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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Music - well, I like most music. The exceptions would probably be country and rap - both of which I can find a few exceptions in, and can tolerate in small doses. My favorites growing up were "Heavy Metal" - Iron Maiden, Metallica, AC/DC... I'm also a big fan of the older Pink Floyd (before Waters left), Jethro Tull, Steppenwolf. I mainly listen to "alternative" music now - a multi-genere... bands like Better than Ezra, the Offspring, Nickelback... I used to listen to a few Japanese rock bands like Glay and B'z. WE can throw Sarah Brightman in there too just to make it weird. Really I could make a list so long it would only ensure no one would finish my post.


    Movies - I always forget them too quickly to list them. My favorite genre would be horror if 95% of horror movies didn't stink. But ooh, that 5% :ph34r:

    After that, sci-fi and comedy are my favorites. Recently I really enjoyed Spider Man 2. I loved the LOTR movies, after I broke myself of the urge to read the book just before each movie - it really lowered my enjoyment of the 1st one the first time I watched it. I'm looking forward to Star Wars 3, and I'm going to see Alien vs Predator although I'm terribly afraid it's going to suck and destroy my enjoyment of Predator, much as the last 2 Alien movies did for Alien.


    Books - I haven't read much outside of textbooks and internet poop for quite some time, but Fantasy and Horror have always been my favorites. Steven King's "The Dark Tower" books were great. Lord of the Rings is still my favorite - and unlike many I really enjoyed the Simarillion - read it twice in a row.


    TV - well, I don't follow much. I think reality shows are just a sick sad freak show. I think when we just go all the way - make it legal for someone to sign a contract saying it's ok by him if he dies during the filming and start televising gladiatorial combat and death sports then I might tune in. I used to watch Cartoon Network and Animal Planet quite a bit.


    There's a little sample.

  2. I think sending a nice happy fun letter won't impress them, but sending a nasty one would. Most of the people working at GZ are just workers who do their best given what they are given to work with. It's likely whoever sets the policies, makes their funding and manning decisions etc. fault that things are so slow - not the guy or lady who gets to read all of the angry emails.


    So just like in any customer service type job, when you are constantly bombarded with complaints, but you yourself are powerless to do anything about it yet are forced to offer some kind of responce to these complaints you can understand the person becoming hard-hearted and even bitter about it.


    For example: When I was working in a pet store, people often complained about our prices. Some just mentioned "You're a little high aren't you?" some went on tirades lecturing me and quoting every price other stores had, how ridiculous it was... etc etc. At first I apologized, tried to explain I wasn't the one who priced them, assured them I would pass their concern on to the owner (which I did - and he had no interest in lowering them "we're selling QUALITY - price isn't the issue"). Of course, upset customer #29 had no idea that they were saying the same thing that upset customers #1-#28 had said - or that 2 of them had said it the same day. Objectively I should keep that in mind, and when they were polite about it, I was able to remember "This is an individual and isn't responsible for what everyone else has said to me". So I gave them the best polite explaination I could. But when someone was rude... by that point they just might have gotten "LOOK LADY, I JUST WORK HERE!" and what I was really thinking, I shouldn't even put in print.


    I think most of what people say negative about GZ HERE is just us venting because we are surrounded by people who share our frustrations, and should be taken with a grain of salt. From what I've seen most of us are polite, and try to convey our disappointment without being rude or confrontational when actually writing GZ.


    It's easy to get angry and frustrated, but one should use caution in who they vent to. If it's someone who is partially responsible, or someone who is in a position to help you - fine. If it's just to a generic address, it's probably going to someone who can't do much - but has read 60 complaints already that day, and is probably ready to whack a delete button on someone. A petty responce? Maybe. An understandable human reacton - yep. Unfortunately none of us are special little acorns, we're just names and GUZ numbers like the 3,000 others.


    I imagine working in GZ is a nightmare, and despite my situation I can't help but have some empathy for them.

  3. I got stung by one of those big orange wasp/hornets down here in TX when I was 16 right on top of the hand it swelled up so bad I could not see the knuckles then in the middle of the night it went into convulsions scared the hell out of me it woke me up bouncing on my chest. So I stay away from things that sting I will let my 10 year old kid kill it before I go near it, but he always wants to catch it and put it in a fire ants nest.

    I was stung by one of those Japanese Cicada Killer wasps. We call them Bell Hornets around here (another illegal alien). Maybe it's the same thing? Stung me in the cheek when I was 12. MY whole face was swollen, and I still have a red mark and a lump. I've been a little chicken around bees ever since.

  4. I can answer a few of these:


    1. Yes, you should pay the fingerprint fee. My application for my ex wife was returned to us, because we did not.


    2. Not positive about this one, but I think applying by mail is best.


    4. Technically you should get new photos, but if you both look the same, and they're undated I suppose no one would be the wiser. Still, you can get them done cheaply, so why not?


    5. Pretty much any licensed physician in the US is acceptable.

  5. Jason Puppy,


    What the hell is a "brown recluse"  ~?

    Despite having to respond to "Jason Puppy" <_< I'll tell you.


    It's this neat little brown spider that if it bites you causes the flesh around the bite to rot off, usually leaving a scar about the size of your fist. Also there is an occasional allergic reaction which causes a condition (I forget the name), where every bruise or scrape you get after that causes a similar rotting of flesh.


    Other than that little side effect it's not usually as toxic as a black widow, but the antivenin isn't as effective or readily available.




    one link


    I find the distribution map on the link inaccurate, as I personally know 2 people who were bitten in Virginia - one who had said fist sized scar. I also had the joy to catch a half hour special in my hotel room in Orlando a couple of years ago outlining several cases of bites in Florida... which went on to tell of that allergic reaciton.


    Sleep tight :P

  6. Respect the difference, My MM has no religion I was born and raised Baptist, but I don't really believe in Religion, only in God.

    Pretty much the same as me. I was raised Methodist, but I don't trust or believe in organized religion anymore. My mom's side of the family is still very religious but we have no problems as a result.

  7. After reading blsqueaky's reply to another post, I became curious about this. Neither Jun or I are particularly religious, so this is not an issue for us, but I was wondering how one would cope with it.


    No doubt at least some of you are strongly religious, and almost as likely several of you who are have fiancees and wives who are not. How have or how will you deal with this issue. I'm sure each couple would have their own way, but I'm interested.

  8. Thank you all for your replies and assistance, I do feel very proud of belonging to this special group of people.  My update: I called my lawyer and she suggested me not to send the forms from the candle as she understands that one or more of them come with a bar code referencing our case number.  Have you guys seen this?  Anyways I called DOS and they said GZ resent the P3 to the new mailing address on July 2 (same day I faxed them).  I asked if the P3 could be picked up at the Beijing embassy, they said no, only at GZ.  Next step will be to wait until the end of next week and if not received by then, I will call the extension numbers given by Mark and ask if a family member could go to the consulate for it.  Thanks again and my prayers are with all of you waiting for P4's.

    hmmm... that bar code thing is interesting. My lawyer pre-filled P-3 forms for Jun, and said just to inspect the ones GZ sends, and as long as the form hasn't changed to just mail off the ones he pre-filled.


    Has anyone else sent in P-3 forms from a source other than the ones mailed from GZ? Any problems as a result?

  9. Enight is right...kids don't come first.  They are too stupid and naive to know what's going on.  A healthy relationship consists of husband/wife - mother/father - children.  When the husband and wife have to settle for the unrealistic/immature needs of children, they are doomed to fail.

    Of course. If you base your romantic choices on "I hate your girlfriend daddy" and it's not because she's mistreating them, but just childish selfishness, then yes that's stupid.


    But if you're willing to consider "I can't accept your kids, honey. They aren't OUR family. Let's ship them off to their crackw#@re mom in Florida" then that's beyond stupid. :P

    shrrr.....honey. since we don't have kids....maybe we can't really put ourselves in their's position. so .....let those who has kids be arguing....shrrrrr........ ;)

    lol if I only had opinions on matters where I had personal experience, then I'd have to be quiet a lot more often. :P couldn't have that! :(

  10. Enight is right...kids don't come first.  They are too stupid and naive to know what's going on.  A healthy relationship consists of husband/wife - mother/father - children.  When the husband and wife have to settle for the unrealistic/immature needs of children, they are doomed to fail.

    Of course. If you base your romantic choices on "I hate your girlfriend daddy" and it's not because she's mistreating them, but just childish selfishness, then yes that's stupid.


    But if you're willing to consider "I can't accept your kids, honey. They aren't OUR family. Let's ship them off to their crackw#@re mom in Florida" then that's beyond stupid. ;)

  11. Oh... and if you ask Jun a puppy would be a bad comparison, because dogs are family members too ;)  She will be bringing Mily with her.  Luckily she won't need a visa :(  I'm suprised the USCIS doesn't want to do a name check to make sure Mily hasn't violated some puppy visas - or been in the Canine communist party...

    You have done the research to make sure this is all right? It probably is not easy. Might need your immigration lawyer to look into it. I'm not kidding. I would not be surprised if this is really difficult.

    The US requires a recent health certificate to show the dog has no illnesses, and usually requires no quarentine. United will allow a small dog as carry-on for $300.

  12. I've already named Jun as my beneficiary on my life insurance policy. Dental exam is #1 priority when she gets here (sorry honey :lol:). The will etc will be done after we're together.


    Oh... and if you ask Jun a puppy would be a bad comparison, because dogs are family members too <_< She will be bringing Mily with her. Luckily she won't need a visa :unsure: I'm suprised the USCIS doesn't want to do a name check to make sure Mily hasn't violated some puppy visas - or been in the Canine communist party...

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