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Everything posted by foebia

  1. Is it better to use one or the other? I will try to get SSN card with the married name, so I think it is better to use the married name on all other documents unless they request a maiden name. Am I asking for trouble? hehe thanks,
  2. My SO was interviewed by what they refer to as the "black pearl?" The lady was very nice and smiled so I am not sure if it is the same. SO arrived about 0630 AM, there was another applicant that was there since 0300 My SO said that it was not "first come first serve", the appointment times had already been set for the day. Be prepared to wait a long time; also once inside the AC can be set to be pretty cold. The questions were standard: where we met, how many times I have been there, what were the dates, did I meet her mother, what did her mother think of me, what my job was. The VO asked for some pictures, then gave her the white slip with approved checkmarked. 2 days later she picked it up at the post office. They didnt ask for any financial paperwork. Most of all I could not have done it without the members of this website.
  3. It might help to know where you want to do the quickie. China? What city? Well that was just stupid of me.. sorry. My SO has her visa and will arrive in the US in about a week or two, but is there any special paperwork that is needed to get married because she is from a foreign country?
  4. What is the bast way for a quick wedding and what documents are needed? Is my SO's passport good enough or do I need something to prove she is single? I also heard something about an apostile but I am not sure what this is. Thanks for the help.
  5. My SO will arrive LAX, I am just wondering which documents she will need to have? Passport Visa Chest X-ray and.... does she need her health book? (not sure if this is the right name) thanks
  6. Well I would leave it up to Ling and how she feels. If she does not go and something was to happen, then she will have a lot of regret to deal with. I would think if he was very ill, maybe it would be nice for her to see him to help with any grieving. This is worse case scenario but regret and guilt dont really make a good combo. I would try to stay out of any decisions and just help support Ling and her decision just so you are not implicated.
  7. Well I am confused now... Do you need to "show" the last 12 months deposits like a spread sheet, or just the final amount as one figure? (total deposits for last 12 months is $00,00.00) TIA
  8. I agree that an Immigration lawyer can be beneficial in some cases. However, the amount they charge and the amount of work they do is unsubstantiated. You provide the answers and they type them in, about 1000.00 is a little much to merely transcribe some documents. If you do it yourself you gain some insight of the wonderful immigration system, and that my friend... is tax free.
  9. Here are some Gmail Invites: https://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-a007414c55...8143-b267552298 https://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-a007414c55...f42e-c706e36a1c https://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-a007414c55...8de8-5fd9ae1eb9 https://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-a007414c55...c72c-428dbfbd3d I still prefer Gmail over Hotmail for a few reasons: 1. Quicker 2. Can use outlook express to check it, dont need to log in via webpage. 3. Spam control is good... so far... 4. I am sure there is a fourth...
  10. Call 1-202-663-1225 Then I press "1" "0" "0" then I get put in queue to speak to visa specialist. Be advised it may take a while.
  11. Congratulations on your progress, Well NOT SURE for K3, but for K1 didnt send any money with P3. Just DS230 (the first 2 pages [part1]) OF169, and packet 3 supplemental page. There are some forms here: CLICK Be advised this is for K1
  12. I would hazard a guess that it is with the phone and not really the provider. I think you need a phone with a selection of languages, I would imagine that most have only a selection for Spanish. Maybe call some cellular reailers in an area with a high chinese population and see if they have some ideas. I would see what your current wireless company uses CDMA, GSM etc... then buy a phone in China that uses the same mode? (just an idea) They also have a text to phone messenger Here Not sure if it suits your needs. Maybe also ask over at Phonescoop
  13. I have been using Pinzoo they also have a call history that can be printed, call clarity is pretty good also.
  14. I am doing a K1, I sent P3 in mid November and as of Friday it was not in their computer. By other peoples timelines it seems like about 2 weeks might be long enough to get into the system, and then about 1 month for the check to complete. Hope this helps
  15. I would love to meet everyone, but feel a little weird going stag... So maybe next time "We" will be able to meet everyone. But I really dont sing very well, hehe.. Rob
  16. Well last time I left Beijing, I had some cola to carry on, they made me open the cans so he can smell them ( it was a sealed can, did I mention this??) So needless to say I just dumped them out. Not sure what problems they have had, but I thought it was kinda weird.
  17. Last time I went through Narita they had free sample shots of whiskey at one of the shops. :-P Also nice to pickup some of those "minty" eye drops for those long flights to help refresh your eyes. I have been through Narita about 4 or 5 times and never had any problems. Although coming back to the US they do random carry on searches on the jetway that slow things down a bit.
  18. What is the phone number for DOS? I assume Department of State? Thanks,
  19. I have ALWAYS flown Japan Airlines. Their *best* price they gave me was 647.00, if I leave on weekday 547.00 or something close to that.. (November 2004) Note: I have always found the best price is when I call them. Also, travelocity can have some 650'ish webfares with various carriers.
  20. EXACTLY as Gene stated... But which one is yours? .. hmm.., most likely it is the last one to clear customs.
  21. Well could not find much of what I wanted in the 'Links and rescources" area. I will have some interest in the future, however :-) DHL says... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/1/04 11 : 48 am With delivery courier. Guangzhou, China 11 : 48 am Delivery Attempted. Please Call 1-888-273-8876. Guangzhou, China -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe they are still have some mooncakes. Thanks for the prompt help.
  22. [snip] 129f NVC>GUZ--7/28/2004---------28 days(NVC) I-129f Arr. GUZ---7/31/2004(DHL) I-129f CLR Delay-8/01/2004----------34 days(DHL) I-129f CLR CUSTOMS-----9/02/2004(DHL) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- some of you mention dates of your package from NVC to GZ, but NVC says they are unable to give me tracking info. How does everyone get their tracking info?
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