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How do they make a Chinese person return to China

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I have a question please.


Considering that the USA does little or nothing to the Mexicans, Cuban's, etc who come to the USA illegally - I am very curious to know "what do they do to the Chinese who stay in America after their visa expires"? How do they make them leave? Do they try to make them leave? Do they physically send them back to China?


I know that it is reported that it is too costly to enforce these laws and to return people to their home countries. Does this include the Chinese people? I would really like to understand "IF" and "HOW" this applies to the Chinese people - and if they do enforce this on the Chinese - Why are they singled out (VS the Mexicans, Cuban's and all the many other nationalities that are here illegally that they do nothing about!)???


I work for a company that every year brings Romanians here to work the busy season (I'm in a tourist area). I have learned that only about 50% of them return to Romania after their work visa expires. I am told they do not fear the authorities because the USA does nothing to them IF THEY CATCH THEM HERE ILLEGALLY!!! Is this the same for the Chinese people if they are caught here on an expired visa?


This is certainly not something I would consider for my wife! I obey the laws! I just want to clearify my reason for asking - PURE CURIOSITY!!!!! It seems that everybody on this website DO OBEY the laws - Doesn't it piss you off to know our country does not try to enforce these laws on the many other nationalities that DO VIOLATE the laws here???



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The "punishment" we are talking about here is simply deportation - it would be devastating to those of us to those of us who are legally importing loved ones to live with our families here, but no big deal to those who are illegally here to work. Devastating especially because of the effect it might have on subsequent visa applications. Those who are here to work are simply sent BACK to where there loved ones are, and can turn around and make another illegal attempt. Same penalty in the eyes of the law, but a vastly different effect.


To say that nothing is done ignores the numbers of illegals that are either barred from entry, or sent back home. That the percentage is low simply says that the border patrol is overwhelmed.


The fact that the overwhelming majority are from Mexico simply says that Mexico is that much closer than China.


As far as enforcement, do we know of anyone forcibly sent back home?


By following the law, we avoid having to dodge the law, and also the potentially devastating consequences if we are caught.

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Unfortunately, this is the sorry state that our govt. is in at this point in time. Legal immigrants are scrutinized with repeated check, fees and medical exams and illegals (or those who come here legally and don't leave) get little or no attention from our DHS that was created to protect us.

A good percentage of the 9/11 hijackers were in the US with expired visas, and from what you are telling us, the DHS has done little or nothing to remedy the situation.

Sounds like inexperienced and incompetant cronies are running the DHS, much for the same reasons as our FEMA director got his job.


I don't dislike Roumanians, I'm just pissed at a system that is set up so a legal immigrant needs to have 3 security check done over a matter of months to stay here legaly while people with expired visas get a free ticket to stay in the good ol USA.

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The difference is the geography. And it's a big difference!, like 180^.

Plus, our Chinese loved ones our in the system. Easier to keep track of. It's the only way they can get here, (legally). It wouldn't be easy for our Chinese loved ones to get here illegally. I mean, it's not like they can just cross the Rio Grande tomorrow night!...:P

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I have a question please.


Considering that the USA does little or nothing to the Mexicans, Cuban's, etc who come to the USA illegally - I am very curious to know "what do they do to the Chinese who stay in America after their visa expires"? How do they make them leave? Do they try to make them leave? Do they physically send them back to China?


I know that it is reported that it is too costly to enforce these laws and to return people to their home countries. Does this include the Chinese people? I would really like to understand "IF" and "HOW" this applies to the Chinese people - and if they do enforce this on the Chinese - Why are they singled out (VS the Mexicans, Cuban's and all the many other nationalities that are here illegally that they do nothing about!)???


I work for a company that every year brings Romanians here to work the busy season (I'm in a tourist area). I have learned that only about 50% of them return to Romania after their work visa expires. I  am told they do not fear the authorities because the USA does nothing to them IF THEY CATCH THEM HERE ILLEGALLY!!! Is this the same for the Chinese people if they are caught here on an expired visa?


This is certainly not something I would consider for my wife! I obey the laws! I just want to clearify my reason for asking - PURE CURIOSITY!!!!! It seems that everybody on this website DO OBEY the laws - Doesn't it piss you off to know our country does not try to enforce these laws on the many other nationalities that DO VIOLATE the laws here???




They some times do deport Romanians and Hungarians - just rounded up a whole bunch of them that were in the construction house framing business

was in the local paper here .

BUT there must be close to 200 working at St Simons Island in the Tourist business - thay all dissappeared when the G -7 summit was held there Hmm

I wonder why :P

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Guest ShaQuaNew

When it comes to love and family you'd think most would understand the lengths that they will go through to be together. While there are many stories of those that attempt to circumvent the visa process or overstay, you must realize that these people are living fugitives. An traffic stop or intervention into a life event by the police will usually show those that are here illegally.


Just a few years ago law enforcement officials did not have access to watch list and immigration lookout records. The database is growing everyday. Anyone that gets caught stands the risk of being deported or permanantely barred from entering the US. Would it be worthwhile to put oneself in such a position? Most of us would surely say no, but then, most of us wouldn't eat maggots either. At least until we get real hungry....

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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The legal process is burdensome, but I follow it, and agree to disagree with the methods and delays that come with it!!! :P

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Anyone that gets caught stands the risk of being deported or permanantely barred from entering the US. Would it be worthwhile to put oneself in such a position?


The purpose of my asking this question is directly relating to the fact that I personally know some of these Romanians that have worked here. They tell me that if they "overstay" in the USA - they do not worry about the police, because they say the police do NOTHING to them if they are caught... Therefore they do not fear being deported!!!

This in iteslf drives me crazy!!! How can the US government care so little about this, that they actually seem to go out of their way to ignore an "illegal" when they are discovered??? BUT make us go through hell to get our SO here legally.........


But I am happy to read what "notrevorich" says that he knows of cases where they have been deported when discoverd!!!!

Edited by m-coon (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
Anyone that gets caught stands the risk of being deported or permanantely barred from entering the US. Would it be worthwhile to put oneself in such a position?


The purpose of my asking this question is directly relating to the fact that I personally know some of these Romanians that have worked here. They tell me that if they "overstay" in the USA - they do not worry about the police, because they say the police do NOTHING to them if they are caught... Therefore they do not fear being deported!!!

This in iteslf drives me crazy!!! How can the US government care so little about this, that they actually seem to go out of their way to ignore an "illegal" when they are discovered??? BUT make us go through hell to get our SO here legally.........


But I am happy to read what "notrevorich" says that he knows of cases where they have been deported when discoverd!!!!







Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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They tell me that if they "overstay" in the USA - they do not worry about the police, because they say the police do NOTHING to them if they are caught... Therefore they do not fear being deported!!!

This in iteslf drives me crazy!!! How can the US government care so little about this, that they actually seem to go out of their way to ignore an "illegal" when they are discovered??? BUT make us go through hell to get our SO here legally.........


But I am happy to read what "notrevorich" says that he knows of cases where they have been deported when discoverd!!!!


You have to remember which government has jurisdiction in immigration mattters. It's only the federal government, not the state, county, or municipal government. When was the last time you were stopped by the federal "police"? Local law enforcement personnel generally have enough on their hands without having to worry whether someone is legal or not and then notifying the feds who probably have an illegal immigration backlog ten years long. I'm sure some information is shared, but I'll bet it's the rare exception.

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I work with builders in the kansas city area and they do work with people who do not have a visia or it has run out. And from what I hear if they get pinched while they are working they get a letter telling them to be out of the united states by a date. And I have had the same people tell me they will be back in a month with new fake papers.

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Unfortunately, thousands of Chinese people immigrate or are immigrated illegally into the U.S. Some try willingly, others gathered up and sent like indentured servants or slaves.


The mechanics of how they are brought in are unknown to me, but I am sure it isn't all that different than how they import other illegal immigrants. I know the stories of containers on ships with immigrants in them is not unfounded. Maybe not stacked so full they die, but certainly filled with enough to make it profitable.


I am sure that it is hard for a Mexican or other Central American person to get a legal visa, with as much hardship as we see with our Chinese SO's. Maybe for the same reason. To stem the tide in some way, though I agree that it is the inability to stop the illegal immigrants at the expense of those of us who are lawful. We must go so far as to demonstrate that we are contributors to society, while the illegal immigrants to some extent reap the rewards of those contributions... I don't have the answers, but certainly seems like it would save more than it would cost to up the manpower of the DHS and streamline the legal immigration process while reducing the illegal immigration. I am not in favor of shutting America's doors to immigration, but this imbalance needs to be rectified.

Edited by mercator (see edit history)
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The purpose of my asking this question is directly relating to the fact that I personally know some of these Romanians that have worked here. They tell me that if they "overstay" in the USA - they do not worry about the police, because they say the police do NOTHING to them if they are caught... Therefore they do not fear being deported!!!


I've heard the same from chinese...


One lady I know point blank stated, "it's so easy to overstay your visa... no problem. Even get married while overstay no problem". And she is still here... married...

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Here is the deal sir. Your asking whey mexicans and cubans are not deported when they over stay their visas and or they never get a visa but they are still not deported. Its like this, folks in usa are very lazy,a nd are willing to over look policy and law if it will make their lives better and richer. Why pay a usa person 20 bucks per hour when you can get a very poor and eager to work {neighbor} mexican/cuban person to do it for 7 bucks an hour. Ask thinks like why does Wal-Mart hire a contractor to clean their stores, and the contractors hire out the work to undocumented mexican folks to do the work for pennies on the dollar. Its all in big business and i'm sure the law and policy makers need their undocumented and very illegal house cleaners and child care providers hehe. Now as to if or why a chinese person may be deported if their visa expires I can only thing its harder to sneak into the usa from China, as opposed to sneaking in from mexico or cuba. I would have to think a chinese person would be easier to track in that light. Hope it helps, it seems like common sense to me. /salute

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I'm not sure if The Feds deport Chinese back to China, but I know for 100% certain that The Feds deport Canadians back to Canada!


Yeppers, they may not do much with the Mexicans and the Cubans (maybe because we need them?), but when a Canadian woman who has lived in the US for 30 years, bought a home, owns a restaurant, but gets "discovered" by The Feds that she isn't here legally ... then it's "HONK HONK here comes the Deporation Bus"


This just happened yesterday here in Portland, read on:


October 30, 2005


Woman living in Oregon for 29 years faces deportation


PORTLAND, Ore. - After 29 years of living in Oregon, a Canadian-born woman is being deported to her native country this weekend.

This, after Rose-Marie Barbeau Quinn lost a last-minute challenge to her deportation.


Federal law allows immigrants married to U.S. citizens to live here legally only if the marriages last longer than two years.


But after a 25-year relationship, Barbeau Quinn and her husband married only hours before he died 14 years ago.


Now, she has exhausted her deportation appeals. But Barbeau Quinn says her lawyers have not given up hope.


She's hoping that an immigration bill pending in the U.S. Senate might allow her to return to Portland later.


In the meantime, she'll be living in northern Ontario.


Edited by Jim - Portland, USA (see edit history)
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