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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. Yeah, but the last batch only covered about half of April's, and the batch before that only the butt end of March, and about half of April... so if they will go from the butt end of april all the way through May 26 in the next batch... that would be like a 1-1 ratio... not catching up necessarily... but a hell of a lot better than the past few months! :)

  2. I brought Jun's dad a bottle of Crown Royal.  Funny thing was he has picked out a bottle of Chinese liquor for me because he didn't know what to get.  So we had an alcohol exchange.


    For her mom, I got a pearl necklace.

    Jason, So let me get this straight... Jun's dad is passed out in the bedroom :wacko: and you gave her mom a pearl necklace? :o

    OK, So where was Jun when all this was going on? Shouldn't you have given the necklace to Jun instead? :D Don't know if we all needed to know that, but thanks anyway. :)


    Seriously though, I did the same thing Frank did in the other post post. (Coughed up the $1K.) Most of the $$$ went back into the wedding party anyway. The wedding party was a great time and I already knew that a dowry was part of the wedding tradition. (Just didn't know how much $.)


    I made a mistake and joked with my wife about how cheap she was to buy from her parents. "I got a great deal, I would have paid $2K. :D :P :) "


    Ouch!!! :blink: It wasn't funny to her though. I got lit up pretty good for that one. :P :o


    PS. J, just kidding about the necklace bro. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :unsure:

    :ph34r: man oh man... I thought someone' mind might go into the gutter with that one, but I didn't think anyone would speak it. Thanks alot man, now I'll probably have to explain what you meant to Jun... :wacko:


    Nah, it's cool... I'll just have to keep my eyes open for an oppertunity to appropriatly pay you back :P

  3. I don't think there is a III out?

          Later, Michael Perez

    I could have sworn I saw it announced. Maybe I confused it with Hero. Isn't there going to be #3? Love the show so far.

    No #3, but Quentin Tarintino (sorry if I butchered the spelling) has mentioned the possibility of making a sequel in 15 years. Yep... 15. When they daughters of "The Bride" and of Vernita Green would be grown up, and Vernita Green's daughter may come for vengance for her mother's murder.

  4. This is so 1950's cold war era junk...


    Not "Been a member of a terrorist orginization", but "Been a communist".... eeek the big bad reds are marrying our sons, to bear them children and run back to their motherland to raise commies with birthright to US citizenship to be spies!!!!


    Sorry... You're looking for useful info, and I'm just complaining. But I understand your feelings. I think that whole "communists need not apply" thing needs to go.


    Yep, equality of race, gender, religion, creed, color, national origin... except commies! What a crock.

  5. I am Sorry I did miss something. I was refering to getting visa's for our wifes and girlfriends. Not trying to illegally enter Hongkong or go to Austrailia to work. Please explain to me then what involvement the Chinese Government has, in the visa process that we are all going through? I have not heard of one situation were they have interfered in this process. Here again if I have missed something along these lines please tell me.

    Exactly. If you have missed something, I think we all have. You and I were talking about family visas. I think Eeyore is being much more broad. China basically has nothing to do with the process we're involved in to my knowledge, exept perhaps if the visa recipient is under a government contract, active military, criminal, etc. Which isn't what we were talking about.


    As far as I know the whole process slowdown, the examination of papers and records in excruciating detail, etc... is all the US side. I doubt the Chinese government is even aware of who all the applicants are during the bulk of the process (unless a name kicks up some kind of flag or something).

  6. I am as yet uninitiated into the horrors of dentistry. Three of my wisdom teeth came in no problem, one is just hanging out and playing it cool. No cavaties ever (I was a Crest kid :lol:). Of course now that I've said that... When Jun and I go to the dentist, maybe they'll find more in my mouth than in hers :P

  7. Maybe I missed something, but I don't see the Chinese government doing anything except waving good bye.


    If that were the case then why do people have travel to Hong Kong illegally to try and live only to get arrested in Hong Kong and taken back to the main land? If it were so easy to get out of China just to go Hong Kong people would not get arrested because they would have the necessary paperwork. Although it is true that getting to the states is harder than going to other places. I know of a Chinese person who was trying leave China to go to Australia to live and work and were denied based on their job title alone, the were considered an asset and were given a refusal, they are only an office worker. The Chinese government does not just wave good by, neither does the Russian government.

    Depends on the visa catagory.

  8. I DID want to add though, and anyone who has seen earlier posts by me will know I have said this before... I don't so much blame the individual workers in the GZ embassy. I have no doubt their plate is overfilled, and they are busting their asses for a thankless job. And no, I wouldn't want to be stuck in their shoes.


    That doesn't justify the system leaving it that way though. If something is broken, it needs to be fixed, yes? My biggest gripe is the majority of attention the media and government gives to immigration issues concern the rights of illegal immigrants, the terrorists, etc while we are largely ignored. Priority is given to tourist, business, and student visas (which in China's case are processed in many embassies) while we get bumped to wait for them. In all those other cases - it's a foreign national applying for a US visa. In our case, it's a foreign national AND a US citizen. So shouldn't our citizenship give us priority? Isn't our government supposed to be for US first?


    And yeah, I flew off the handle a little. But I think we're all entitled once in awhile. That's another thing that's good about this site. Sympathetic ears... (well for the mostpart) people who understand our frustration. Then I can go out and jump through all the hoops with somewhat of a smile.


        Why are you so mad Your time line is much shorter than most.. And lets be real This is not only for you but all of us. We have to look at the reality of the situation. Almost everyone met there partner on the internet and within afew months went to China for a week or two one time and now they are married or going to get married. I know if something happened to the person Petioning, that is the so called Love of a lifetime to the person in China. That In most cases within in a couple of months and maybe only a couple of days they would be back online looking for that once in a lifetime Love again. Do they love You or the opportunity you represent. And the same for the person here if something happened to that  person in China and they would not be coming. How many would be online that day or the next Looking again for that once in a lifetime Love. It has to be hard to believe by the people working in the embassy that all these internet relationships could be totally sincere. Just look at the facts and You might see a little more clearly why all petitions are not just passed. I know in some cases There is a deep and true love between the two, but to just assume this would be ridiculous. sURE IT IS A LONG HARD WAIT!! But for those who really Love each other its worth it You can have a lifetime of happines together. So Shut up and wait. And for the ones who are not willing to wait maybe they should not be together.

       One more thing, one Embassy in China to process all these petitions, the most populated country in the world and the amount of people wanting to come here from there growing everyday how could they keep up. Maybe it would be a better idea to throw away all the Regulations and just let them all come right now.   NOT!!!!!  

        Sorry if this pisses off a lot of people I do not like waiting either it is very difficult I Love Mei very much and talk with her on the phone everyday This site is here to help people to get the right information to bring thier loved ones here and maybe make the wait a little more bearable. Sometimes we have to try to be a little more understanding. I know most Chinese women want A very understanding man. What if You or I was the one working in the Embassy. With thousands of petitions to process. And Emails and letters and phone calls everyday asking what is going on what is taking so long why is this or that not done yet. HELP!!!!! I just don't know. One thing I do know I will wait and at some point we will be together and that will be the best day of my life until the next day and that will become the best day in my life. and then the next day get my point. THANKS EVERYONE

    I did not mean all relationships are automtically valid... I meant those of us with legitimate relationships, trying to do this legally as opposed to the kinds of cases the article is about... how does making up "required" things on the spot (notarized passport, video, etc) fit in with that fair filtering out of bad relationships. It's not their job to determine if it will be sucessful, or how deep the commitment is anyway, only if it is real.


    Not just about me? Yeah, my timeline thusfar is pretty sweet. I'm more pissed for all of the people I have come to admire and respect here that are going through much worse than me... and yes for myself as well - let's face it - I'm me, so I can't help but be concerned for myself whether or not I've been waiting as long as person A or person B... and I can see by the way the interviews are slowing down exponentially by the time it's over I will have done my fair share of waiting.


    Guangzhou is NOT the only embassy processing large numbers of K visas, and China is not the only country with applicants... yet they are by far the slowest.


    And I won't make snap judgements about other people's relationships. PERSONALLY I would NOT be right back online looking for another relationship. I would be beyond devistated. To Jun I do not represent "oppertunity" she's scared of coming to the US - she has a good life in China, and she's giving it up for me.


    I've got every right to be upset whether I have waited for a year, or for a month. So does anyone else here.


    Shut up and wait? LOL If I responded to that how I wanted to, this thread would be locked and deleted. But thanks for the advice, pal.

  10. Trafficking by Marriage Brokers Called Serious


    I read this article this morning. You have got to be kidding me? Just more fuel for the fire. Sometimes after reading some the posts here, after reading the visa procedures and getting jerked around by my lawyer. (The Visa is at a complete halt until the A%$ H*#@ :lol: gets back from vacation with his wife. I rcvd no RFE or NOA2, it's got to be in his PO Box.) I get a really discouraging feeling. It makes for a lot of stress.


    My wife and I are still happy to talk to each other everyday. We both stay cool about things, although we have our moments. We've only been married 3 months. We have known each other for a year, next month. Our relationship is still strong and we are both committed to our marriage. It's not always easy to talk about. Friends and Co-workers Know I got married. They ask me about married life and I reply that it will take about a year for us to be together in the US. (At the rate we are going so far I think it could take 2.)


    Friends ask "why can't she come over for a visit?" or "why does it take so long?". News articles like this are a very big part of the reason why. Either we need to be protected from the terrorists or (in this case) we are the terrorists that try to beat the system. I don't need to have a terrorist slow me down, :) I hired a lawyer to do that for me.  It's a lose-lose situation, but my wife and I still remain committed and optimistic that it will all be worth it when we are together for good.


    I'll try to put some sort of timeline together soon. I was happy to put the NOA1 on my fridge when I got it. Unfortunately, it's gonna stay up there till Adam gets back in a few weeks. I want to take it down now.


    Today is valentines day in China and my Lao Po got her flowers. She's very happy and it's always great to talk to her when I get bummed. Like the words of the great "Joe Dirt" said, "You just need to keep on keepin' on". I will or I could end up in an institution somewhere.


    :) Wo fon za ‰ä¥á†‹¶“I (kidding... :lol: )


    :DWo yao de ai lao po.:wub:

    While this sort of thing is a problem (much more so in other countries than in ours, but still...) which SHOULD be dealt with, the fact that it gets the news, and our problems are hardley given a second thought that sickens me.


    The public and the majority of the government see the "seedy side" and the terrorist threat, and get it all crammed down their throats... kneejerk reactions, poorly thought out regulations, witch hunts... and all of us AMERICAN CITIZENS with LEGITIMATE RELATIONSHIPS are expected to just bear and accept all of the crap they feed us. I can't say we're expected to take it silently, because basically they don't mind letting us bitch and moan because they ain't listening. We've been trivialized, victimized, and mostly just ignored. The fun part is there's not a damn thing we can do about it either.


    I never took a bullet for this country, but I did once swear to give my life in it's defence. Much of my faith and belief in this country I developed while in the military actually. I was one of those that joined for the educational benefits - but I quickly took on a different perspective. I however, never remember agreeing to this kind of abuse. And it really is abuse. You love this woman? Well you can marry her and bring her to the us WHEN and IF we say you can!! How long? Can't tell you - shut up and wait! Oh, you forgot to put an x in block 114(e)(29)F!!!! RESUBMIT!!! Wait she might be a terrorist... let us just make sure she's not for your safety... How long??? Man you're nosy citizen!! Shut up and wait!!! Oh look, you have all the papers we asked for for the interview! Good. But we forgot to mention you need.... THIS!!! What? Not in writing?? Big deal... shut up and don't come back without it!!! Oh... you brought it... well we need to ummm... process it... don't call us, we'll call you! Yeah, yeah, I know... shut up and wait.... I gave some good years to the government. It doesn't mean shit. I'm just a code number... an annoyance... an excuse for another "damn foreigner" to avoid immigration quotas... I should be thankful for the scraps I get... right??? Well FUCK THAT!!


    sigh... the only thing worse than being pissed off, is being pissed off and knowing you're powerless to do anything about it. I'll bitch and moan... then Jun will finally get her visa and I'll say "Thank you, sir" and move on with my life leaving a new batch of poor wretches to struggle through the ever-thickening red tape.

  11. I called DOS at about 4:15 PM yesterday. I was prepared to be on hold forever, booted off the phone system, etc... but they got to my call in less than 3 minutes! :blink:


    I was told that GZ had entered the returned P-3 into the system on August 6. Does that mean that no second namecheck was done, or does that happen after it is entered into their system?

  12. I was raised Christian - Methodist. Jun was taught Atheism. I think now, I could best be described as "Diest"(though I'm not sure how to spell it :P), Jun "Agnostic". Both kind of grey area non-religions which overlap somewhat.


    I do agree with Scott that if two people are of different religions (especially if they are devout) it could possibly be disasterous to a relationship.


    My roommate when I was in the military, met a girl online when we were in Korea (from his hometown no less), and they began a long-distance relationship. Religion never really came up. Both of them were raised catholic, but he was agnostic. Several years later when they had been engaged for quite some time, and planning marriage - she brought the subject up. She had become somewhat more devout, and was worried for his soul and wanted him to "come back to the church" as it were. He tried to blow it off, but it kept coming up more and more and causing bigger and bigger arguments until finally they called off the engagement.

  13. Well, GEEEZZ Trigg,


    Since you will be relatively rich.... What about the guest houses ~?!?!  


    Hell, I'll buy dinner ~!  :lol:

    Ya know, we had a feeling we would have lots of company--friends family etc.... We have talked about it and at the cheap prices for housing we will get a place with a few extra rooms. Hmmm , you buy dinner--I gotta find a real expensive place then. Of course CFL folk will be welcome--well most of ' em anyway.

    Going out on a limb and assuming I'm in the "most of em"... I hope :P


    Can Jun and I come? huh? huh? can we? can we? :lol: :lol:


    I'll buy the booze!! :P

  14. Hi Gang,

        Thanks for all the help. And the people who Emailed me with Email addresses and Phone numbers it is much appreciated. Well I just got off the phone with Linmei for about an hour. We went over the papers One Question and answer at a time and its all done. I am confident it is all right. The P3 will be sent sack io Guangzho tomorrow morning since She is now at work. I am sure she will contact some wifes and fiancees. About the passport and police certificates. Thanks again I could not be happier right now. I choose to be very positive. I believe that our papers will move very quickly through the rest of the process. You know when evereything just seems to go wrong like a lemon car. but other times when nothing goes bad  a car that never breaks down not even a flat tire. The oppisite of A lemon. Well I believe No break downs or Flats in the future for our application. For some unforseen reason the rest will go by Quickly and smoooothly no hitches. I just have the strongest feeling that soon we will be in each others arms.


      The best of Luck to all Jim And Linmei

    Congratulations!! Only one big hurdle left! I'm right there with ya. Best of luck :blink:

  15. This morning I heard all the news about the threat of  terrorist attacks  on our soil.  I'm worried because  such  events would probably delay the  immigration process  as they did on 9/11.


    Am I thinking too much??  Do any of you feel ther same way?

    You are right. It probably would affect it. I've worried about it from time to time, especially with the high profile of the elections... as likely a time for an attack as any.. and knowing that Jun will not be here by then.


    Then I scolded myself a bit for being so worried about that, and decided to worry instead for the loss of thousands of lives that would occur during such an attack. Whatever hardships I and Jun would endure as a result would pale in comparison to the nightmare so many innocent people would be plunged into.


    So I'll hope something like that does not happen again for that reason above all. And yes, for my personal reasons too. Moreso, I would hope that if something like that did happen, they wouldn't have as much of a "knee-jerk" reaction in holding up ALL visas for months and months and months. Aah yes, those young female Chinese terrorists... just waiting to get over here and mop our carpets and hang their panties on our luxury cars' side mirrors!!!! Oh the humanity!!! :rolleyes:


    IF something like that resulted in a black hole, I would relocate.



    But... I also agree with Trigg. It's too easy to "if" yourself to death. Best to just stay focused and plug on.

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