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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Should I ask why you were writing Jun's mom at 4:30 in the morning?  


    Actually, I had stayed up after talking to Jun until 2 am to Finnish going over all of the pre-filled P-3 forms, I was going to send her, then wrote her dad a letter, was writing her mom a letter, she would have been next, then I get the call about the P-3 arriving... no point in mailing it now. Oh wait... that was a joke wasn't it? :rolleyes: Sorry, didn't sleep much...


    you could be looking at Thanksgving in the US with Jun.


    You too John!


    Hey! John can spend Thanksgiving with his OWN fiancee!!! B) :lol: :)

  2. Jun just sent me an SMS at 4:30 AM to call her. I was still awake, writing her mom a letter actually. I wondered what it could be about, and she was so excited. Her mom had called her at work to tell her the P-3 had just come in the mail!!


    I was just about to mail her filled out P-3 forms tomorrow, so now I have to just send them to her via email so she can fill the forms out herself, but I'm not complaining!!! We really weren't expecting them until mid August.


    So now we can get in the Queue for the P-4 a little earlier than I thought, which is good seeing how at least for now the wait seems to be growing exponentially longer with every 2 weeks that goes by. I'm still praying that she can get her interview before Christmas. That would be so wonderful.


    Well, I'd better get to sleep now... yeah right...


    Signature... Updated!!! :angry: :D

  3. "My ex went to college in Michigan when I was stationed in Maryland, and I would drive out there 3 weekends a month."


    Wow!  How far is that??

    527 miles each way.

    That's a heck of a drive. Did you do that for long?

    August 1998 - December 1999. After that, I was here in Virginia from December 1999 - September 2000, and drove up there every other week (650 miles each way). I put just over 100,000 miles on my truck from August 98 - August 2000.

  4. I think there are two elements that can provoke reactions.  One is the interracial thing, which I haven't found to be much of an issue, at least not yet (but my wife is not here yet.)  The other is the meeting someone online and flying halfway around the world to meet and get engaged to/marry her thing.  I find that that part does tend to throw people a little.  But whatever.  It's my life to live, not theirs.  Anyone else have thoughts on that aspect of it?

    When I went to see Jun, I took my vacation two months before I was technically entitled to it. I didn't tell our owner my reasons because he's kind of a "fatherly type", and I worried he would be inclined to turn down the request thinking he was doing me a favor by preventing me from acting "too rashly".

  5. Once, in a post some months ago, I posted a few very insulting comments about people looking for a bride overseas. Of course it was being used to show how ridiculous stereotyping in general can be by pointing out one that none of us would agree with, and would all find offensive.


    Funny thing is, when I was younger I actually believed that. My uncle (Dad's youngest brother) was socially inept. Very shy, few friends, at 28 had never even been out on a casual date. He started ordering "mail order bride" catalogs. I was very condesending about it. So I developed the opinion that that sort of thing was the actions of the desperate, looking for some foreign woman who primarily saw them as a meal ticket.


    When she first arrived in the states, and often had fights with him about money, almost leaving him more than once, I saw little to change my impression. But over time, they worked through their problems and developed a strong marriage, have 2 beautiful children and are very happy together. My whole family loves her, so I realized I was judging too harshly.


    By doing this though, my dad's side of the family who were a bit suspious of interracial relationships (be they Americian of foreign) had already got past their prejudices long before I ever dated an Asian girl.


    My ex wife was Japanese, so at this point no one in my family thinks anything of me dating interracialy. Though my grandmother on my dad's side did say something that made my skin crawl once. "Well, at least she's not black. I don't know if I could accept that." That was insulting on 2 levels 1 it implied "Well, she's not white... but at least she's not..." and on the other level I would have no compunctions whatsoever about dating someone who was black, but now knew that my grandmother would be looking down on it.


    My mother when I was a child always took great pains to make sure I was color-blind I think. I can't ask her about it, because she passed away before I was an adult. I do remember though, that I didn't even realize that asians were considered a seperate "race" until I was nearly a teenager. She had some interest in Japanese artwork, and it led to my interest in the language. As a teenager I wanted to visit Japan, or teach English there one day, and had many pen pals there.


    When I joined the Air Force, Japanese wasn't an option so I took Korean as my language, and my area of study. Given all of this, my family is not suprised at all though my dad was a little shocked that I would enter into another long distance relationship after having spent years and a lot of money in another one. My ex went to college in Michigan when I was stationed in Maryland, and I would drive out there 3 weekends a month.


    As for Jun, I'm not positive how her family sees it. Maybe I should ask :D I know they like me, but I never really asked their reaction specifically to the "race" question. I do know that when she was still looking online, she talked to someone who was half Japanese, half Chinese briefly and her father's reaction was "NO JAPANESE!!" I also know that the idea of actually having a relationship with caucasian had never really even crossed her mind until not long before we began talking. Maybe she can post here and be more specific.


    Well, I've rambled and babbled enough I think. What was my point? Oh yeah, my family is fine with it. They just want me to be with someone who makes me happy, and an interracial relationship is not something new to my family, or to me. In Jun's family it is something new (well as far as caucasians are concerned), but while I see they have no problem with it, I'm not sure about their EXACT or INITIAL reactions. I think basically, they only want someone for her who will love her and make her happy though. Well, as long as they aren't Japanese... :P

  6. I agree with that!

    ROFL :lol: ... oops wrong thread. For a moment I thought we were back in my top 10 list. Sorry.


    Yeah, it COULD provide balance, in theory anyway. I'm willing to bet that in respect to Trigg's little challenge though, "Birds of a feather flock together" is the more correct one. Actually, not so much willing to "bet" as willing to "state" seeing as how I wouldn't actually bet anything, and I'm too lazy at the moment to even type it into Google.


    Psychology -- common sence? Hmmm.... not quite the description I would have used. :P

  7. I'm doing my best and have chatted with Cliff about this before.


    I'm running win2k with zone alarm pro firewall and norton antivirus which is catching all of them. I run ad aware 6.0 which you can get updated file deffs to, spybot search and destroy, hijack this, and a new one that was rated highly by zdnet spy sweeper and one other in their review aluria's spywatch... geeez!


    This is like triple locking the door lock to your car so you can open the door and undo the ignition lock!


    But ok if it is just trolling for email addys that is one thing... but why the viruses? Just for no other reason than to be a pain in the neck?


    i have noticed some days I'll get like 20 emails and all of them are viruses.. and other times it is all spam and I usually use mailwasher pro each morning when i have the most email to thin it out and hopefull bounce back to them so no more from them.. that is running today 65 email 23 good ones..:D sigh



    23 good ones? I'm lucky if I get 2 :D :P

  8. True, but when you leave the keys in the ignition of your Ferrari, who's fault is it when it isn't on the street corner you left it?


    Simple, the thug who took my momentary absent-mindedness as an invitation to take what didn't belong to him, and then likely lead the police on a 90mph chase through residential streets, assault the cops when they catch him, and then sue them for "police-brutality" and racism....

    I see both sides of this. One is to make sure you aren't an obvious target. Leaving your keys in insured he picked YOUR car. But that also doesn't make criminals. The blame is on the guy who jumped in and stole it.


    If I saw a car on the street corner with keys in the ignition, I wouldn't steal it. No law abiding citizen would.


    So to apply it to the original argument - yes these programs need to be more secure. But often we sacrifice functionality for security, and it's a damn shame that we have to. Hackers will ALWAYS find a way in. We don't create criminals by being vulnerable to them. But protecting ourselves will help make sure it's the "other guy" not us who gets targeted. The main goal is still to stop the criminals. I don't want to have to live in an iron house with bars, wear kevlar in public, and drive a car that will only start if I give a DNA sample just because "hey it's my fault if I don't protect myself". We shouldn't be at THEIR mercy or be THEIR prisoners.

  9. If we all buy from Cananda, who will fund the research on stem cells that John and others may need??? 


    Assuming that by Cananda you mean our northern neighbor, and not some small Caribbean island I've never heard of... :P sorry couldn't resist...


    The stem cell question will be a moot point anyway if we don't undo the damage already done in the form of laws hindering that research. See? I can lean to the left too!! :P

  10. first of all if you read the post it never states that she forgot. I believe that she thougt they only wanted the divorce papers to prove that she was not married. She did not believe that they were asking for all prior marriages at the time they did the I-129F. He states she does not want to lie to the question how many times were you married. It does not sound like someone who is trying to decieve anyone. More like an honest mistake and if it is explained this way it should not be a problem. I would try to correct it. So it does not become a major issue in the future. Best of Luck! I hope this does not slow down your case. Jim

    Except for the part where she neglected to mention to HIM that she had been married twice.

  11. When I was being recruited into the Air Force, my recruiter asked me if I had ever smoked marijuana. I said no. He said "Now if you have it's ok". I said no again. Then he said "Ok, but IF you're lying for some reason - whatever the reason - now it's the truth. At some later stage they will ask you again, and tell you it's ok if you said no before. It's not."


    I hadn't, so it was no big deal. BUT during my initial screening for my security clearance while I was still in basic, they sure enough asked everyone. "Have you ever used any illegal substances? As long as you admit it now, it will be ok. It will be taken into consideration that you were honest." Well, someone's concience was eating away at him and he admitted he had done marijuana a couple of times, and hadn't disclosed it when he was recruited. They kicked him out. Boom.


    The point? The government will not tolerate dishonesty. And when you look at all the BS reasons they turn down petitions, giving them a good reason is something they won't pass up.


    I'm not asking you to lie. I couldn't do that in good consience. But I will say, that if you DO disclose the divorce at this point, I'd give 10-1 odds that your petition will be denied.


    Now... I'm not a lawyer and I COULD concievably be wrong - but I doubt it.

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