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Well, I did it..now I'm really nervous

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Afetr pacing arouond the fax machine a few times, I decided to send my letter to Maura's office. I called her office before sending, and spoke to a secretary named Ginger. I explained the nature of my call...I got no further than "they gave my fiancee visa approval, then they refused to follow through", when she interrupted with a "what"????, She sounded surprised by what I had told her.


I managed to emote quite a bit, making clear my dissatifaction and disgust with what has transpired...I also told her the Guangzhou is dehumanized and indifferent.


She said "you're calling the right place". I then told her I would send my fax...I did it, and called back to make sure all was received...she said I should hear from someone in 2 or 3 days. Along with my letter I sent a copy of my Congressmans letter that acknowledges the blue slip/ white slip thing. I also sent a copy Chuck and Shupings recent experience. I believe i have provided plenty of info for them to chew on.....


Thank you all for your help in refining the letter.."we" did a good job!

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hi Alex

I think you did the right thing. There is no excuse for this kind of treatment, for the people and by the people. I am sure that this will work itself out, keep with the facts and though it is hard try to keep the emotion out of it. I and my wife are praying that everything will work out and you will come out of it soon. Your experience has really moved me and i have written a letter to the nvc about the whole inefficiency of the process. Wishing you the best.

mark and dannie

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can someone email me this letter?

I will send it to Congessman Randy Forbes of Virginia

my grandfather knows him personaly.

also i work in D.C. i wonder if i can make multiple copies and deliver to all the congressmens office's here in D.C.??



Hero!!! :wacko: :blink: :blush: :blush: :o

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When someone stands up and turns talk to action it inspires others. You have indeed been inspirational Alex to myself and others. At this time everything has run smoothly and on schedule as we expected. My main gripe is the inability to follow the process and get accurate answers. As we head into the interview I worry about encountering road blocks that others have described. The group letter and individual actions taken by those here, I hope will be heard and bring greater openness to the process so we don't have to feel like suspected terrorist only for having found someone from another country who we want to try making our future with.

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Great going! :D I understand the pains doing something like this can cause. From the sounds of things it will work out for the best. At least this woman seem guienlinely concerned. Let's see if Ms Hartly responds.


Inxsfan.. sounds like you are just the person to help with the other group letter that is now forming. Do you have any other insights in how to make the best of this letter and Alex's awsome fax?


Seems we might have GZ in a place of having to be accountable to some one, hate to see them slip off the hook now.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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