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My Julia got the white slip today!!!

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Thanks guys and gals.


This ordeal has brought us closer as a couple as the weeks pass.


After her initial blue slip last week, I and her family spent days trying to get her spirits back in the fight. I advised her that inspite of what happened, the best response is to rush back in the consulate (with the corrected paperwork) is quickly as possible. I even suggested she watch a Kung Fu movie to help get her fighting spirit back. :lol:


I also assured her that if she had another setback, I'd be in China the next week. I think the fact that we would be together soon, no matter what, helped her be more fearless.


Then yesterday, it was I; pacing and having knots in my stomach as if I were waiting for a baby to be born. :D :D


When afterwards she told me she had to sit and watch as 6 people in front of her were rejected, I gained even more respect for her ability to stand in the face of adversity; especially after she was so dispirited last week.


She's walking 6 inches over the ground now. (At least I get that impression on the web cam.) :P


Thanks again folks. :D

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