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Everything posted by maiyademama

  1. Wow. That may be a little harsh! I think its a good idea to re-read the posting guidelines... I agree that he is over paranoid, and could seriously use a breather and a good rest to pull himself back to more rational mindset, but that's no excuse to treat him this way. What is that all about? Why Pounce? I am sure all of us have been in the position of not knowing who to believe because everyone has a different story...I have been there and it is really aggrevating, not to mention completely consuming.
  2. I am prepping for a divorce with my husband from China. We were married in China, so this is very problematic in terms of establishing visitation (have a child) and the division of assets. I sorely wish that we had gotten married in the US! It would make my life loads easier! If you get married in China you must have the divorce in China unless you don't mind that whenever you do go to China, you will be married in China even if divorced in the US. My recommendation is for you to Marry in the States.
  3. I was asked the following questions: How did you meet? When did you meet? Have you met his family? Do you get along with his family? Do you love him? Have you had disagreements with each other? What kind of disagreements? Are you happy to marry him? That was it... Then they gave us the little red books.
  4. The One Child Policy was enacted in the 1979, not 1970. However, I have to agree that many of the Chinese males I know, (my soon to be ex, chief among them) have peter pan issues. If you ask my husband, a 32 year old, what he wants to do for a living (can't hold down a job), his usual response is, "I haven't thought that far ahead."
  5. HALLELUJAH!!!! Yay, Mari! Finally You deserve every happiness! All the best...don't forget to check in with us from time to time! xoxox
  6. Yeah but I was born after 1AM and I was born in CA time right now its just a bit past midnight Thanks Jason! Oh and Carl you are right this is the first anniversary of my 29th birthday! That's a good one! I will have to use it!
  7. Thanks again everyone! It's nearing midnight here in CA which means the birthday is almost over but techinically I still have another hour since I was born around 1 AM. I came up with my new slogan tonight..."30--the new 20!" Just got back from seeing Revenge of the Sith---Only the second time I have been to the theater since Maiya was born! I have to say it was definitely redeeming and they did a good job of tying it all together...One spoiler though... Padme died too early. In Return of the Jedi, Luke asks Leah of she remembers her real mother, her birth mother, and she says that she remembers some stuff only images and feelings or something. In Episode III Padme dies in birth, so Leah could not have those memories unless Lucas is going to try and argue that she was having a birth memory in ROTJ. In my mind it was a gaping hole. Other than that, I really enjoyed it and thought they did a much better job at portraying the complexities of the characters and though at times the dialogue was a bit stiff, it was a huge improvement from one and two and the majority of the scenes were necessary for the plot unlike all the gratuitous CGI fluff in one and two. Overall I would give it 3.75 stars! Tomorrow we will be celebrating my b-day with a barbeque and so I really get to celebrate my birthday twice...I didn't even get cake today, so I am not being too indulgent here.
  8. Muchas Gracias, Senors y Senoritas! Yep, I am 30! I guess I have to come up with a new little slogan. Last year, I got to say, "I am 29 for the first time!" Now, I guess I can say, "I'm in no hurry, now that I am 30!" As for Roger's beard.... If it as you say, you could shave it now and won't have to worry about growing a 5 o'clock shadow for another 15 years! Whatever Don said the first time, "hippie" could have been accurate, except for the fact that I am half the age of any hippies I know.... I prefer to be called a conscious Gen-X-er B)
  9. ¿ÉÒ»°ìÂÃÓÎÇ©Ö¤£¬µ«ÊÇ°ìÕâÑùµÄÇ©Ö¤²¢²»ÈÝÒס£ http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/visa/c/b1b2.html
  10. Lou! of course he is the only one that can pick it up! Silly I am sure he can pick it up on Friday if not Thursday. Just have him explain the circumstances to the VO. Otherwise, you guys can fly down and get it on Monday...good excuse to hop over to Hainan for a little mini honeymoon since you will be in the vicinity! Don't worry. It will be alright XOX
  11. Your husband should still send in his P3 from the K-3. It will speed the process. Even though they are sending CR1 it will still take weeks for it to get processed and entered in the computer. By that time, you could already have a P4. I also think you should contact your local Congress person and get them to light a fire under GUZ once they do get the P3. Best of luck!
  12. This is the same as the word Sao 嫂 (in Mandarin) meaning brother's wife. Sometimes friends will use this term in reference to a friend's wife as well.
  13. Using tampons does NOT mean you aren't a virgin. In Europe and other Western countries, girls can start using tampons as soon as their period comes, it has nothing to do with virginity. I have several chinese friends that use tampons and a few of them are still virgins. Whenever I ask if they want anything, they always ask me to send tampons and dental floss
  14. That's odd. my Chinese characters didn't show up! Jiemei and Xiongdi are used quite often.
  15. Sister in general is "jiemei" 姐妹。 Brother is "xiongdi" 兄弟 I think
  16. You should try The Web that has no Weaver It will help you understand the many concepts of Chinese Medicine. Cute Story. Your SO sounds like a regular Wang Feihong
  17. Even regulation DVDs, VCDs, and CDs are loads cheaper in China. You don't have to bring back bootlegs. I never had a problem and I am not even blonde I usually take them out of the package and put them in a magazine (carry case) before I put them in my luggage. I like to bring back old style Shanghai advertising posters for soaps and shoes and make up. They make really nice gifts and look great framed in the bathroom or guest room.
  18. Girl talk? Interesting. Maybe someone already mentioned this and I missed it. The reason Chinese tend to stay away from cold beverages in general goes back to sanitation. Tap water is filthy in China and it has to be boiled before it is consumed or you risk illness. Many people just thought it was the cold temp that made them sick, but it is the BACTERIA and other ORGANISMS that exist in unpurified water and water based beverages that causes illness. It is an old wives tale that the majority of Chinese still believe. Periods. Tampons are safe to use as long as you change regularly, and yes you can go swimming. However, it is necessary for the body to cleanse itself and to flush toxins during menstral flow, so many western obgyns advise at least wearing pads at night. Lactation. A wonderful thing! Breast is Best! I know it is cliche but it is true. Did you know that nursing a child is a natural birth control? As long as a woman is lactating, her period won't start again until at least 6 months after giving birth. My period did not return for 9 months (not that I needed birth control ) -- Not getting a period doesn't always mean the same thing as being infertile, so its best to use a backup method even if you are nursing. Lets see... How else can we scare these boys?
  19. What city was this in? I only go by my experience being in Baoding, a 'small' area of 600,000... The jobs are find anything worth it. My SO has left before to find better work and to just be in a different area. But many of her friends had children (although not her), and one did not work. I lived primarily in two cities in China, Xi'an and Nanjing. Pretty good sized cities...5 million + each. I know some people with little education who just run shops and stuff and they married much earlier and had kids earlier, but almost all of my college educated friends are mainly focused on their careers. This goes back to societal differences within China. Furthermore, Chinese tend to have kids on average later than Americans because the legal age to marry is much older in China and having children out of wedlock is pretty much forbidden in China. Here we a lot of teenage moms and a higher rate of divorce which is linked to several factors, but I think one is that many Americans get married to quick when they are too young and haven't even figured out who they are. I would say that a major difference between US and China is that we are much more whimsical and the Chinese are much more pragmatic. Generally speaking.
  20. I tend to disagree.. I think the american women are more career driven... they are having babies later as a result (I think) of wanting to work and develop careers.. then get back to work after the baby. The 'equality' thing was important to many women as well... my 2 cents. You kidding? Chinese girls are very career driven. When I got pregnant in China and told my Chinese girl friends, they all thought I was too young at 28! They ALL asked me if I thought I would regret having a baby before my career really took off. Many of the women getting abortions in China are young professionals who aren't financially set. When we told my in-laws about the pregnany, the first question they asked was if I wanted it!
  21. I am from California and I'm Happa (half Chinese). We have to go through the dreaded Laguna Niguel service center which is notorious for mistakes and slooooowww processing. I did K-3 and it took him 18 months to get the visa. I got the CR-1 approval at the exact same time as he got p4 on the K-3. I would recommend K-1 wait to get married in the US. Good luck! I know another ABC who met his wife in Shanghai. I am not sure where they are in the process but I know his wife was able to get a visitor's visa quite easily. They will be here for a visit next week.
  22. I would have to agree with you, NYViking. All the Chinese Muslims and Christians that I know are very devout and "by the book."
  23. Must be something wrong with your calculator today dear lady... 350 RMB/m2 would be like nothing... Yeah..that is the point. It was a few years ago. Perhaps it was 350 Aus/ square meter...All i know is, it was cheap compared to here. It was a big place with 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge living room, and a big cellar.
  24. My old boss (he is Aussie) bought a flat in Nanjing for about 150,000 Australian dollars. I think the price broke down to something like 350 RMB/square meter. He said the biggest problem was the taxes...Foreigners have to pay a LOT more.
  25. Wow that is way cheap for a year! I lived in a very upscale apartment building with a fabulous city view and I payed 2500 per month...that's 30,000 /year...$3,375/year. 8000 a year hardly gets you $1000 in a year...not a worth while investment.
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