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Posts posted by Jeikun

  1. It's not who you think it is. Trust me.

    OK Don. How you can know this is beyond my comprehension, but newcomer, hang out for a while and learn who everybody is before you get so emotional. Most of us are dealing with high levels of stress. Just like you.

    Admins can see your IP address. ;)

  2. Just who the **** is this Enight? Another gold digger, I am sure.... Beware everyone.

    You talk awfully big for someone with 2 posts to your credit.

    I think it is probably the meanest "welcome" note to a newbie in this forum by someone with 264 posts. :)

    Hey Newcomer. Don't take it too hard. Your first post was a rather negative one - a few feathers were bound to be ruffled.


    Hop over to the "Our Stories" section and introduce yourself, I'm sure you'll get a proper welcome. We can all just drop this little misunderstanding. We're all here for the same reasons, after all.

  3. Guess I got lucky. I stayed in Jun's apartment in Beijing. The stairwells of the building were so dirty, if I brushed against the walls, I'd have to wash my shirt. And yet... I drank the tap water (granted not much)... ate food from street vendors, pretty much gave no care or consideration to potentially getting sick. And didn't. I really don't care to limit my experience for fear of becoming sick. If you do, you do - often whether you tried to avoid it or not.


    *** One exception though, and something I would like to recommend to ANYONE considering a trip to China. Many people worry about things like SARS, Bird-flu, and other diseases made infamous by the media. But you are far less likely to catch either of these, as you are Hepatitis. If you will be returning to China, get innoculated against Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B. They are practically a pandemic there. You might just feel like you have mild flu, then be fine, or you might be bedridden for months or worse. The vaccination is simple and inexpensive. Get it. ***

  4. I would like to add though... regarding the story's validity. What American teacher in China would pay some girl 30,000 yuan a month to date him?? That's like $3,650 US!!!! A MONTH!!! I mean, unless he's filthy rich, has no other means to attract women, and is just teaching English in China for fun... or maybe she accidentally put an extra zero in there.... does this sound like BS to anyone?

  5. if you look at her website, you will see she has done a lot to help other Chinese women waiting for their visa, including providing webspace for them.


    It's generally a very welcoming community here, and pretty rare that we see a "problem member" (and they usually don't stick around very long.)


    Went to her website, yeah she's promoting her bussiness here. I don't think you would like to see people doing that often in this community, wouldn't you?


    I am new here but not a "problem member"! I said what I thought about her based on what she wrote in this thread and that's about it.

    No, no newcomer... you took me wrong. I was not suggesting you were a problem member. Just telling you enight wasn't, and you likely won't see many here.


    Also one of the links was to a professional site. The other was to the personal one. But I see both were removed.


    And yes, garagegodness.. the post could be fake. But such things do happen, so discussing the situation itself whether this particular story is true or not is still valid. If it were a guy doing this same thing, it would be equally wrong.

  6. Whether it makes sense to us or not, it is a fact that many many Chinese seek to come here illegally. Whether through visa fraud, or other means. Many of them paying what to a Chinese person could be several years salary for the oppertunity.


    Maybe it's the fairy-tale of the streets being lined with gold and everyone being rich. Maybe it's problems they have with their personal social situation, or the government. Maybe they have family or a boyfriend they wish to join here but can't legally. There are as many reasons as there are people who do this.


    This also brings up something I have thought from time to time. We often are incredulous in wondering why it takes so long, or more information is requested when we (the American) feel we have shown beyond a doubt that we are serious about the woman, and not playing the system. But don't forget, they are not only looking at you. Many Americans, sadly ARE honest about the relationship, but are also unknowing dupes and victems of a cruel con. They have to be convinced the relationship is valid from BOTH sides. No, this doesn't always excuse what they do... but remember they aren't just scrutinizing us. Ideally, it's for our own protection. Yes, I trust Jun completely, and you all trust your fiancees and wives completely, but so did most of the people who were conned. We're involved romantically, so the trust is required. The government is (ideally) impartial, so it is their job not to trust, but to determine to the best of their ability.

  7. Just who the **** is this Enight? Another gold digger, I am sure.... Beware everyone.

    Enight is one of the original members of this site and a regular poster. She is already Married and in the US - and if you look at her website, you will see she has done a lot to help other Chinese women waiting for their visa, including providing webspace for them.


    I don't always agree with her. As a matter of fact, in this case I COMPLETELY disagree with her. But she's an honest and opinionated person and willing to give help to people who need it, especially on 001.


    Relax a little and get to know everyone. You'll find a lot of useful information and support here. It's generally a very welcoming community here, and pretty rare that we see a "problem member" (and they usually don't stick around very long.)


    That being said, Kim makes a good point. The 90 days is not provided to "make up your mind", though it CAN be used for that. The 90 days exists because a fair time frame to get married in has to be allowed.

  8. Well, a K-1 visa is called a "fiancee" visa. Fiancee means someone who you are engaged to - and you have to submit a statement saying it is your intent to marry within 90 days, so yeah it is kinda required you be engaged prior to requesting that visa.


    But your other point is valid. Gossip can be an ugly thing. Of course she also posted it on a public messageboard and in doing so opened herself up to public scrutiny and opinion.

  9. it isn't nice to post someone else's personal message in a public forum without this person's knowledge,


    ...and I don't see anything wrong that she (Helen Wang) does.


    tell me... what's wrong with her? before anyone settle into marriage, isn't she/he has a right to make a choice?


    ... or is it a bad thing to do to accept gifts from admirers?


    ... ask yourself before blaming the others... do you chatting; dating; keep relationships with more than one women/men before committing in marriage?

    But enight... they are in the K-1 process which means they are ENGAGED... and unless I'm a retard in the ethics department, engaged people should not be seeing other people. Dating multiple people should be done with by the time you have become engaged. Also, even if dating, I would never date more than one person without everyone I am dating knowing.


    If this guy is sitting in the states just waiting for her visa to come so they can get married, and she is dating someone else, and he is in the dark... that isn't "playing the field" that's deception pure and simple.


    If she wants time to date other people, she should tell him - freeing him to do the same. And even if they remained engaged... that would be in letter only, not in spirit. Engagement is monogamous. period.

  10. Ok Tony. I don't agree with you about that comment, but I do believe in preserving the peace here so I won't press the issue further.


    I just generally do not take well to having a bible wagged at me, or being chastised for asking someone to pray for me, as if it was done out of selfishness. There are things I have not posted here because they are private matters, but I can assure everyone it's not about "me". Maybe I reacted too strongly, maybe not - but I do not apologize.


    However, bringing more "negativity" onto this board was not my intent. If anyone feels I have, then I WILL apologize for that much. I have often attempted to be a voice of reason here when tempers were flared, maybe I wasn't as sucessful as I had intended, but I would hope all of you who know me know I am not a hateful person.


    that's all.

  11. Ummm... guys. This is a question of English language.


    #1 Definition of whore from miriam-webster: 1 : a woman who engages in sexual acts for money


    Taking 30,000 yuan to sleep with someone qualifies I think.


    Did I make a moral judgement? Did I attack the behavior? No. Many others did. I mearly used a WORD.


    Bigguy, you yourself used the word "prostitute". The definition is essentially the same. 1 a : a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse especially for money


    Actually, looking at both definitions, "prostitute" looks even worse.


    I offered no condemnation as such, nor advice. Only my take on the unknown person in this story. And IF THE STORY IS TRUE... IF... then the word is an honest one.


    So, sorry guys I don't see it.


    Bigguy33... If you had read more of that same post of mine you referred to, or some of my many others, you would see I do not consider myself a Christian. So quoting the bible at me isn't going to make me see your point of view. I think you are taking a little too much exception with what I wrote, and reading too much into it.


    Tony... do you really think that policy applies to my statement? I don't think it was either an attack, or personal. It's not personal because this person is completely anonymous and for that matter maybe not even real. It's not an attack because it was merely an accurate term to describe the behavior of this anonymous person. A whore takes money for sex. It's pretty cut and dry. And why weren't you quoting CFL policy when the rumpus room was falling to pieces and people were gouging each other's eyes out? Kind of a funny time to suddenly start caring isn't it?

  12. Gerard,


    Sorry for the news.  I hope she didn't marry you for the green card.  Unless you abuse her, I don't see how she can get a green card without you.

    Unless her English and job skills are good enough that she can use the EAD to get a job that will sponsor her in the USA on a work visa.


    But yeah, as for a permanent resident (green) card. Unless she is divorcing you on grounds of abuse and it stands up, they will NOT give her one.

  13. Our livers convert the alcohol into another substance which can be eliminated from the body... but that substance makes you sick, being far more toxic than the alcohol itself. There is a certain genetic condition. It causes your liver to metabolize alcohol very efficiently and quickly. Which results in you eliminating the alcohol more quickly... but also becoming much more sick much faster. It is fairly rare in Caucasians but very common in Asians and Native Americans (I forget the exact percentage... something like 1 in 7 if I remember correctly). Even without the specific condition, asians tend to metabolize alcohol a bit more quickly than caucasians. Maybe this is why there is more of a tradition of eating with alcohol there... it slows absorption through the stomach lining... also, more bitter, stronger tasting alcohols tend to make the passage from the stomach to the small intestine clench up further slowing absorption... maybe this explains their "wine" too :huh: :huh:

  14. Jun always says "If I can drive in Beijing, driving in the US should be easy." While I'll admit that though I'm a pretty seasoned driver here, and would NOT get on the road in Beijing not even to save my own life (might as well die in the comfort of my own home)... I'm not sure how well it works the other way around. I think a lot of the driving tactics learned to survive there have to be "unlearned". That and the fact that the lines, signs, lights, etc. aren't open to interpretation. Seems like in Beijing red means "stop if you feel like it", the white lines are decorations, and the signs are there to slow your car down if you go off the road. :rolleyes: :D


    I'm sure she'll do fine though ;)

  15. THANK YOU everyone for the responses!!!  She was really stressing about this, and I'm glad that y'all could help put this concern to rest.


    BTW, Don, I still remember something you said ... "as the interview approaches, one tends to imagine every possible thing that might go wrong, and it starts to drive one crazy."  I think I'm getting around that point. :D



    Hey, PJ... update that timeline! :P That way we can worry with you ;) I know you posted the date before, but my memory is lousy :D

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