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My Thoa is worry that I will lose too much weight, August 20,2004 I weigh 336 lbs after 11 years driving on the road, I currently weigh 293 lbs losing 43 lbs walking 1.5 mile a day and some weight lifting my goal was 280 by May. My real goal is to get to 220 lbs. Normal weight for my age and height is about 180 to 190 lbs.


She worry I will get too thin and she want to gain some weight. (she weigh under 100 lbs easy)


This is the first woman I know that worry I be too thin, is that the norm for asian women or a fluke? I have talk to a few other gentlemen that say their wife want them fatter.


I just want to be healthy again and enjoy things I can not do because of my weight. like hiking



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If a woman say you are too thin, she is just trying to make you feel good. I am over weight at 205 lb. Every one I date, from the 21 year olds to the 39 year olds all say I am overweight. They all ask me how much I weigh, instead of my name, except one who did the opposit and got really pissed when I did not respond to the name. Hahaha. ... Weight, after all, is a safer thing and Honey, is the one-size-fit-all name for every one.

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I get the same from My S.O. :D I'm 6ft. 235, Here in America, I'm fat.

But to my S.O. I'm just right and she worries I don't eat enough!

She is 5'6 and about 110. She is very happy with the old beer belly and she tell me, I need to eat and be healthy for her. I tell her I'm fat and she say no your not. I want my husband healthy, Not skinny and sick.


I'm Happy :D

Rick :(

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I am tipping the scales at 165 ~ 172 pounds. I am 6 ft 2. My S.O. wants me to gain more weight. Tell me I need to eat more. I was at around 185 last year around this time. I thought that was too heavy. I think for my frame the weight I am at is fine. Funny thing is, when she gets here I am sure I will gain at least 15 more pounds...

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I am tipping the scales at 165 ~ 172 pounds. I am 6 ft 2.  My S.O. wants me to gain more weight. Tell me I need to eat more. I was at around 185 last year around this time. I thought that was too heavy. I think for my frame the weight I am at is fine. Funny thing is, when she gets here I am sure I will gain at least 15 more pounds...

How right you are! In the 4 months Juxin has been here, I've gained 20 pounds (from 185 to 205, I'm 6'3"). She's stayed right are her original 103 pounds (she's 5'4").


Until last week she was looking forward to when I went back to my original 185. But then this weekend we looked at photos when I was 185, and she said I looked too thin at that weight! Now she says I look much better at 205 :(

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Congratulations on your weight loss, and your healthier life. I was 242 and 6 ft tall when my wife and I came back to america in October of last year. Now it is March 10, 2005 and I weigh 204 and headed downward. I adhere to the concepts of the South Beach Diet book and want to tell you that the weight is all in the CARBOHYDRATES. For the first two weeks I eliminated carbs from my diet. Now I have let them back in a little bit. I feel healthier, look better, and am amazed at how I feel. My wife is a wonderful cook. I have lots of fish and vegetables. I am NEVER hungry, eat a lot, and still lose weight. No bread, pasta, potatos, soda, candy, cake, pies, sugar, etc. You can find good tasting substitutes. You will live longer to enjoy that wonderful gift from China. Good luck.

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My Thoa is worry that I will lose too much weight, August 20,2004 I weigh 336 lbs after 11 years driving on the road, I currently weigh 293 lbs  losing 43 lbs  walking 1.5 mile a day and some weight lifting  my goal was 280 by May. My real goal is to get to 220 lbs. Normal weight for my age and height is about 180 to 190 lbs.


She worry I will get too thin and she want to gain some weight. (she weigh under 100 lbs easy)


This is the first woman I know that worry I be too thin, is that the norm for asian women or a fluke? I have talk to a few other gentlemen that say their wife want them fatter.


I just want to be healthy again and enjoy things I can not do because of my weight. like hiking



You get down to 180 lbs you can get rid of that pt-looser and buy a Mini and fit right in...

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I was 300 at the beginning of 2004, I'm down to 260.. I'm 6'4".. my SO tells me I need to lose the belly. She is perfect. at about 110(5"3).


I have not been dieting, just watching the spuds and too much rice.. and no more beer. and I have cut out the very dangerous milk and cookies.


Keep up the good work.... Green tea helps keep your appettite in check

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Gheeeeeeez, I hate to see all this stuff about diet. When this thread started I was chuckling at all you healthy eaters. I always kinda thought watching what you eat was a little too trendy for me. BUT, I have been feeling a bit tired lately so off to the Dr. I go and he tells me I have type II diabetes, likley swallowed too much Agent Orange during my four tours. Anyway, I make the big mistake of telling the wife. She calls Mommy in China and Mommy tells her what I cannot eat. Seems the list is long and contains every food that I hold near and dear to my heart. Why oh why did I not keep my overweight food loving mouth shut??? Never was very good at that!

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Better to tell them Trigg. They would guess anyway when you keeled over in diabetic coma after your third slice of pecan or sugar pie. The problem comes when your friends being nice to you offer you everything they know you like but is on the no no list.


Have her take you to a Chinese herbalist. They are very good at diabetes. I recommend friends near me to go to one I know. They all got off the pills and can cheat a bit on the diets without a problem now.

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