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Lao po went to the post and picked up the visas a few minutes ago!  :redblob:  Because of the consulate being closed yesterday; they only had 2 visas at the post today for pickup.  :eyebrow:


Thank you CFL for helping me maintain what little sanity I have!


edit: P.S. Yeah, bought my last bag of Cheetos today.  :lol:


:lol: :) ;) :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Good Job!!!!

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Hey Bob, you know we kinda get to know a person's personality here, after watching and reading their behavior through some very trying months. I just have to say that you only cracked once or twice. :roller: For the most part, you always kept your composure, a sense of humor and patience. Your SO is a very lucky woman.


I hope you don't just fade away, but continue to share with us.


Congratulations!! :P

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