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WE wouldn't do anything like that! :sosad:

They do it, we do it, they catch us, we catch them. A few diplomats get expelled. Back and forth.

Yes, we have vital secrets, Yes, good job at snatching them, Yes, bad Americans for selling out.


A problem for change in relations - No!

We are not about to abandon all our overseas covert actions and claim foul. I'm more interested in that story about a group extorting billions of dollars from a bank. Was that in England. I can't find it now.


Whoops! there goes my attension span....

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Yeah, I saw this. :headbang:

It makes me sad to see these stories. It'll only potray all of China in a bad light.

And with all of the 'quality' issues that have recently circulated, China doesnt need another bad mark against it.


Exactly. Too many Joe and Jane Lunchbuckets will paint all Chinese and all of China with another bad brush. :redmad:

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Yeah, I saw this. :headbang:

It makes me sad to see these stories. It'll only potray all of China in a bad light.

And with all of the 'quality' issues that have recently circulated, China doesnt need another bad mark against it.


Exactly. Too many Joe and Jane Lunchbuckets will paint all Chinese and all of China with another bad brush. :redmad:

Well it seems China is the big target right now, lets hope they get replaced by someone else soon or it just fades away.

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I expect we will see more of it. I think we have al seen the prejudice in our own situation. None of this helps but it is reality. Some folks need to have less greed and more honestly. I am surprised by those who have clearances, but then our spoiled American kids won't study to earn the degrees needed to do the research and engineering jobs. Throw the damn TV out. I could even tie this in with some of the locked threads, because my big question is how do we raise kids in America to wind up as good as... lets say our spouse or their kid from China? Discipline, chores, no or very little TV etc etc. :P :ph34r: :huh: :D :lol:

Edited by SheLikesME? (see edit history)
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I expect we will see more of it. I think we have al seen the prejudice in our own situation. None of this helps but it is reality. Some folks need to have less greed and more honestly. I am surprised by those who have clearances, but then our spoiled American kids won't study to earn the degrees needed to do the research and engineering jobs. Throw the damn TV out. I could even tie this in with some of the locked threads, because my big question is how do we raise kids in America to wind up as good as... lets say our spouse or their kid from China? Discipline, chores, no or very little TV etc etc. :roller: :roller: :roller: :boxer: :boxer:

Some good points and questions............


The biggest problem I see is we are hampered on what we can even use as punishment these days due to some bleeding harts that say you should never spank a child.

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I live in a woman and child state, where I can't even remove myself from the title of the ex's car 'cuz that would leave her as the only person on the title! :roller:


But even in this state, you can spank your kid, you just have to do it the right way.

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I live in a woman and child state, where I can't even remove myself from the title of the ex's car 'cuz that would leave her as the only person on the title! :(


But even in this state, you can spank your kid, you just have to do it the right way.

Is there a booklet on that "proper" spanking technique? It would make a great read in front of the kids. Leave it laying around. Maybe an in home ESL lesson...

I once sat beside a very attractive lady on a plane. She was reading "101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why!". They say don't read a book by it's cover! That was a page I was not willing to flip! A very effective deterrent.

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It's American foreign policy and the degradation of our country's reputation among other nations and people that I find depressing.


I could really go on a tirade. But, I have to go to work in a few minutes.


We can expect China to continue to take hits on several fronts in the American press. When's the last time anything good was in the U.S. news regarding China? Is it possible that in the land of 'Freedom of the Press' that the news is being used to sway the population to a desired point of view? Just who's POV are we being swayed toward??? :D

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It's American foreign policy and the degradation of our country's reputation among other nations and people that I find depressing.


I could really go on a tirade. But, I have to go to work in a few minutes.


We can expect China to continue to take hits on several fronts in the American press. When's the last time anything good was in the U.S. news regarding China? Is it possible that in the land of 'Freedom of the Press' that the news is being used to sway the population to a desired point of view? Just who's POV are we being swayed toward??? :D


Sorry Richard but I don't think it's fair or accurate to blame this on the press. :P


The Justice Department called news conferences and sent out press releases to announce these cases. Is the press just supposed to ignore them? Are they supposed to ignore the cases of dangerous/toxic products that happen to be made in China?


In the last couple of few weeks the weather crisis in China has received quite a bit of press coverage here, most, if not all, sympathetic to the plight of the Chinese people. Last week the Chinese New Year was played up quite a bit I thought.


Some in the press can be accused of a lot of things; from over-reporting the exploits of certain celebrities named Britney or Paris, to dwelling on style over substance in the presidential races. But to say that the news is trying to sway public opinion against China? What would be their motive for that?


I'm more concerned about the average less-than-enlightened Joe Blow who sees the news and leaps to the conslusion that The Red Commies from China are trying to slowly poison us or are getting ready to invade Seattle next week. :)

Edited by IllinoisDave (see edit history)
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I feel the press is more driven by ratings and advertising dollars than anything else. They sensationalize stories to increase revenue. Do some editors have a political agenda, sure, but only if it does not alienate their readers or more importantly advertisers. People will read into anything what they want to see. We, being hypersensitive and a bit more tolerant (through personal knowledge) to Chinese issues, definitely have a different view. I've only seen this story here. I don't think it will have any impact in the foreseeable future.

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Good points Dave & Jay.


Maybe I see China through rose colored glasses. But, all my personal experiences there have been good. Additionally, I have many friends from China here and, of course, Li and all of the family in China. No different than most of us. But, I guess I get defensive (and after 7 months away from Li, admittedly irritable). With me that can result in cynicism that may be (as Dave points out) unfair. (I need to consider the charge of inaccurate before I admit to that).


When I listen to the news in China, I don't hear a lot about America, but I don't recall hearing rhetoric that seemed to be inflammatory or derogatory. When I encounter it here, in our news, I don¡¯t like it. Like Jay says: We tend see things differently and in my case, I probably see more of it because I actively look for news about China.


What I see in America¡¯s news and policy toward China is implied enmity. I don¡¯t see that in China directed toward America. Maybe my ¡®vision¡¯ is skewed (I¡¯m no expert on these things), but I would like to see the relationship between America and China (and the rest of world for that matter) immensely improved.

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Good points Dave & Jay.


Maybe I see China through rose colored glasses. But, all my personal experiences there have been good. Additionally, I have many friends from China here and, of course, Li and all of the family in China. No different than most of us. But, I guess I get defensive (and after 7 months away from Li, admittedly irritable). With me that can result in cynicism that may be (as Dave points out) unfair. (I need to consider the charge of inaccurate before I admit to that).


When I listen to the news in China, I don't hear a lot about America, but I don't recall hearing rhetoric that seemed to be inflammatory or derogatory. When I encounter it here, in our news, I don’t like it. Like Jay says: We tend see things differently and in my case, I probably see more of it because I actively look for news about China.


What I see in America’s news and policy toward China is implied enmity. I don’t see that in China directed toward America. Maybe my ‘vision’ is skewed (I’m no expert on these things), but I would like to see the relationship between America and China (and the rest of world for that matter) immensely improved.


I agree Richard. I too get very defensive when it comes to all things China. I think when we see things in the news about China we bring along a lot of negative baggage that's been built up over the years from everything from history books to the way Chinese have been potrayed in the various media,including tv and movies.


We've (Americans in general this is) been programmed to believe that China is the big bad Commie on the other side of the world and that Chinese people all walk behind water buffalo and run in front of rickshaws. Those are the images we've been subjected to all our lives.


Now that we here at Candle know differently from our first-hand experiences, it's easy to read the enmity you speak of into every news story we see that involves anything remotely negative about China.


I'm sure I've been just as guilty as anyone from time to time of seeing China through those tinted glasses you mentioned. :unsure:

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