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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Well, the only "Communist Threat" I was interested in, is one of the few real remaining ones. Not anyone to Us, but North Korea to South Korea.


    My comments were not from experience. They were my conclusions from seeing that "Are you a commie?!?" question on the fiancee's application. :P


    I just think that old ingrained ways of thinking die hard. I mean, when I was having an initial interview for my Security clearance - before any of the paperwork... they actually had a civilian adjucator ask me (amoung a great many other things) if I had ever had oral sex!! The reasoning? According to the UCMJ (and the laws of many states) oral sex is classified as sodomy, and is illegal. It's an indicator of my morality, and thus how well I could be trusted. While my answer (dur, I was 20) obviously didn't disqualify me, the fact that it and many other equally ridiculous things were asked, is just another example of how these things die hard.


    And with the government seemingly looking for any reason to excuse being slow, "extra security checks" for these communist and former communist countries, while they should be outdated and unnecessary are probably kept alive.

  2. I believe it's a little bit of several of those. I think the perception of "mail order brides" is a part of it, but it seems to me (and perhaps it is because I'm not as experienced in this matter) that fiancees from the Phillippenes, Thailand, etc do not have as hard a time as China and Russia.


    I think the 2nd factor, is that there are still those in our government who are still looking for "THE RED THREAT". ummm... cold war's over guys.


    I mean... on the form for the fiancee, regardless of country, it asks "Have you, since age 16 been a member of the communist party?" Does it ask if you were in Al Quaida? Hamas? The Arian Nation? The Southern Baptist church? Nope. Only the big bad scary communist party.


    Who gives a $#!7?? Lots of Americans are in the communist party, and we don't blacklist them... err... anymore. I hate to try to sound like I think I can set policy for our big thinkers in the DHS, but.... I think the threat from a Chinese woman who joined the communist party at the age of 17 at the insistance of her high school teacher probably isn't as much of a threat as someone who might have joined certain OTHER orginizations... you know like the ones who have actually attacked us on our own soil within the last 50 freakin' years.


    Anyway, I think the presence of that question says much about our gov't's outdated attitudes twoards former and current communist countries. The reds aren't gonna invade, guys... move on.

  3. Yeah, his co-sponsorship only means he's financially responsible for her to an extent. It gives him no rights over her whatsoever, and he cannot retract his sponsorship, have her deported or anything like that. So you can tell him to take a flying leap if you want to. He has no power at all. Only responsibility.

  4. Thanks again guys! Carl I think she will love the lines.....its good practise for Disney world! HAHAHA Wait in a 4 hour line for a 5 min ride! HAHAHHA

    Doesn't Disney have those "Advance Ticket" thingies now? Get a ticket with a time that lets you skip to the head of the line when you show up? hmmm.... maybe Guangzhou could use those.

  5. Honestly, I wasn't too stirred by it. It's terrible that anyone has to go through that, but many of the peoblems he had could have been solved by 20 minutes of research on the internet. G-7, Candle, Lawyer's websites, "how-to" websites, even the USCIS homepage could have answered 90% of the questions that came up and got him well down the right path and saved him several agonizing trips.


    Maybe it was only because I had some previous experience with immigrations, and had worked for and with government agencies before... but when I first considered applying for a visa my first thought was "What am I getting into?" and I went straight to the internet.

  6. Way to go Jason!!! Take your good news and run!!

    I can't go to your site!  Let us know when its up!

    It's up now, but I think it has periodic issues. It's free space through my ISP, and as such not incerdible reliable. I think when I make a post that several people see, and several people click the link, it goes kaput. I think it might also not work in certain areas. Jun has yet to be able to access it.


    I let my Domain Name expire several months ago, because I wasn't using it. Perhaps I need to buy my own again. I just didn't think I had anything worthwhile to do with it then :unsure:

  7. I was pretty amazed. Yeah, the average time I had been seeing was 40 days. Back in late January, when I was first looking at what was involved in filing, I did see VSC had processed several applications in 14-15 days, but didn't expect it to happen.


    Of course it doesn't raise my hopes any higher regarding the consulate... two totally different animals, as you all know. The only thing it has got me hoping is... originally, looking at the AVERAGE amount of processing time, I knew there was little hope Jun could be here by Christmas. And if she had missed Christmas, then even if she had got her interview before Chinese new year, she would have stayed the extra few weeks to spend it with her family. But now, there is a chance it could go through before Christmas, which would be very very nice.


    That's probably the last time I'll mention hoping for that though... some evil force bent on my demise may be listening... :unsure:

  8. NOA-1 was May 21. I just received an email from USCIS VSC.




    The following is the latest information on your case status


    Receipt Number: <deleted by me :)>


    Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)


    Current Status:


    This case has been approved. On June 1, 2004, an approval notice was mailed. If

    14 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to

    verify or update your address. To update your address, please call the National

    Customer Service Center at (800) 375-5283.


    If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status

    results listed above, or if you have not received a decision or advice from

    USCIS within the projected processing time frame*, please contact the National

    Customer Service Center.


    National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283.


    *The projected processing time frame can be found on the receipt notice that

    you received from the USCIS.

    *** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.






    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)


    I knew VSC was supposed to be fairly quick, but dare I believe it went through in 11 days?

  9. Every stage is a mile stone, Congrats,The only thing better then blue thingies is updating your timeline!!


    Now if updating your timeline could only be as easy as getting more blue thingies, eh? :P


    Uh, yeah... An important step.


    Does it still have an estimated time on the NOA1? Remember that is only for BCIS.


    Good luck for a speedy and smooth process.


    ---- Clifford ------


    Yep, estimate is 30-45 days. One neat thing on my lawyer's website is it shows the status and wait time of something like the last 30 approved applications to the VSC by his clients, and all pending ones. The last few have taken about 30 days, the average from the last 30 is 40 days. So hopefully I'll fall in there somewhere :)

  10. I just got the I-797 NOA in the mail today, dated May 21. It's only one of the first baby steps down a long road most of you know well, but I'm glad to be moving. I almost feel silly posting it when the big news is P-3's and P-4's right now, but I can't help but brag any time I get to update my timeline :) :) :D


    Everyday I'm one day closer.

  11. For the I-134, you both fill one out. For your father, he has to show he could support your fiancee AND you. Basically, if you don't meet the required income level, then his will have to show he can support the both of you.


    I went this route too. My father is my co-sponsor as well. In my case, I did it as insurance, since my current income is acceptable, but last year (as shown on my tax records) I was a student, and it was not.

  12. When you buy the watermelons, please send Jingwen the seeds.  She can't seem to get enough of them to eat. :huh:

    OK Frank, we have just finished planting the graden and have several watermelon plants. I'll tell Fang Ling and she will stuff all the fish she is going to give Jingwen with melon seeds.

    Not as weird as it sounds. There's a great recipe for trout where you grind up walnuts with pepper and stuff the fish. I might want to try it with yellow croaker (Jingwen's favorite fish) and melon seeds.


    Who knows? I've had weirder things. Which reminds me. During dinner one night Jingwen informed me that I ate dog while in Zhanjiang. :lol: What? Never. Yes, yes yes. When? At mama's house. :blink: Are you sure? :blink: Yes. Lost my appetite and drank scotch for dessert.

    Scary... luckily I never had to try dog. Jun used to own a pet store and breed dogs, so she thinks eating dog is cruel. That was one thing her ex mother in law used to complain about, how she would never cook dog for her son.. :P I nearly tried it when stationed in Korea though. One of the Korean army guys I worked with was showing a couple of us around Suwon, and had planned on taking us to try dog... luckily we didn't have enough time. :P


    I told Jun I would try anything but internal organs of any sort. I regretted making that my only rule after being offered scorpions on a skewer by a vendor on wangfujing. I was tempted to try it... almost did, then this older Japanese man in front of me orders one. The Chinese vendors keep saying "Oishii! Oishii!" ("It's good" in Japanese). The Japanese guy tries it, then says "Oishii janeyo!" Makes a face at his friend, and walks off. I decided to pass :P

  13. Hi and welcome. I'm from Roanoke - other side of Virginia.


    Oh, and for your signature... you have to close the tags. For every tag you have at the beginning, have another one at the end with a "/"


    [ B ] [ I ] example [ / I ] [ / B ] without the spaces of course

  14. Why not put some of our time into composing a letter which covers all these points, pass it along to the members and ask that we all send a copy to our officials and perhaps a state close by that does not have members.


    That sounds like a good idea to me. Anyone who has wrote a letter in the past, want to post a generic version for us to look at and bang out a "form letter" of our own?

  15. Well, many of you may already be aware of this, but I wasn't. I posted in an earlier thread about how I was worried about a package I had sent to Jun 16 days before not arriving, while one I had sent 8 days before was there. Well, when she went to the post office to pick up the one that had arrived, she asked about the other one. It had been sitting there for 9 days. They said they had been unable to deliver it.


    The reason? When I filled out my customs form, I apparently didn't bear down hard enough, and the address was illegible. Apparently, they don't deliver the package itself, only the recipt, and then the person has to come to the post office to pick it up.


    Now, the address on the PACKAGE was printed in big letters, using a printer, in Chinese characters and fully legible. Apparently that didn't matter, only the recipt mattered.


    I find that a bit backwards... you'd think being unable to read the recipt, they would think "Hey, how about that HUGE address written on the box itself?" but apparently it doesn't work that way.


    Needless to say I wil make sure I BEAR DOWN REALLY HARD when filling out my next customs form.

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