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She passed the K1 interview!!!!!!!!&#3

Guest niki20

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Guest niki20



My finacee called last night almost in tears she was so happy.


The VO she got was the one I would call "quick tongue facts" or QTF

He is American and speaks rapidly and mostly checks for correct verbal answers to facts on the forms. There was a post about another VO's interview style a while back where the MM said the VO had NO pauses in his words and often did not wait for the answer


Anyway, having seen that post, we had reshearsed for this style and the interview was short and fairly easy. Thank you CFL members!!!!!


the one that helped a lot


More details when I learn more tonight. Now we are crossing our fingers that we really get the visa on Jan 4 at 4PM.


P3 Received by GUZ July 3rd, 2004.

P4 was sent November 30th, 2004.

Interview appt. was January 3rd at 8am.

Given white slip about 12 Noon

Pickup visa Jan 4, 2005

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More white slips mean less time giving second interviews!!



Which helps clear up the back log. Too much time is wasted on overcome interviews. Especially since they usually result in a visa anyway. Congratulations, great news!

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