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Interview cancelled

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Rick, don't give up yet. Get over to GZ for the Friday afternoon meeting and take all of your paperwork, if it was a data entry error on their part you should ask them to "make it right".


Hopefully you can get better information from the VO on this and possibly still have the same interview.


At the very least it puts it on the record that you are deeply involved in the process.


Now, that's an idea. Maybe it would be possible to conclude the interview as scheduled, so the consulate can issue the visa immediately upon receipt of the namecheck. Make some inquiries and see if it's possible.


Since you are there, you may as well go over and

press the issue.


As mentioned, it may be a simple error on the part of

the local help.


Once vented, get a game plan going.

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Sorry to hear this sad news. I understand how terrible you feel right now. But please don't give up. Try your best to contact the GUZ and ask them to correct their own mistakes. Visit their office on Friday like others said. Make sure that they do something for you. Rather than just treat you as a mere piece of paperwork.


Wish you good luck.

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What a horrible thing to have happen when you are expecting so much joy. I think you have already been given good advise here. Let them know what THEY not YOU have done and tell anyone you can find. This will at least prove your involvement. You might actually find someone who can do you some good. Don't forget to ask it as a question in Guz Speaks forum.


Good luck to the three of you.

Edited by Dan R (see edit history)
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I am so sorry for you and can sympathize - my SO put her son's lunar birth date on one form which triggered the same thing.

They demanded a notarized copy of his birth certificate - would not take a verbal explanation.

GUZ has now had out P-3 for over 3 months....shades of the NINE MONTH DELAY at NVC that we have also endured!


Fight the fight,



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Yanlan and I were wondering if she can do the interview on the 20th as schedualed and Lulu can do hers later, after Guz does the redo of the name check. Problem is that BOTH medicals are in one envelope. Here again is another problem, if Guz lets Yanlan keep her part of the appointment waht about Lulus mecical papers and x-rays already done. Any suggestions here? I will fight to get at least this much done.

rick and Yanlan

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Well thought all was going well until today. Guz called us here in Nanning and canceled the interview!!! Someone somewher has put our daughters birthdate worng on the papers. All mine have the correct date and Yanlans too. But Guz says ilt needs to redo the name investigation again, This will take up to several months the lady said. All of Yanlans information adn dates are correct but the Daughtsrs birthdate was printed wrong somewhere. Bothe the medicals have been done already, now I think they will be neede to be redone again. I must leave on the 27th to go home and now I will loose the money for the 2 tickets for Yanlan and Lulu. The money for the medical is wasted too. All this time is wasted except I got to see my family. I go home empty handed and go through another waiting game because of someone that is stupid!

Well that is my update and sorry for vent to all of you but I feel really sick now, I do not know what to do besides sit and watch my fiancee cry.

Rick and Yanlan


Be sure to "cancel" reservations for any unused airline tickets, before the flight. If the tickets are re-usable (likely with a fee), but you do not cancel the reservations, some airlines consider it a forfeiture of the ticket and will not allow you to use the ticket on a future flight.


Good luck!

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I am so sorry to hear this. I hope that you are able to go to the ACH and press the issue. Talk to anybody that you can get to at the consulate and don't accept no for an answer. This is their fault.



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So very sorry to hear of this screw up, Rick. I agree with others who say to go to GZ and see if you can rattle a few cages. It couldn't hurt. In our case, the birthdate mistake came when they sent Li the green card. Sent it three times now, first one had wrong birthdate, second one had wrong A number, third one had wrong birthdate again. It just amazes me how incompetent these folks can be.


Hang in there and vent all you want. Please give us an update ASAP.

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Well thought all was going well until today. Guz called us here in Nanning and canceled the interview!!! Someone somewher has put our daughters birthdate worng on the papers. All mine have the correct date and Yanlans too. But Guz says ilt needs to redo the name investigation again, This will take up to several months the lady said. All of Yanlans information adn dates are correct but the Daughtsrs birthdate was printed wrong somewhere. Bothe the medicals have been done already, now I think they will be neede to be redone again. I must leave on the 27th to go home and now I will loose the money for the 2 tickets for Yanlan and Lulu. The money for the medical is wasted too. All this time is wasted except I got to see my family. I go home empty handed and go through another waiting game because of someone that is stupid!

Well that is my update and sorry for vent to all of you but I feel really sick now, I do not know what to do besides sit and watch my fiancee cry.

Rick and Yanlan


Wow, this trip to Nanning has indeed proven very disappointing and frustrating for you. First the lost luggages and now this cancellation. Absolutely horrible. I sympathize. At the very least, you are with your loved one. Try to think positively and cherish the time with your SO. And definitely do as others have suggested, try visiting GUZ on Friday and speak with a VO to see if there's anything you or they can do to rectify the situation immediately. And try contacting the Consul General directly. Good luck.

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I'm sorry I can't add to the advise given already, just get over to GUZ and talk with a VO. I'm very sorry for you and your family, lets just hope something can still be done with their screw up!

We wish you all the best in a speedy resolution!

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well, I think Guz read my messages here. They called this morning and said that we can do the interview on the 20th but the visas won't be issued until the name check is redone. A little progress!!. Amazingly enough Nanning airport called and my luggage is supposed to arrive tonight at 6pm, current time in Nanning is 9:17am. both the phones are ringing off the hook today over yesterdays events. Idid send an email to King to see what he has to say if he will give any free advise about this.

Well just wanted to update the update for everyone.

Rick and Yanlan

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