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Just recieved the phone call and the answer was as my wife has been saying to 3 weeks now.  No worry is easy.  Our case easy.


Well I called Huiyu at 530 to make sure she was up in time for interview.  She had strict orders to call me when she got to Embassy and immediatley after.  HA!  She of course left her cell in the Hotel and met a woman there and waited for her to finish her interview.  So she finally gets to the Hotell to call me and says was easy!  Only 3 questions:


1 Where does you husband work?

2 Where is your ex-husband?

3 Can I see some pictures?


Then those lovely words.  You are approved.  I should have her in my arms this weekend. 


The only down side is Jenny, her daughter, ear hurts from the flight.  One ear wont pop.  This was her first time flying and she dont want to get on plane again. 


I want to thank everyone on here.  The information I got here is what 

made this go as smooth as it did, albiet longer then I wanted but it is over.


How am I suppsoe to sleep tonite?


Let the Training begin!


Great News!


On the ear thing. I sometimes have some issue with my ears. Too much scuba I feel. I normally hold my nose and blow out with my mouth closed to relieve the pressure. The same technique used to equalize while diving.



Hope the daughter gets better.

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Thanks guys!  She is upset that they only ask 3 questions.  Haha  We prepare so many things.  So many documents and they dont ask for any of it!  She say that she wanted to argue with them, you dont want to see more.


Thats funny, I just made a comment about that in another thread, how your SO does all this work and prep, gets all emotionally charged and she is approved in an instant without getting to tell the whole story!


Congratulations ! ! !

Edited by ameriken (see edit history)
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Thanks again guys.


My wife too Jenny to the doctor and she has an ear infection, got a pretty bad fever last nite but is under control now. She feels much better.


On the gum thing. We gave her gum on my last trip and tole her not to swallow it. she chewed it like 3 times and spit out and wanted more. Haha. You say dont swallow!

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