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The Guz. Good Cop-Bad Cop??

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Some of the new posts are sure to start a Fire Storm now. An associate of mine who worked for a US Embassy for over 10 years did tell me that GZ monitors CFL site all the time. He also advised me to watch out what I post and not to let the whole World know my feelings and plans.

He Did Not Say that GZ Singles out any Particular PERSON for their Views on CFL.

These People have a job to do. We of course hope that they do not view our posts as hostile or with malicous intent. When they unearth a Scam Visa they are the Good Cops. However when we are given a blue slip they are the Bad Cops. This is Human Nature.

Our pettitions goes through a 3 step process as most of us know. The State Department, FBI and the DOJ. These agencies have their own time frames and agendas. Anyone of these agencies makes an error Boom You got problems man. So is the Bad Cop? Who really knows? Not even your hairdresser knows for sure.

Remember the old Chinese proverb:"It is better to look stupid then open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Maybe in out future posts if we can not find or say anything good it maybe wise to say nothing at all.

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We are almost 2000 strong here at CFL. We all also have many friends and relatives. provoked to action I believe we could raise a big enough stink to get some attention. GUZ probably knows this and I would question his intellegence if he were to use this forum to single out any one member for revenge.

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We are almost 2000 strong here at  CFL.  We all also have many friends and relatives. provoked to action I believe we could raise a big enough stink to get some attention.  GUZ probably knows this and I would question his intellegence  if he were to use this forum to single out any one member for revenge.


However - do you think this will stop them? They will do what they want to do. It is wise to remember that anything said could come back to haunt you. Like Alex said - just be warned and be careful.

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As a whole CFL is a pretty informed group and organized in so much as we got the attention of the "GZ", now as for why they are here I think it is to be their voice of reason or maybe to cool some heads before we create issues that may cause unneeded trouble at GZ (you know the squeaky wheel) however I don't think they have the time and effort to track those here that bad mouth them to take vengeance against them otherwise many of us would have had more trouble, maybe we should focus our frustrations at the embassy in Beijing to open more consulates for K-visa's.

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It's no secret that the 'officials' have been to this site at one time or another. I think it is to gain a perspective on the population; to test the waters, if you will. I also agree with the "squeaky wheel" theory but I don't think they would be here to take revenge on any individuals. The closest to that would be if they were looking for scam artist.


~That's my opinion and I got one!..........:P

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Some of the new posts are sure to start a Fire Storm now. An associate of mine who worked for a US Embassy for over 10 years did tell me that GZ monitors CFL site all the time. He also advised me to watch out what I post and not to let the whole World know my feelings and plans.

He Did Not Say that GZ Singles out any Particular PERSON for their Views on CFL.

These People have a job to do. We of course hope that they do not view our posts as hostile or with malicous intent. When they unearth a Scam Visa they are the Good Cops. However when we are given a blue slip they are the Bad Cops. This is Human Nature.

Our pettitions goes through a 3 step process as most of us know. The State Department, FBI and the DOJ. These agencies have their own time frames and agendas. Anyone of these agencies makes an error Boom You got problems man. So is the Bad Cop? Who really knows? Not even your hairdresser knows for sure.

Remember the old Chinese proverb:"It is better to look stupid then open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Maybe in out future posts if we can not find or say anything good it maybe wise to say nothing at all.


Well said and very true

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Somehow the say something nice or shutup idea sticks in my craw. If you all honestly think that GUZ is doing a good job--by all means say so. if you honestly think they are not--by all means say so.


It's like i used to tell my staff--"if we all agree on everything, there are too many of us". If GZ is interested in improving there process they must ear both side-not just sugar coated butt kissing (sychofant). If we only say nice things they will assume they have got it right. If negative feedback annoys them it is only because they know they have problems. If we honestly fear retaliation then we are living in the wrong place and time--afterall, this is not Nazi Germany-IS IT??

Edited by Trigg (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
We are almost 2000 strong here at  CFL.  We all also have many friends and relatives. provoked to action I believe we could raise a big enough stink to get some attention.  GUZ probably knows this and I would question his intellegence  if he were to use this forum to single out any one member for revenge.


However - do you think this will stop them? They will do what they want to do. It is wise to remember that anything said could come back to haunt you. Like Alex said - just be warned and be careful.


Geeze man, talk about conspiracy theories. Trust me, most people have better things to do with their time than to sit an monitor the exchanges of this website.

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I still think it is a healthy exchange, venting has it's rewards, but attacks do little to stir sympathy.... or compassion.


I am glad they are here, as it is a way for them to feel the pulse.....

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Guest ShaQuaNew

If one is going to live their life in the United States, of all places in the world as if it were a police state, then you might as well move to one. Speak up, say what's on you mind and sound the alert when you see something happening that violates law and our constitution. That's what it's there for. That's the reason why people put their lives on the line is to preserve the right to do so. Crap man. If some putz at the Guz is being an asshole, say so...., document it, their name, time, date, etc. The law of this land is your friend....Unless of course your too weak to say so...

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If one is going to live their life in the United States, of all places in the world as if it were a police state, then you might as well move to one. Speak up, say what's on you mind and sound the alert when you see something happening that violates law and our constitution. That's what it's there for. That's the reason why people put their lives on the line is to preserve the right to do so. Crap man. If some putz at the Guz is being an asshole, say so...., document it, their name, time, date, etc. The law of this land is your friend....Unless of course your too weak to say so...


Here Here!!!!

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If one is going to live their life in the United States, of all places in the world as if it were a police state, then you might as well move to one. Speak up, say what's on you mind and sound the alert when you see something happening that violates law and our constitution. That's what it's there for. That's the reason why people put their lives on the line is to preserve the right to do so. Crap man. If some putz at the Guz is being an asshole, say so...., document it, their name, time, date, etc. The law of this land is your friend....Unless of course your too weak to say so...


Here Here!!!!


WELL HOW ABOUT THAT !!!!! :excl:


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This is still the USA and we still do have the 1st amendment.

If there is a problem with the system, they need to know about it so they can fix it.

There have been options offered up and GUZ has (however slightly) changed their ways as a result of CFL posts!

We are all working to a common goal here, to assist the visa process while mailtaining some protection against fraud.


And Thomas, BTW, it was Abe Lincoln who said, "Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt!" :lol:

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If one is going to live their life in the United States, of all places in the world as if it were a police state, then you might as well move to one. Speak up, say what's on you mind and sound the alert when you see something happening that violates law and our constitution. That's what it's there for. That's the reason why people put their lives on the line is to preserve the right to do so. Crap man. If some putz at the Guz is being an asshole, say so...., document it, their name, time, date, etc. The law of this land is your friend....Unless of course your too weak to say so...


Here Here!!!!






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Yea, I used to worry that they might try to "teach me a lesson."

I'm not that smart though.


Cleared 2nd name check on 7/1 and didn't get P4 until 10/1 ???


That pisses me off!!! (or am I not allowed to say that here? :blink: :lol: )


I have an interview coming up shortly though.


Sorry GUZ, That was my other personality coming out. I/He didn't mean it. I think you guys are the best. Visa apps are like wine, the older the better.

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