind

I'm your imaginary friend

And I know I'm in your prayers

Oh I'm already there


She got back on the phone

Said I really miss you darling

Don?t worry about the kids they?ll be alright

Wish I was in your arms

Lying right there beside you

But I know that I?ll be in your dreams tonight

And I?ll gently kiss your lips

Touch you with my fingertips

So turn out the light and close your eyes


I'm already there

Don't make a sound

I'm the beat in your heart

I'm the moonlight shining down

I'm the whisper in the wind

And I'll be there until the end

Can you feel the love that we share

Oh I'm already there


We may be a thousand miles apart

But I'll be with you wherever you are


I'm already there

Take a look around

I'm the sunshine in your hair

I'm the shadow on the ground

I'm the whisper in the wind

And I'll be there until the end

Can you feel the love that we share

Oh I'm already there

Oh I'm alreadyThere

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This is the best place to express such things. I was just there a week ago when I went past the 1 year mark of filing the petition for Jennifer and I. I also know of the hurt feeling inside and the envy I feel with family and friends as I wait for the love of my life. The best I felt in a long time over this was being able to vent such things and know that those here who read it understand what we all go through. For me it has been since December of 03 since I was there. Like so many others, my SO talked me out of another trip because of the fears of expence as well as the foolish idea that this would all be over very soon. I still remember every feeling and every moment as if I had just returned. Every time I am in SF or somewhere with a large Asian population, I can't help but miss Jennifer even more. Our journey also should be over soon and provided that GZ doesn't find some cruel means of dragging this further. Maybe this will insure a very long and happy marrage. Just imagine what would happen if states started requiring all of this BS to get married in general. I wonder what average Joe Public would say and do if everyony wanting to get married had to wait over a year, and then have to prove to a stranger they had a relationship before getting the licence.

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I feel your pain. I made a point in my signature page to Triggs letter that because of the delays in the visa system Ying and I will MISS our first wedding anniversery.....so for those who are still waiting.....please.....please.....please do up a signature page and send it to Trigg. Unless we make our thoughts known, nobody will ever know.

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Lu Li and I met online on May 1, 2003 and if she is finally here early next month it will be almost 2 years since then. No one can give us back that time. And all the uncertainty that still is there. After she go the blue slip for an out of date single certificate she went home to Hunan to get a new one but also is staying there for 2 weeks to see her family and son and friends for one last time. Since that I am going nuts worrying about her getting the visa when she does return this weekend. What if one of those unexpected "problems" comes up in her file. I foolishly thought it would get easier as the time for her being here got closer... :o ..it seems to be even worse now. All I can do is worry and even cheetos don't help any more.

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