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Everything posted by skibum

  1. Why do you need an EAD if your green card should be along soon. Or does it take a long time to get the green card where you are? Would the time to get an EAD be shorter?
  2. We were married in Vegas also and got the certified copy promptly. You may want to callthe county clerks office to make sure they got your request. You did request it right?
  3. Makes me glad I left Dallas and moved to the Denver area. Have no complaints with this office. From the experience of people in the black hole time, Senator Kay will be no help at all.
  4. Funny that after my SO and I had been talking about this subject, we were in my therapist office and a picture in a magizine showed a guy eating with his finger in his mouth up to the first knuckel. It was in Chongqing Trigg, the worst case of westernization occured in Japan where after the occupation, there was no more mixed bathing in Onsens.
  5. Tine, Her 10 year green card came Monday the 28th. Just in time for her to start her Xmas job at Polo. I hope yours is not far behind.
  6. Mike, I was saying that westernize is a good word to use instead of refined which some oeople seen to think has only 4 letters. I evidently struck a cord with this post but does anyone disagree with my first post in this thread? I have the utmost respect for the rural population of China as they are the ones who have provided the tax base for China since the first dynasty and have, with their taxes of grain and silk, supported the many wars that have been fought in China as well as any improvements the gov made. They have reaped slim benefit from their labors. They have suffered with each new regime as they carried out new plans to get more taxes. They are the first to suffer in time of war as the armys come through and conscript the locals. If you read the history of the Long March, you will not believe how many people died along the way - most of them farmers. There was an interesting story on CCTV a couple of nights ago. It showed a village in Guandong. A farmer would hang his produce in baskets hung from a wall. People would take what they needed and leave the right amount of payment. The farmer said that no one has not paid in 3 centurys. This would not happen in the cities where things disappear very quickley.
  7. I thought the couple in the other thread were not married, but I could be wrong. I feel a man is obligated to support his wife where ever she is,but if she is working in China and has been supporting herself, why would she need more money? Sounds like something they should have decided together a long time age.
  8. Joanne, ] I admire you. You are one sensitive woman. I think I miss my in-laws more than my wife does but she does call them very ofter. My wife will become a USC as soon as she can just for the ease of traveling with a US passport. I believe that if you sponsor your parents to come here, you have to agree to support them just like the Americans do with their SOs. It would probably be cheaper to send them money. My in-laws seem to get along well on her pension. It willbe even better when he starts getting his but we have offered to send them money for a trip to Thailand if they can get the visas. Should be no problem as my wife took a trip there. Good luck.
  9. Westernized is good. In the cities I mentioned there has been more contact with the west and so they picked up our ways of doing things.
  10. Trigg is right but there are other cities that you can go to and get refined such as Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou. I can pick a bone from my teeth without putting my hand in my mouth. I guess I am just realy coordinated.
  11. Some of us are more refined. Will you be spitting bones with her when she gets here?
  12. Evcryone should remember that there are basic differences between people who live in the cities and those in the rural areas. In the cities is would be very bad manners to spit bones on the table or floor and it is ok to take a bone out of your mouth with your fingers or chopsticks. I have never seen anyone spitting bones anywhere. When the bone spitters get to the US, they will have to change their ways.
  13. That is even worst than the "black hole". At least then the paper work was already in GZ. A that time, the FBI had lost the names to check and no one in the govt cared until we found the one good burocrat in the whole govt who straightened it out. I bet you get results from your mail as she would have to agree that something is wrong.
  14. These will never go out of style in my home as long as I am alive! She bought 3 dresses when we were in Suzhou, 2 long and one short. Suzhou has a large garment district and if you find the right shop, the dresses are dirt cheap.
  15. My wife is reluctant to wear her long Chinese dresses here. What kind of affair does it take to get your wife in hers? The dresses are definately a part of their culture that should stay with them.
  16. SS asks that you notify them if you will be out of the country for a certain length of time. I don't know why and personally don't think it is their business. Beware that Medicare is probably not going to work in China. It does say there are some exceptions but I did not check into them . My wife has had trouble getting her retirement from the company she worked for. Will try next time she is in China.
  17. Make sure she knows to hand carry the documents and not put them in a suitcase.
  18. Dennis, your second point is very true. When my wife got here she said she liked it so much because she felt free. Not politicaly free but free from the gossip and stuff. From reading the posts here for the past few years, I think that GZ and maybe all of that area is mostly factory workers and farmers. I think that they are more apt to discriminate than city people. Like here, it was usually the poor people who discriminated because they worried abouit their jobs. I still don't understand why the large majority of guys here go looking for a wife in that area. You should check out the women in the cities also. It is nice to have a wife who could speak English, use a western toilet, and not worry too much about what her parents think about her relationship. We have never had cultural differences because we feel the same way about most things. I think that most things that are labeled cultural are actually just the way one family does things.
  19. Merc, before you buy all this, you may want to see if China allows you to bring in fresh food. You could not bring it into the US
  20. The travel agent I used is out of business but I flew KAL and had no trouble getting the return when I wanted it.
  21. I have been able to get an open ended ticket by just asking for it. A round trip should be a lot cheaper than 2 one ways.
  22. Another factor in the time it takes a package to get to GZ is that the consulate is one that is monitored by DOS for the length of time it takes to process the paperwork. At least that is how it was. So, to make the time look shorter, they don't accept the package until they are ready to process it.
  23. Right Tine. And I just realized that it has been 5 years since we met and she still walks on water everyday.
  24. Frank, it does appear that the stamp is good for re-entry but there was a notice there somewhere that it is not good for travel. Since we have no plans to travel anyway, we did not push the issue. If we were going to travel, I would call and get a good answer. Lobster, I think we sent the form in at the end of Aug. and received the approval the end of Oct. There was no interview.
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