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Phillip A. Becker


Newport Beach, California 92663


(714)-746-XXXX cellular

October 25, 2005


Secretary Maura Harty

2201 C Street NW

Room 6811

Washington, DC 20520






Dear Secretary Harty:


Rosa Parks died today. She was 92. In 1955 she decided that she had endured all of the injustice that she could bear and she chose a seat in the front of the bus and refused to give way to a white man. The bus driver refused to move the bus and she was ultimately arrested. We are all familiar with the resultant history.


If I could find a seat that represented the injustice that I am enduring within the immigration system of our country, I would sit in it now. I am not causing civil disobedience, as some insist Rosa did. I am only pleading for some assistance in bringing my Fiancé to America through the legal K-1 process. I dream of uniting with my Chinese born bride-to-be in the land that my ancestors emigrated to. Unless you are a Native American, this is the land that all of our ancestors at some point in time emigrated to. I am very proud to state that I am a citizen, tax payer, registered voter and law abiding person holding this country in the highest esteem.


I completed all of the required paperwork to initiate the process to bring my Fiancé to America. I retained an attorney versed in immigration law only to insure that I had properly filled out all of the necessary forms to allow for a smooth process which I anticipated would take nine months to a year. During this period I have returned to China two more times and most recently brought my two children with me to meet her entire family and experience another culture. My problem is this: after submitting my application to the California Service Center, it was swiftly forwarded to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire. It has been explained to me that my application was randomly selected for “secondary review” and “administrative processing and sent to Washington”. I have patiently waited and called for NINE MONTHS waiting to hear when my application will be forwarded to our consulate in Guangzhou. I have received the same response now for way too long. I want the seat that represents the injustice of being somehow treated differently from most applicants and forced to wait for an unspecified length of time which, at present will most likely extend this process to greater than EIGHTEEN MONTHS.


When I asked the NVC operator if requesting the assistance of my Senator or Congressperson would help, I was flippantly told that they will get the same answer that I was given – WAIT. I have waited. How long must I wait? Truthfully, I doubt if my application could actually be located at present. Can anyone tell me what pile my application is sitting in? Will you help me? Can you help me?


I am humbly asking for your assistance in locating and forwarding my K-1 application. Restore my faith in our government. Secondly, I am asking you to reflect upon my case and ask why this even occurs. I sympathize with the present problems that we are facing as a nation. However, I question the use of manpower, or lack of manpower that has forced me to hear over and over – JUST WAIT. I do not see this as fair or just.


Thank you,

For your assistance and anticipated response,



Phillip A. Becker






We'll see. I received the canned receipt from her office which at least indicates that the email transmission was received. I'm at wit's end and feel that I have nothing to loose; The time has already been stolen from me.


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Phillip A. Becker


Newport Beach, California 92663


(714)-746-XXXX cellular

October 25, 2005


Secretary Maura Harty

2201 C Street NW

Room 6811

Washington, DC 20520






Dear Secretary Harty:


Rosa Parks died today.  She was 92.  In 1955 she decided that she had endured all of the injustice that she could bear and she chose a seat in the front of the bus and refused to give way to a white man.  The bus driver refused to move the bus and she was ultimately arrested.  We are all familiar with the resultant history.


If I could find a seat that represented the injustice that I am enduring within the immigration system of our country, I would sit in it now.  I am not causing civil disobedience, as some insist Rosa did.  I am only pleading for some assistance in bringing my Fianc?to America through the legal K-1 process.  I dream of uniting with my Chinese born bride-to-be in the land that my ancestors emigrated to.  Unless you are a Native American, this is the land that all of our ancestors at some point in time emigrated to.  I am very proud to state that I am a citizen, tax payer, registered voter and law abiding person holding this country in the highest esteem. 


I completed all of the required paperwork to initiate the process to bring my Fianc?to America.  I retained an attorney versed in immigration law only to insure that I had properly filled out all of the necessary forms to allow for a smooth process which I anticipated would take nine months to a year.  During this period I have returned to China two more times and most recently brought my two children with me to meet her entire family and experience another culture.  My problem is this:  after submitting my application to the California Service Center, it was swiftly forwarded to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire.  It has been explained to me that my application was randomly selected for “secondary review?and “administrative processing and sent to Washington?  I have patiently waited and called for NINE MONTHS waiting to hear when my application will be forwarded to our consulate in Guangzhou.  I have received the same response now for way too long.  I want the seat that represents the injustice of being somehow treated differently from most applicants and forced to wait for an unspecified length of time which, at present will most likely extend this process to greater than EIGHTEEN MONTHS. 


When I asked the NVC operator if requesting the assistance of my Senator or Congressperson would help, I was flippantly told that they will get the same answer that I was given ?WAIT.  I have waited.  How long must I wait?  Truthfully, I doubt if my application could actually be located at present.  Can anyone tell me what pile my application is sitting in? Will you help me?  Can you help me?


I am humbly asking for your assistance in locating and forwarding my K-1 application.  Restore my faith in our government.  Secondly, I am asking you to reflect upon my case and ask why this even occurs.  I sympathize with the present problems that we are facing as a nation.  However, I question the use of manpower, or lack of manpower that has forced me to hear over and over ?JUST WAIT.  I do not see this as fair or just.


Thank you,

For your assistance and anticipated response,



Phillip A. Becker






We'll see.  I received the canned receipt from her office which at least indicates that the email transmission was received.  I'm at wit's end and feel that I have nothing to loose; The time has already been stolen from me.



Phillip, That is a great letter. Whether it will get a response from those drones is another story. If you come back to Nanning look me up. I am locked into security check and into the 14th month. At least I made it to GUZ but the process has stopped since early July. I hope you are able to break it loose soon.

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It sends chills up my spine every time I see some ominous post about the National Visa Center. I have my thoughts about the NVC. They are a frightening, "unearthly" administration. They have ways of making you; I mean, your case disappear!

It's trick or treat all year to them!


Enough said... :shutup:...


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It sends chills up my spine every time I see some ominous post about the National Visa Center. I have my thoughts about the NVC. They are a frightening, "unearthly" administration. They have ways of making you; I mean, your case disappear!

It's trick or treat all year to them!


Enough said... :shutup:...



That is not the least bit FUNNY :(

And I know it was not intended to be

I am saddened when I read your experiences and I hope that this does not happen to me .

We all have just so many days on this earth and to have our happiness drowned in this "just Wait " bureacracy is -------------

I quess I really don't know how to express my frustrartion

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Great letter Phil!! I'm sorry and frightened to read about your situation, given my case is also headed there right now! I hope you will get some quick action from your letter!


We all feel your pain and we all know it could happen to us.


Best of luck!!

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I agree that your letter was well-thought out and written. It presupposes, of course, that logic works. That the people who read it actually care about justice or "doing the right thing."


But it is really your only option.


Our best wishes to you both that your case gets resolved as soon as possible.

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew

I want to believe that they would actually read the letter and be moved to do something for you. The cynic in me knows that they rarely do help anyone, but you never know. I hope you are sending it Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Sending in that fashion usually makes them open it at least.... :mf_sleep:


Good luck. Maybe Rosa Parks will put in a good word for you....

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Arbritary decisions can cause such pain.... I hope someone can address the problems... and make some corrections to a mal-functioning system...


good luck that you will get a positive response....

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A while back Don suggested we pick a case every so often and have a letter writing campaign like they did in the black hole days. Alex was the obvious choice since he has been run through the wringer the worst of anyone I have ever seen. Alex declined in favor of seeing what new developments in his case might bring. Your case would also fit the bill. I don't think there is a shortage of CFL members willing to join in if you give the go ahead.

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I wrote a long letter to Ms. Harty many months ago pleading for help with my case. Her office couldn't care less about my K-1 dilema.


I believe in Karma; one day those who ignore us will have THEIR pleas fall on deaf ears ....I hope such insensitive and arrogant people will eventually get a taste of their own medecine.

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I wrote a long letter to Ms. Harty many months ago pleading for help with my case. Her office couldn't care less about my K-1 dilema.


I believe in Karma;  one day those who ignore us will have THEIR  pleas fall on deaf ears ....I hope such insensitive and arrogant people will eventually get a taste of their own medecine.


I don't know if I was just lucky or Ms Harty's office took pity on me, but when I sent the letter telling her about the death of Ying's son and my concerns about Ying's well being, she and her assiatiant responsed within 24 hours. If anybody deserves a quick response, both you and Alex do. We need to remind them they work for us, not the other way around.

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