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How many people are actually on HOLD?

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Hi, All,


I am just wondering how many people are actually on hold as SBS and I. Here is the time line for my case:


Name check submitted : July 2002,

Interviewed, visa approved: November 2002

Still NO clearance yet.


This is frustrating. I have sent email to almost all the people I could think of, and called DOS almost every week. Kathryn refused to resubmit my case since it is on hold. I requested GZ to resubmit my case to DOS, still have not received anything from there :lol:


I just want to take a toll and see how many people are on hold. I have tried to find out from Kathryn why my case was on hold, she said that it might have been a name collision. If it is a name collision, how come they do not need more information from the applicant to do more investigation? I wonder what they are actually doing to clear the name.





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Hi Chritsy, I totally understand the frustrations because my case is also on hold. This is the most agonizing thing has ever happened to me. I have been through a lots, but this by far the most cummbersome obstacle I have to struggle with. I have tried to be patient, understanding and even forgiving. But as the days, weeks, months and year slowing passing by without any result, it makes me wonder if I will ever have a chance to spend my life with my fiancee here in the State. Having said all this, I think the only thing I can do right now is to keep trying and keep the faith. Because I know once if I lose my faith, things can only get more frustrated and makes my life like a living hell. I encourage all the on hold people to keep their faiths and do not give up. Keep fighting until the end and good thing will happens. I am here to talk to anyone. Just think in a positive way: "It could be worse".

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Also still on hold and the worse part is no one will give any answers for why. They just keep saying the same things, still pending, pending what? I would really like to know. Thinks seemed to have slowed down more in the last 3 weeks and I can't get any response from KC or MH.

I know there is a Congressional Hearing department that over sees government wrong doing and this type of thing, but I can't find an address. Maybe someone out there knows it and can let us all know. If we can find this and send letters at the same time, maybe things will speed up. I worry that, like with INS(BCIS) everything is sitting on someones desk for months and not being processed.

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Long time hold case or pending or waiting or parked at a desk or screaming or crying or fretting or.................etc. Hard to imagine how wrong this system is.


PS. Only a rumor from 001 but I like it. My fiancee saw posted that maybe a new process is in place for cases with over three failed attemps at name checks to get some attention?


Keep trying and keep the faith our lovers are worth it.

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My case is similar as Christy's.


I also wondering how many people are actually on hold as Christy, SBS and I. Here is the time line for my case:


Name check submitted : August 2002,

Interviewed, visa approved: November 2002

Still NO clearance yet.


I have sent email to Marua Harty, and called DOS also. GZ refused to resubmit my case always even bofore it is on hold. (why?) I requested GZ to resubmit my case to DOS, they never do it.


I have tried to find out from DOS why my case was on hold, and always been told bullshit (they said they had idea about it).


Joy & gongfuman

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Thank you all for replying! I am glad that we have this place to communicate, unfortunately, we have to share this seemingly eternal pain...


Owenkrout, I know what "name collision" means, but if they were going to dig deeper, how come they are not requesting for more information? I think the hold cases are just sitting somewhere on the desk. We will have to create enough stir in the government to get people to work again.


Any suggestions? I am thinking about contacting Dateline, 60 minutes, etc to see if they are interested in creating a story about the immigrant visa. Is this a good idea?



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Guest brian&ying

I'm new to this board but have been reading all of the helpful info here in the past. I'm finally fed up with this process and need to vent my frustration.

My wife is still on hold. Her interview was in November 2002.


What I do know is that the FBI put a hold on the process. It's very interesting to think how the FBI can put a hold on a young woman with no criminal background nor any ties to the Chinese government. How can the FBI conduct a background check on somebody in a country where they have no presence nor access to that government's information? It is such a joke. To think that they will stop terrorists and spies by doing name checks is ludicrous. Anybody wanting to do real harm can sneak across the border all too easily or get a travel/student visa instead. This is all backwards to me.

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