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  1. Well, I got the RFE that I was half expecting, instead of a NOA2. I'm trying to see this as a blessing in disguise... The problem is, the USCIS won't tell you online what the RFE is for - you have to wait for the letter to show up in your mailbox. With that being the case, it spawns a few questions. I expect that they're easy to answer. I have prepared a goodly amount of relationship evidence with my wife. 2 trips there so far, with all the associate plane tickets, boarding passes, hotel receipts, and a lot of pictures. I've put those all in a lengthy doc that tells the story of the visits and time with the family. I've written a EOR letter, and have a year's worth of chat records, email records, money transfer records, etc. I'm hoping that I can send these in with the response for the RFE. But what if the RFE is for something completely unrelated to relationship evidence? Let's say, for sake of argument, that the RFE is due to a hiccup on Yifang's passport photos or some-such. Would I still be able to send in all the additional relationship evidence along with the requested item and have it be accepted? Secondly, once this evidence and/or requested info is sent, does anyone know if they look at it right away, or if we sit for another 5-6 months in the queue? My cheetohs are running low...might have to switch to shots of bourbon...LOL Thanks folks!
  2. My wife and I are petitioning for her parents from China to adjust status. They came here on a visitor’s visa and we decided to file I-130 and I-485 simultaneously prior to overstaying the visa. Regarding the I-485, application for adjustment of status, we recently received a RFE: You have submitted a family census register, family relation register or a notarial certificate. However, the evidence you submitted does not contain the applicant's name. You must submit a family census register, family relation register or a notarial certificate that contains the applicant's name. Title 8 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 103.2(b)(2)(ii) states: Where a record does not exist, the applicant or petitioner must submit an original written statement on government letterhead establishing this from the relevant government or other authority. The statement must indicate the reason the record does not exist and indicate whether similar records for the time and place are available. It must contain the following: A legible seal A legible stamp A signature with a title containing the words: secretary, registrar or births and deaths Prior to submitting the application, we knew there would be a possible issue. My parents in law have no birth certificate, as at that time the Chinese government did not issue them. Long story short, to obtain this document, my parents in law must travel to China to obtain it in person. The catch 22 is that if they travel outside of the country now, the I-485 petition will be considered abandon. Any advice? I plan to call the USCIS customer service line tomorrow to ask some specific questions, however my experience has been this is useless. We made every attempt to obtain the required certificate from the China office before sending the petition. We wrote, signed and notarized several different letters as requested by the China notarial office. Each time we submitted a document to the china notarial office, they requested a more outlandish document instead, saying the letter they requested previously was insufficient. Finally, we submitted with the I-485 all of the letters we had made attempting to obtain the certificate from the china office, along with an explanation of why we could not obtain it, and their Chinese Family Registration Book (and of course a translation of it). Again, catch 22. We can't get the document without appearing in China in person to get it, and we can't leave the US until the request for advance parole is approved or forfeiting the I-485 petition. The last requested document from the china notarial office was a request for notarized letters from the Chinese embassy here in the US, stating that her parents are in the US and request the notarial certificate. The nearest embassy is in Chicago, 500+ miles away. As a family of 6 with a 19 month old and a 3 month old, that is a difficult request. Based on the 3 previous attempts to provide letters, they would then request a more outlandish document to provide the requested certificate. None the less, we will attempt to contact the embassy to see if they could even provide such a document. Frustrated and turning in circles with both governments.
  3. Hello again, Thanks so much for everyone's help so far. I'm getting ready to file our documents for RFE. However I have one last question: my income is from a college, and schools budget system goes with "academic year". E.g Aug 2014 to July 2015 is counted as a year. So there is no way for me to know the exact amount of my income from this Aug to Dec at this point of a year, it's too early... However I have a letter from my office proving that it will only be more than what is was in 2014. So would that be okay if I use 2014's income of Aug-Dec to estimate this years', and attach a letter to explain please? Thank you.
  4. Hello, Thanks everyone for posting all the useful information. I learned a lot for my green card application:) However here are two questions that I couldn't find a clear answer for: 1. For petitioner I-864 part 6 item 13, should I try to separate my husband (petitioner)'s income from the adjusted gross income in 1040 of our joint tax return? I have my name in 6a-c of part 6, but this item 13 seems to ask for petitioner only. 2. The current I-864 is expiring on 3/31/15, so does that mean I have to mail it out before that, if I'm using this current form? Or only the signature date matters please? Thank you in advance for your time and help! Lucy
  5. I was checking my I-129F status on USCIS web site and noticed the following, which has me a little worried: Request for Evidence On May 27, 2014, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case I-129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the requested information. This case will be in suspense until we receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once we receive the requested evidence or information and make a decision on the case, you will be notified by mail. Anyone ever gotten this? I called the hotline and the person on the phone says they do not know what additional evidence is being requested so I have to wait for the letter. The person did mention something about I-797E form. How far will this set me back on my application? I'm a little frustrated,,,
  6. It took like 8 months, but I just got an RFE. I was really shocked and not sure what to do. It states that they want more evidence from the beginning of the marriage, because my evidence was too recent. And more evidence of financial commingling. What I submitted the first time: My lease with both her and my name on it, for our current address. Our car insurance (both names on it) Affidavit from my Dad. Tax record from last year (I used the record I had from TaxTurbo) One or two bills (doctor), to same address but different names (hers and mine, as we are not put on the same bills together). I don't really know what else to provide. We don't have a joint account, as a student they suggested she get a separate one because it would be free. I transfer her money regularly, but I don't know how to really show them that or if they will care. I have two car loans, one for mine and her car, but since she's a student with no credit, I put my name on both, and we didn't bother to put her name there. We have no utility bills in her name. We don't own a house so no mortgage. We are both young. I'm not sure what to do, some ideas that I came up with were: Add as many bills with our address and previous addresses that I can possible find. Just add them all in there. My Dad added me and her as part of his cell phone family plan, maybe I can get evidence we are both under it. Print out my Bank Statements and try to draw some map that shows I'm sending it to her. See if my Health Insurance company can print something that has both our names on it. Call for Tax transcripts from IRS for last 3 years (more than before, and more official being from the IRS?) Pictures of our apartment and things we own? Cars? Clothes? Food?? Add more photos for good measure. Add all the evidence I ever submitted before, so there is records from the beginning of the marriage, before I just focused on our time since we been in USA. I'm really all out of ideas, and I'm not sure any of those are going to really help me! I also don't know if I should be freaking out about this blue letter or not, or if its pretty common. I also don't know what happens after I submit these, what should I do? Should I be considering a lawyer? ~ Freaked out and confused.
  7. Sent in all papers for Affidavit of Support (I-864/I-864A) for my wife's daughter. Got a reply from NVC that a number of mistakes were made. NOT! Each area they said had an issue was right on! Some they said weren't filled out (like where my wife was born, SSN#, etc.) but they were all filled out! They also said the fields that indicated the number of immigrants had to coincide with each other throughout the form (there is only one (1) immigrant) and they did! I of course called up NVC and the woman just said, "Oh it must've been someone new and they made a mistake." So we have to send them all in again even though the mistakes they said we had...we didn't. Another delay. As I said in the subject, sometimes you wonder if it will ever be done. Have a great day!!
  8. "The original affidavit must be submitted and also contain the following information regarding the person making the affidavit: his or her full name and address; date and place of birth" Question. If date and place of birth are not offered in the affidavit letters, will they be disallowed as evidence? I have letters from friends and family (that I gave them copies of sample letters that showed to include this) and they omitted it. My sister put her date of birth and not where she was born. 3 friends have no date of birth or where they were born. Can I write this info on there or have them do it and initial it? They are typed letters.
  9. We're sending in all the info for the RFE we got for my wife's I-130 she sent in for her daughter. Said we needed more proof that she was her daughter. Here's the question. I put in a copy of her daughter's K-2 Visa. Some of you may know but our attorney gave us misinformation and said it was OK if she came over for a visit on the K2 and then after she went back to London for study she could come back to America to take the biometrics and such. So wrong as we now know. Do you think it will be construed as a negative that she had the K2 and then used it and is now applying for the I-130? I explained in a letter what had happened so the USCIS officer can understand, but we're just worried that they might say "WHAT!?" you had a K2 and now you're trying for the I-130?" Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
  10. Ok...wife filed the 130 for her daughter. We got an RFE and they had made a mistake on it and put someone else's name on it. Called USCIS and talked with an ISO. He said just send it back with a letter telling of the mistake and he felt that the RFE was sent because of this. We did so. Got another RFE. It said the same thing the other one did, that the Notarial Birth Certificate for her daughter was not enough proof and that more evidence had to be sent. Here's where we need help. We have a variety of papers that show her daughter's address as the same as her mothers. Many photos that show both of them as they went through the years from birth to present (daughter now 22 years old). We have the Household registry that shows her daughter lives there along with my wife's mother and father. Date listed on the bottom says 2003. We also have a copy of her K-2 visa that she was given and you would think it would without doubt prove that she was her mother's daughter as how else can you get one. Should we send a copy of this with an explanation that our attorney made a monster mistake and said it was OK for her to come to the USA to visit on the K-2, go back to China and then she could come back again when the biometrics were required. WRONG! Long story there. SAid he had done 100 visas and never had a problem. Nuff said. Police records that show she has never been in trouble and her mom's address given as her address. But that's all we have. As some may know, records in China are not that easy to get and when you do they are Notarial and not copies of the original or the original. And of course anything generated for the purpose of resolving RFE's can not be used to take care of an RFE as it suggests you just made them to specifically take care of the RFE. The wife wants to get an attorney. I've been burnt too bad by the last one and also horror stories of otehrs that have had more problems than the attorney was worth. What are you peoples thougths! Thanks for listening! Rosie and Marc
  11. We filed all the paperwork for the permanent green card. I received a letter back stating they need more evidence. I am not sure what more to send. I sent the follwoing: Drivers License, health insurance, dental insurance, photos, affadivits, life insurance, retirement funds, bank acocunt info, and credit cards. The tax return was from 2011 because the 2012 had not been filed, so I can send the 2012 tax return. Since my wife does not have a job, she does not have a credit card of her own. I bought the house long before I met her, so her name is not on the title. Same goes for the cars. I am not sure what to do here. Any help would be appreciated. I only got this letter for my wife..not for my step daughter. Thanks in advance.
  12. Hello everyone, I have been silent for a long time, but I have stopped in from time to time to check up on everyone. My wife Yizhen has decided to file for citizenship, she went to CASL in chinatown Chicago. They helped her to fill out the N-400. My wife thought it would be easier, but she was wrong. They made a big mistake on the very first page, they checked the wrong box for eligibility. They checked box 1, instead of box 2, and we got a rejection notice. Also, they sent copies of our last 3 years of tax forms with w-2's. I have 2 questions, 1. do I just replace the first page, with the correct box checked, or do I send the corrected page on top with a letter of explanation? 2. I have a copy of the tax transcripts, should I use those instead of the copies of my e-filings? and if so do I need to note that somewhere? Thanks for your help, Mike & Yizhen
  13. Thanks to all of you. This forum helped me tremendously. Quick note - We had RFE because I didn't send sufficient info showing a marriage relationship for the entire 2 years of marriage, for example, they mentioned I sent only a few monthy joint bank statements rather than statements covering the 2 years. So I went to the bank and had them print a copies of statements from the time I added Ling to present. Instead of only a few copies of health insurance, assets, etc etc. I sent everything I had covering the two year period which has both our names. If I can offer any advice, it would be get everything possible in both names and keep monthly copies. Ling got her 10 yr GC on the 24th. Such a relief Thanks again, everyone.
  14. Greetings CFL'ers. It's been a long time since I felt the need to ask for advice, or for moral support, from you all. If I had asked for your input last summer, maybe this situation could have been averted. Anyway... So, last August (2012) I mailed out the I-751 form for my wife and stepdaughter to finally receive their 10 year green cards. I was seeing bright light at the end of the multi-year tunnel, and I smugly sat back in my chair and congratulated myself. We waited... Finally, last week a letter from USCIS appears in the mailbox. It did not contain the long awaited 10 year green cards. It contained an I-797E, a letter describing the RFE, and a return envelope. What did I do wrong! The salient point in the RFE explanation letter is as follows: "...the evidence is dated shortly before the application was submitted and does not support the bona fides for the length of the marriage." This is the list of evidence that I submitted with the I-751: Copies of the passports and green cards of Lixin and Ni .Copies of the Social Security cards of Lixin and Ni .Transcript of 2011 federal joint tax return of Kris and Lixin.Transcript of 2011 federal tax return of NiCopies of drivers license for Lixin, and Learners Permit for Ni.Copies of Visa cards and debit cards for joint Credit Union account.Copy of latest joint saving/checking account of Kris and Lixin (Credit Union)Copy of latest joint saving account of Kris and Lixin (Bank)Copy of latest joint saving account of Kris and Ni (Credit Union)Copy of loan agreement for purchase of a vehicle in 2011.Copy of Fidelity 401(K) Beneficiary Summary and Account Summary showing Lixin as my beneficiary.Copies of our Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance cards showing a joint policy.Copy of Ni final student grade report for school year 2011-12.Copies of a few photos of us, from the last two years. As I have been writing this, it becomes clearer to me that I focused more on the period of time that was covered by the original green cards. But we were only married for about six months before the green cards came. There is not a whole lot of evidence to provide from before the green cards arrived. We are feeling pretty low right now. Hope that someone can give us some suggestions... Kris and Rachel
  15. Your case requires additional processing. We will contact you by mail to inform you of our decision when we finish the processing. Is this normal, or do I have cause for concern? The first part of our K-1 application went through surprisingly fast from application on June 4, 2012 to interview in Guangzhou on October 31, 2012. Instead of getting a visa, my fiancée received a blue sheet requesting my last 3 tax returns and a co-sponsor affidavit I-134. GZ received these additional documents the end of November 2012. GZ called my fiancée 3 months later on February 28, 2013 and asked her questions about my previous marriage. When was my previous marriage? (It lasted from May 2003 - April 2011). GZ also said they tried to call me several times, but nobody answered. I checked my phone logs and found no such calls, but there were a couple calls where nobody left a message. I sent an email to GZ the next day explaining that I could not answer my phone while at work, but I would return their call if they left a message. I asked them to call my cell phone late at night (daytime in GZ) and I would be happy to answer any questions they had for me. It is now March 10, 2013, and we have been waiting 3 ½ months for GZ to look at the new documents they received from me and render a decision on our case. In boldface caps on the US Consulate GZ website it reads,” REPEATED EMAILS PUSH BACK YOUR INQUIRY DATE AND CREATE A DELAY IN OUR RESPONSE TIME TO YOUR CASE.” My patience so far has not yielded a visa or a decision. Do you think it is time to start bothering them like back in the BH days of 2002? Or is it so different in 2013 that I can do nothing but wait for GZ to force me to choose between love and country? Surely there is someone else on Candle going or gone through this situation. I welcome any insight.
  16. Well Buffalo looked at Yuan's AOS finally and sent a RFE for more information, sadly we had the whole interview packet with us last Friday when we were there for Infopass. But they could not find the paperwork, here is my list from the reply letter, please check it over and see if anything is obvious that I missed. Dear Sir or Ma’am, Please see the attached pages for the RFE for Bona fide marriage. 1. Copy of Marriage Liscense 2. Copy of Beneficiary page from Life Insurance Policy listing XXXXXX as beneficiary 3. Copy of Insurance card listing XXXXXXX and XXXXXXX as covered members 4. Copies of our Visa cards showing same Account Number 5. Bank Statement from 10-25 (Please note XXXXXXX XXXXXXX is also on this account as he will be handling our business affairs while we will be abroad). 6. Medical Bill from Jones Memorial Hospital for myself and XXXXX. 7. Copy of receipt for payment from Jones Memorial Hospital for my wife and myself 8. Copy of envelope from the Social Security Administration With XXXX's Name and our address showing 9. 2 copies of envelopes from wedding cards. 10. Picture of the first ultrasound of our baby. 11. Picture #1 Yuan and Ross at a neighbors graduation party 12. Picture #2 first visit to Niagara Falls to plan wedding 13. Picture #3,4,5 Wedding pictures 14. Picture #6 outside of restaurant for wedding reception 15. Picture 7 and 8 pictures or my visit to China to meet her family. C Congratulation card from my Aunt and Uncle on our having out first child with envelope showing address and mailing stamp Thank-you for your help as always.
  17. I just got a copy of the RFE they asked for, in it they ask for everything all over again. Which is not a problem but the small envelope they sent will not hold it all but is bar coded for the RFE, I guess I will have to cut the front off and use it on the mail envelope, is this common or has anyone ever had to resubmit eveything all over again for the original application? They even asked for birth certificates of all my children from my first wife who is deceased. Strange as it is almost like all was lost and asking for an original application all over again. Should I include the 1-130 and G325a again? I frontloaded everything so am wondering how they think all this they asked for will fit inside a small number 11 envelope. Thanks in advance Frustrated. Paul
  18. My wife received an RFE for her Removal of Condition. We sent the below initially Check for $590 to the Department of Homeland Security I-751 Form • Copies of the green card, driver license, social security, and student ID cards of (My Wife's name). • Copy of the tax transcripts of our 2009 and 2010 joint US tax return. • A letter from my company of the designation of my benefits to (My Wife's name). • A copy of car insurance notice. (I am excluded due to high cost of insurance) • A copy of our car finance summary, showing joint ownership. • A copy of our Vehicle Registration Card showing joint ownership and common address. • A copy of our Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice showing joint ownership and common address. • A copy of our Mastercard and credit card statement showing a joint account. • A copy of our hotel reservations for our Las Vegas trip in September of 2009 and April of 2010. • A copy of our hotel reservation for our Laughlin, Nevada trip in July of 2011. • Copy of our various casino players¡¯ club cards. • A copy of my credit card statement showing airline ticket purchase for my wife¡¯s vacation back home and class tuition for her college. • 24 pictures of us and our family and friends. The RFE is asking for the exact samething that was sent. We are a young couple and don't have enough money to move out so we do not have a lease or a mortgage. My parents is the typical Chinese that is afraid to sign anything related to the government so me making up a lease or rent agreement is out of the question. We are living at my parents house and do not have a lease or agreements. We are living rent free at my parents. My wife is a full time student so she is not working at the moment. The only thing we own together is a car that we bought that I am currently paying off. I am also paying for her insurance. We have a PO Box and all of my wife's important mail is going there, the only thing we get at my parents house from her is advdertisements like credit card offers, etc.. I am planning to send the what I sent initially and adding tax transcrips for 2011 and some more credit card statements. I paid Bank of America $10.00 to send me a letter about our joint account. My wife did receive a letter from the SSA at my parents house as well as USCIS letters, should I send those as proof that she lives with me? Please suggest what else I should include.
  19. Hello Everyone, I filed my I129F form in March. They received March 2nd. I received an RFE notice May 26th. They wanted more information. They received my additional information June 7th. I checked the USCIS website and it told me that the response could take up to 60 days. Has anybody had a similar experience? Does Immigration really take that long for an RFE? Thank you for your help.
  20. I'm so tired of all of this. Now they're asking for additional evidence for the I-485, although I don't know what it is. Just saw it online when I was checked on the status. I'm supposed to get notified via email asap but haven't got that either. Very frustrating. I put all my trust in this attorney, and all he's done was screw things up. Says the case has been suspended until the information is received.
  21. The day I mailed out the AOS and I-765 package, I was sure everything was there. I came back home and wanted to make a copy of something and soon as I opened up my copier, I saw a photocopy of her I-94 and visa that I had copied earlier. I had grabbed that one to make a copy for her I-765 application as well and just forgot to pull it out of my copier and add it back into the I-485 package. So as I sat there, I dreaded that might give me a RFE for missing that in the I-485 package. However, I thought to myself, well ya know I did include a copy of it, it just happens to be with the I-765 section of the package that was mailed TOGETHER in the SAME package. Well sure enough, I got a nice yellow sheet today. I am not too worried about it because she already has a biometrics scheduled and when I checked the status on USCIS website, there is only a RFE placed on her I-485 case and her I-765 is processing as normal. To us, the EAD card is more important and almost has the same privelages she has been waiting for. Being able to work and drive are the big ones. Anyways!! I am just ranting!
  22. We got an RFE yesterday concerning my wife's AOS and of all things it was for proof that the joint sponsor (my father) is a "United States Citizen, United States National, or Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States." It says, "Submit evidence of the joint sponsor's status." "For more information, see Form I-864, page 3, 'What Is A Joint Sponsor?' For the most current version of Form I-864 including the instructions, go to "Immigration Forms" at http://www.uscis.gov or call (800) 870-3676." I re-read this section and it does not state that I must prove that my father is one of the above. I don't understand why they don't know that he is a citizen from the information we submitted. We sent in his past 3 year's Tax Reports (all meeting the income requirements) and properly filled out his own affidavit of support. We have the same last name which I know doesn't mean anything but it seems like something they would assume, and if it's something they don't assume then why not include this information in the requirements to begin with? It is not specific on what evidence will meet the requirements. But the easiest thing for him to make copies of is his passport. I am wondering which pages (if not ALL?) would be enough. I will also try to get him to copy his birth certificate, but I am tired of asking him for help. Has this happened to anyone else? Anything I could have done to avoid this? Are they "punishing" me for something they don't like about the fact that I am a full-time law student and my father is the joint sponsor? What evidence should I send that will work without question? Thanks.
  23. On 03 October 2008 USCIS received my RFE. They said to expect a response with in 60 days. My question is any one here who had to submit an RFE, how long did it take to hear back from them?
  24. hi, i just came back from China.And i see on the USCIS site,after almost 9 months waiting for an NOA2,now they decide they want more evidence,they said they mailed 5/13 a letter what they will need.I am going to call them tomorrow,but i was wondering,what do they generally ask for in these "RFE" requests.? I know it can probably be a thousand things, but..the curiousity is killing me,what they want. jimi
  25. Hello everybody... I almost feel guilty for only posting when we need help... We received a RFE for Jiening's I751. There is a deadline on it of March 26. I have a post office receipt showing delivery on February 26. So far, there is no record of the data being entered in the USCIS system. It does not show on the website or the automated phone system. I was transfered to somebody with the title of 'Officer' and she told me that I should not expect to see this information online, as I751 receipts are not viewable there. She put me on hold for a minute and came back to tell me the same thing. No record in the system. Normally, I would not sweat this, but we are leaving for China on March 26, the same day as the RFE deadline. My concern should be obvious by now. What happens if we get to the POE at LAX on April 13 and the information still has not been entered? We have the original receipt letter that extends her green card for a year. Will that be enough? Should I worry?
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