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About reporting illegal immigrants......

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Does anybody know where and how to report visa violations?

Where I work - Romanians are brought to the area to work. The problem is that they all come here under contract with one company - but violate their visa by taking other jobs - and shunt their responsibilies to the company that sponsored them.

I would like to know where and how to report these violations - and also to know if anybody will do anything about it?????




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I am in restaurant management and know that there is illegals abound. My company sent out a memo a few months ago stating that management is only to verify that documents submitted to us in accordance with the I-9 requirements. We are not to investigate the authenticity of the document, only to verify the document matches what they present.


My company used to have us call SSA to verify SSN's and if we continued to do that... we would never be staffed!!! Refusal rates were 4 out of every 5 we called in.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

Though you might find it personally bothersome, it's likely that you will find great difficulty locating someone in government that will take the time to investigate. If you really have a burden about this, you might do your own detective work, getting their address, document information, and specific information regarding violations and report it to:




Lacking specific information you can bet it will go no-where.

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I am in restaurant management and know that there is illegals abound. My company sent out a memo a few months ago stating that management is only to verify that documents submitted to us in accordance with the I-9 requirements. We are not to investigate the authenticity of the document, only to verify the document matches what they present.


My company used to have us call SSA to verify SSN's and if we continued to do that... we would never be staffed!!! Refusal rates were 4 out of every 5 we called in.


These people have legal papers - the companies hiring them are stupid and do not realize that the visa they have only permits them to work for one designated employer!!! Therefore they cannot legally hire them.

It is not that the documents are not authentic - they don't understand these people are not eligable to work for anybody else but the sponsoring employer!!! It is the type of visa that they have.

And this is killing my company because they will not work for us as much since they discovered they can make more elsewhere - so they work the minimum for us and then work another 40 to 60 hours for a higher paying job - illegally...... I would like to stop this practice without involving the name of my company in reporting them - It would look better if the USA authorities investigate them and discover this for themself..... But I fear the uSA autorities think this is petty and will not investigate.



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I am in restaurant management and know that there is illegals abound. My company sent out a memo a few months ago stating that management is only to verify that documents submitted to us in accordance with the I-9 requirements. We are not to investigate the authenticity of the document, only to verify the document matches what they present.


My company used to have us call SSA to verify SSN's and if we continued to do that... we would never be staffed!!! Refusal rates were 4 out of every 5 we called in.


These people have legal papers - the companies hiring them are stupid and do not realize that the visa they have only permits them to work for one designated employer!!! Therefore they cannot legally hire them.

It is not that the documents are not authentic - they don't understand these people are not eligable to work for anybody else but the sponsoring employer!!! It is the type of visa that they have.

And this is killing my company because they will not work for us as much since they discovered they can make more elsewhere - so they work the minimum for us and then work another 40 to 60 hours for a higher paying job - illegally...... I would like to stop this practice without involving the name of my company in reporting them - It would look better if the USA authorities investigate them and discover this for themself..... But I fear the uSA autorities think this is petty and will not investigate.




It may be a manpower issue. I have never seen anyone check any books in my 28 years of management. I was a District Manager for 3 of those years and HR for 2. Not one audit and I worked for a firm that was International in size.

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Why do you want to make trouble for yourself?


You have a woman to protect.


Go live a happy life.


This is greatly effecting the place where I work.


I only want somebody to slap their hands and make them stop working other places - and do the job they were brought here to do by my company.....

I'm not out to cause anybody trouble.



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Guest ShaQuaNew
Why do you want to make trouble for yourself?


You have a woman to protect.


Go live a happy life.


This is greatly effecting the place where I work.


I only want somebody to slap their hands and make them stop working other places - and do the job they were brought here to do by my company.....

I'm not out to cause anybody trouble.




Having dealt with those that are in place to enforce immigration law, I want to repeat my earlier reply....


Though you might find it personally bothersome, it's likely that you will find great difficulty locating someone in government that will take the time to investigate. If you really have a burden about this, you might do your own detective work, getting their address, document information, and specific information regarding violations and report it to:




There's a good deal of injustice going on in the US these days, and some feel a burden to fix the problem by being personally vigilant. I personally wouldn't try, but hey....

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Just remember,

When the  expiration date on

your wife's I94 has been met,

she is in the country illegally.


How would you like it if an

office busy body reported her?


She will do the AOS from a cell.


If you mess with somebody's

income and family, you will have

problems beyond your control.


Thanks for your interest in a big problem. I can remember when Americans would be patriotic and do anything to help our country. Now all anyone thinks about is the profits they can make by using illegal labor. It would help the country greatly if all these "honest" Americans and companies would stop breaking the law and only hire legal workers.


If they cannot do business legally, maybe they should not be in business.

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Why do you want to make trouble for yourself?


You have a woman to protect.


Go live a happy life.


This is greatly effecting the place where I work.


I think you are right to report this. Illegal is illegal. Why do people suggest we turn a blind eye to the illegal immigration problems?


Dont feel bad about making trouble, you are not making trouble. Illegal is illegal, wrong is wrong. You mentioned it is hurting your company. There is nothing wrong with protecting your employer. You are not messing with someone elses income, if it hurts your company and country, they are messing with YOUR income.


You are supporting your country, your employer, and yourself, that is the right thing to do. If you want to do something, do something.


As the saying goes, 'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’

Edited by ameriken (see edit history)
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Why do you want to make trouble for yourself?


You have a woman to protect.


Go live a happy life.


good advice I think.



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